# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2014, Mathieu GAUTHIER-LAFAYE # Copyright (c) 2016, Matt Harris # Copyright (c) 2020, Robert Kaussow # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) """Dynamic inventory plugin for Proxmox VE.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ name: proxmox plugin_type: inventory short_description: Proxmox VE inventory source version_added: 1.0.0 description: - Get inventory hosts from the proxmox service. - "Uses a configuration file as an inventory source, it must end in C(.proxmox.yml) or C(.proxmox.yaml) and has a C(plugin: proxmox) entry." extends_documentation_fragment: - inventory_cache options: plugin: description: The name of this plugin, it should always be set to C(proxmox) for this plugin to recognize it as it"s own. required: yes choices: ["xoxys.general.proxmox"] server: description: Proxmox VE server url. default: "pve.example.com" required: yes env: - name: PROXMOX_SERVER user: description: Proxmox VE authentication user. required: yes env: - name: PROXMOX_USER password: description: Proxmox VE authentication password required: yes env: - name: PROXMOX_PASSWORD exclude_vmid: description: VMID"s to exclude from inventory type: list default: [] elements: str exclude_state: description: VM states to exclude from inventory type: list default: [] elements: str group: description: Group to place all hosts into default: proxmox want_facts: description: Toggle, if C(true) the plugin will retrieve host facts from the server type: boolean default: yes """ # noqa EXAMPLES = """ # proxmox.yml plugin: xoxys.general.proxmox server: pve.example.com user: admin@pve password: secure """ import json import re import socket from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin from collections import defaultdict from distutils.version import LooseVersion try: from proxmoxer import ProxmoxAPI HAS_PROXMOXER = True except ImportError: HAS_PROXMOXER = False class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin): NAME = "xoxys.general.proxmox" def _auth(self): return ProxmoxAPI( self.get_option("server"), user=self.get_option("user"), password=self.get_option("password"), verify_ssl=False ) def _get_version(self): return LooseVersion(self.client.version.get()["version"]) def _get_major(self): return LooseVersion(self.client.version.get()["release"]) def _get_names(self, pve_list, pve_type): names = [] if pve_type == "node": names = [node["node"] for node in pve_list] elif pve_type == "pool": names = [pool["poolid"] for pool in pve_list] return names def _get_variables(self, pve_list, pve_type): variables = {} if pve_type in ["qemu", "container"]: for vm in pve_list: nested = {} for key, value in iteritems(vm): nested["proxmox_" + key] = value variables[vm["name"]] = nested return variables def _get_ip_address(self, pve_type, pve_node, vmid): def validate(address): try: # IP address validation if socket.inet_aton(address): # Ignore localhost if address != "": return address except socket.error: return False address = False networks = False if pve_type == "qemu": # If qemu agent is enabled, try to gather the IP address try: if self.client.nodes(pve_node).get(pve_type, vmid, "agent", "info") is not None: networks = self.client.nodes(pve_node).get( "qemu", vmid, "agent", "network-get-interfaces" )["result"] except Exception: pass if networks: if type(networks) is list: for network in networks: for ip_address in network["ip-addresses"]: address = validate(ip_address["ip-address"]) else: try: config = self.client.nodes(pve_node).get(pve_type, vmid, "config") address = re.search(r"ip=(\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*)", config["net0"]).group(1) except Exception: pass return address def _exclude(self, pve_list): filtered = [] for item in pve_list: obj = defaultdict(dict, item) if obj["template"] == 1: continue if obj["status"] in self.get_option("exclude_state"): continue if obj["vmid"] in self.get_option("exclude_vmid"): continue filtered.append(item.copy()) return filtered def _propagate(self): for node in self._get_names(self.client.nodes.get(), "node"): try: qemu_list = self._exclude(self.client.nodes(node).qemu.get()) container_list = self._exclude(self.client.nodes(node).lxc.get()) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Proxmoxer API error: {0}".format(to_native(e))) # Merge QEMU and Containers lists from this node instances = self._get_variables(qemu_list, "qemu").copy() instances.update(self._get_variables(container_list, "container")) for host in instances: vmid = instances[host]["proxmox_vmid"] try: pve_type = instances[host]["proxmox_type"] except KeyError: pve_type = "qemu" try: description = self.client.nodes(node).get(pve_type, vmid, "config")["description"] except KeyError: description = None except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Proxmoxer API error: {0}".format(to_native(e))) try: metadata = json.loads(description) except TypeError: metadata = {} except ValueError: metadata = {"notes": description} # Add hosts to default group self.inventory.add_group(group=self.get_option("group")) self.inventory.add_host(group=self.get_option("group"), host=host) # Group hosts by status self.inventory.add_group(group=instances[host]["proxmox_status"]) self.inventory.add_host(group=instances[host]["proxmox_status"], host=host) if "groups" in metadata: for group in metadata["groups"]: self.inventory.add_group(group=group) self.inventory.add_host(group=group, host=host) if self.get_option("want_facts"): for attr in instances[host]: if attr not in ["proxmox_template"]: self.inventory.set_variable(host, attr, instances[host][attr]) address = self._get_ip_address(pve_type, node, vmid) if address: self.inventory.set_variable(host, "ansible_host", address) for pool in self._get_names(self.client.pools.get(), "pool"): try: pool_list = self._exclude(self.client.pool(pool).get()["members"]) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Proxmoxer API error: {0}".format(to_native(e))) members = [ member["name"] for member in pool_list if (member["type"] == "qemu" or member["type"] == "lxc") ] for member in members: self.inventory.add_host(group=pool, host=member) def verify_file(self, path): """Verify the Proxmox VE configuration file.""" if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path): endings = ("proxmox.yaml", "proxmox.yml") if any((path.endswith(ending) for ending in endings)): return True return False def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True): """Dynamically parse the Proxmox VE cloud inventory.""" if not HAS_PROXMOXER: raise AnsibleError( "The Proxmox VE dynamic inventory plugin requires proxmoxer: " "https://pypi.org/project/proxmoxer/" ) super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path) self._read_config_data(path) self.client = self._auth() self._propagate()