
106 lines
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2019-10-02 13:48:03 +00:00
freshrss_version: latest
freshrss_service_directory: /var/lib/docker/services/freshrss
freshrss_container_name: freshrss
freshrss_image: "xoxys/freshrss:{{ freshrss_version }}"
freshrss_restart_policy: on-failure
freshrss_exposed_port: 61000
freshrss_extra_hosts: []
# freshrss_memory_limit: 512m # defaults to not set
# freshrss_memory_reservation: 256m # defaults to not set
# freshrss_cpu_shares: 1024 # defaults to not set
# freshrss_http_proxy: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_https_proxy: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_no_proxy: # defaults to not set
freshrss_cap_add: []
freshrss_cap_drop: []
freshrss_security_opt: []
# freshrss_pids_limit: # defaults to not set
2019-10-02 21:37:12 +00:00
test: '["CMD", "/usr/local/bin/healthcheck.sh"]'
2019-10-02 13:48:03 +00:00
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 5
freshrss_default_user: "admin"
freshrss_default_password: "freshrss"
# Salt is used to make crypto more unique.
# Can be generated with e.g. cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'
# freshrss_salt: # defaults to not set
# Specify address of the freshrss instance,
# used when building absolute urls, e.g. for websub.
freshrss_base_url: "http://localhost/"
freshrss_language: "en"
2019-10-02 21:37:12 +00:00
freshrss_title: "FreshRSS"
2019-10-02 13:48:03 +00:00
# freshrss_meta_description: # defaults to not set
freshrss_allow_anonymous: "false"
freshrss_allow_anonymous_refresh: "false"
freshrss_auth_type: "form"
freshrss_api_enabled: "false"
freshrss_unsafe_autologin_enabled: "false"
freshrss_simplepie_syslog_enabled: "true"
freshrss_pubsubhubbub_enabled: "false"
freshrss_allow_robots: "false"
freshrss_allow_referrer: "false"
freshrss_limits_cookie_duration: "2592000"
freshrss_limits_cache_duration: "800"
freshrss_limits_timeout: "15"
freshrss_limits_max_inactivity: "10800"
freshrss_limits_max_feeds: "16384"
freshrss_limits_max_categories: "16384"
freshrss_limits_max_registrations: "1"
# freshrss_curlopt_ssl_verifyhost: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_ssl_verifypeer: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_proxytype: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_proxy: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_proxyport: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_proxyauth: # defaults to not set
# freshrss_curlopt_proxyuserpwd: # defaults to not set
## comma-seperated string, extensions must be installed!
2019-10-02 21:37:12 +00:00
- "Tumblr-GDPR"
2019-10-02 13:48:03 +00:00
freshrss_postgres_ssl_mode: disable
freshrss_postgres_ssl_rootcert: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
freshrss_postgres_server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
freshrss_postgres_port: 5432
freshrss_postgres_superuser: postgres
freshrss_postgres_password: postgres
name: freshrss
lc_collate: en_US.UTF-8
lc_ctype: en_US.UTF-8'
encoding: UTF-8
template: template0
login_user: "{{ freshrss_postgres_superuser }}"
login_password: "{{ freshrss_postgres_password }}"
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to not set
port: "{{ freshrss_postgres_port }}"
# owner: # defaults to not set
state: present
name: pgfreshrss
password: freshrss
encrypted: 'yes'
# priv: # defaults to not set
# role_attr_flags: # defaults to not set
db: "{{ freshrss_postgres_db.name }}"
login_user: "{{ freshrss_postgres_superuser }}"
login_password: "{{ freshrss_postgres_password }}"
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to not set
port: "{{ freshrss_postgres_port }}"
state: present
freshrss_iptables_enabled: False
- name: allow_freshrss_web
rules: |
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport {{ freshrss_exposed_port }} -j ACCEPT
state: present