#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True {{ ansible_managed | comment }} version: "2.4" services: droneci: container_name: {{ droneci_container_name }} image: {{ droneci_image }} restart: {{ droneci_restart_policy }} {% if droneci_exposed_ports | default([]) %} ports: {% for port in droneci_exposed_ports %} - {{ port | quote }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if droneci_volumes | default([]) %} volumes: {% for volume in droneci_volumes %} - "{{ volume.name }}:{{ volume.dest }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if droneci_networks_applied | default([]) %} networks: {% for network in droneci_networks_applied %} - {{ network }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if droneci_extra_hosts | default([]) %} extra_hosts: {% for host in droneci_extra_hosts %} - {{ host | quote }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} privileged: true environment: - DRONE_SERVER_HOST={{ droneci_host | urlsplit('hostname') }} - DRONE_SERVER_PROTO={{ droneci_host | urlsplit('scheme') }} - DRONE_AGENTS_ENABLED=true - DRONE_RPC_SECRET={{ droneci_secret }} - DRONE_USER_CREATE=username:{{ droneci_admin_user }},admin:true {% if droneci_user_filter is defined and droneci_user_filter | length > 0 %} - DRONE_USER_FILTER={{ droneci_user_filter | join(",") }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_repository_filter is defined and droneci_repository_filter | length > 0 %} - DRONE_REPOSITORY_FILTER={{ droneci_repository_filter }} {% end %} - DRONE_LOGS_COLOR=true - DRONE_LOGS_PRETTY=true - DRONE_TLS_AUTOCERT=false - DRONE_DATADOG_ENABLED=false - DRONE_DATADOG_ENDPOINT=dummy - DRONE_DATADOG_TOKEN=dummy - DRONE_PROMETHEUS_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS={{ droneci_prometheus_anonymous_access | bool | lower }} {% if droneci_db_secret is defined %} - DRONE_DATABASE_SECRET={{ droneci_db_secret }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_db_type == "pgsql" %} - DRONE_DATABASE_DRIVER=postgres - DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE=postgres://{{ droneci_db_user }}:{{ droneci_db_password }}@{{ droneci_db_server }}/{{ droneci_db_name }}?sslmode={{ droneci_db_ssl_mode }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_scm_provider | lower == "gitea" %} - DRONE_GITEA_SERVER={{ droneci_gitea_server }} - DRONE_GITEA_SKIP_VERIFY={{ droneci_gitea_skip_verify | lower }} - DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID={{ droneci_gitea_oauth_client_id }} - DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_SECRET={{ droneci_gitea_oauth_client_secret }} {% elif droneci_scm_provider | lower == "github" %} - DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID={{ droneci_github_client_id }} - DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET={{ droneci_github_client_secret }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_http_proxy is defined %} - HTTP_PROXY={{ droneci_http_proxy | join(',') }} - http_proxy={{ droneci_http_proxy | join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_https_proxy is defined %} - HTTPS_PROXY={{ droneci_https_proxy | join(',') }} - https_proxy={{ droneci_https_proxy | join(',') }} {% endif %} - NO_PROXY={{ droneci_no_proxy | join(',') }} - no_proxy={{ droneci_no_proxy | join(',') }} {% if droneci_memory_limit is defined %} mem_limit: {{ droneci_memory_limit }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_memory_reservation is defined %} mem_reservation: {{ droneci_memory_reservation }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_volumes | default([]) | rejectattr("bind") | list | length > 0 %} volumes: {% for volume in droneci_volumes | rejectattr("bind") %} {{ volume.name }}: {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if droneci_networks | default([]) | length > 0 %} networks: {% for network in droneci_networks %} {{ network.name }}: driver: {{ network.backend | default("bridge") }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}