#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True # {{ ansible_managed }} version: '2' services: droneserver: image: {{ droneci_server_image }} ports: - {{ droneci_server_exposed_port }}:8000 - 9000 {% if not droneci_postgres_persistence_enabled %} volumes: - droneserver-data:/var/lib/drone/ {% endif %} restart: {{ droneci_server_restart_policy }} environment: - DRONE_OPEN=true - DRONE_HOST={{ droneci_host }} - DRONE_SECRET={{ droneci_secret }} - DRONE_ADMIN={{ droneci_admins | default(omit) | join(",") }} {% if droneci_pass_ca_enabled %} - DRONE_VOLUME={{ droneci_ca_path }}:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt {% endif %} {% if droneci_postgres_persistence_enabled %} - DRONE_DATABASE_DRIVER=postgres - DRONE_DATABASE_DATASOURCE=postgres://{{ droneci_postgres_user.name }}:{{ droneci_postgres_user.password }}@{{ droneci_postgres_server }}/{{ droneci_postgres_db.name }}{% if not droneci_postgres_tls_enabled %}?sslmode=disable{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if droneci_gitea_enabled %} - DRONE_GITEA=true - DRONE_GITEA_URL={{ droneci_gitea_host }} {% if droneci_gitea_git_user is defined %} - DRONE_GITEA_GIT_USERNAME={{ droneci_gitea_git_user }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_gitea_git_password is defined %} - DRONE_GITEA_GIT_PASSWORD={{ droneci_gitea_git_password }} {% endif %} - DRONE_GITEA_PRIVATE_MODE={{ droneci_gitea_private_mode_enabled | lower }} - DRONE_GITEA_SKIP_VERIFY={{ droneci_gitea_skip_verify_enabled | lower }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_http_proxy is defined %} - HTTP_PROXY={{ droneci_http_proxy | join(',') }} - http_proxy={{ droneci_http_proxy | join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if droneci_https_proxy is defined %} - HTTPS_PROXY={{ droneci_https_proxy | join(',') }} - https_proxy={{ droneci_https_proxy | join(',') }} {% endif %} - NO_PROXY={{ droneci_no_proxy | join(',') }} - no_proxy={{ droneci_no_proxy | join(',') }} droneagent: image: {{ droneci_agent_image }} command: agent restart: {{ droneci_agent_restart_policy }} depends_on: - droneserver volumes: - {{ droneci_docker_socket_path }}:/var/run/docker.sock environment: - DRONE_SERVER=droneserver:9000 - DRONE_SECRET={{ droneci_secret }} # TODO: temp static value, needs to be replaced by a custom fact - DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.26 {% if not droneci_postgres_persistence_enabled %} volumes: droneserver-data: {% endif %}