#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True {{ item.short | default(item.name) | capitalize }} {% if item.description is defined %} {{ item.description }} {% endif %} {% for tag in item %} {# Settings which can be used several times #} {% if tag in ["interface", "source", "service", "port", "protocol", "icmp-block", "forward-port", "source-port"] %} {% for subtag in item[tag] %} <{{ tag }}{% for name, value in subtag.items() %} {{ name }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}/> {% endfor %} {# Settings which can be used once #} {% elif tag in ["icmp-block-inversion", "masquerade", "forward"] and item[tag] | bool %} <{{ tag }}/> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for rule in item.rule | default([]) %} {% for tag in rule %} {% if tag in ["source", "destination", "service", "port", "icmp-block", "icmp-type", "masquerade", "forward-port"] %} <{{ tag }}{% for name, value in tag.items() | default({}) %} {{ name }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}/> {% elif tag in ["log", "audit", "accept", "drop", "mark", "reject"] %} <{{ tag }}{% for name, value in tag.items() %} {{ name }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}> {% endif %} {% if tag.limit is defined %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}