--- freshrss_version: latest freshrss_image: "xoxys/freshrss:{{ freshrss_version }}" # @var freshrss_base_url:description: > # Specify address of the freshrss instance, used when building absolute urls, e.g. for websub. # @end freshrss_base_url: "http://localhost/" freshrss_service_directory: /var/lib/docker/services/freshrss freshrss_container_name: freshrss freshrss_restart_policy: always freshrss_service_stopped: False # @var freshrss_networks:example: > # freshrss_networks: # - name: default # # optional network driver, defaults to 'bride' # driver: host # @end freshrss_networks: - name: default freshrss_networks_applied: - default # @var freshrss_volumes:description: > Define required docker volumes. # @end # @var freshrss_volumes:example: > # freshrss_volumes: # # Instead of the name you could specify a path on the container host system, # # but you also have to enable bind mount for this volume # - name: data # # target location inside the container # dest: /var/www/app/data # # enable bind mount, if false volume will be configured as named volume # # keep in mind you MUST set bind in any case # bind: True # @end freshrss_volumes: - name: data dest: /var/www/app/data bind: False - name: extensions dest: /var/www/app/extensions bind: False freshrss_exposed_ports: - "" freshrss_extra_hosts: [] # @var freshrss_memory_limit: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_memory_limit:example: $ "512m" # @var freshrss_memory_reservation: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_memory_reservation:example: $ "256m" # @var freshrss_cpu_shares: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_cpu_shares:example: $ "1024" freshrss_cap_add: [] freshrss_cap_drop: [] freshrss_security_opt: [] # @var freshrss_pids_limit: $ "_unset_" freshrss_healthcheck: test: '["CMD", "/usr/local/bin/healthcheck"]' interval: 30s timeout: 5s retries: 5 freshrss_default_user: "admin" freshrss_default_password: "freshrss" # @var freshrss_salt:description: > # Salt is used to make crypto more unique. You can generate your own salt with # e.g. `cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'`. # @end # @var freshrss_salt: $ "_unset_" freshrss_language: "en" freshrss_title: "FreshRSS" # @var freshrss_meta_description: $ "_unset_" freshrss_allow_anonymous: "false" freshrss_allow_anonymous_refresh: "false" freshrss_auth_type: "form" freshrss_api_enabled: "false" freshrss_unsafe_autologin_enabled: "false" freshrss_simplepie_syslog_enabled: "true" freshrss_pubsubhubbub_enabled: "false" freshrss_allow_robots: "false" freshrss_allow_referrer: "false" freshrss_limits_cookie_duration: "2592000" freshrss_limits_cache_duration: "800" freshrss_limits_timeout: "15" freshrss_limits_max_inactivity: "10800" freshrss_limits_max_feeds: "16384" freshrss_limits_max_categories: "16384" freshrss_limits_max_registrations: "1" # @var freshrss_curlopt_ssl_verifyhost: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_ssl_verifypeer: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_proxytype: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_proxy: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_proxyport: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_proxyauth: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_curlopt_proxyuserpwd: $ "_unset_" # @var freshrss_extensions_enabled:description: > # List of FreshRSS extensions to enable. Extensions must be already installed! # @end freshrss_extensions_enabled: - "Tumblr-GDPR" freshrss_db_type: sqlite freshrss_db_server: localhost freshrss_db_port: 5432 freshrss_db_name: freshrss freshrss_db_user: freshrss freshrss_db_password: secure # @var freshrss_db_ssl_mode:description: This variable is only supported for `pgsql` DB type. freshrss_db_ssl_mode: disable # @var freshrss_db_ssl_mode:description: This variable is only supported for `pgsql` DB type. freshrss_db_ssl_rootcert: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt