#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True {{ ansible_managed | comment(decoration="; ")}} APP_NAME = Gitea: Git with a cup of tea RUN_USER = {{ gitea_user }} RUN_MODE = {{ gitea_run_mode }} [repository] ROOT = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/repos FORCE_PRIVATE = {{ gitea_repository_force_private | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_PRIVATE = {{ gitea_repository_default_private }} MAX_CREATION_LIMIT = {{ gitea_repository_creation_limit }} PREFERRED_LICENSES = {{ gitea_repository_default_license | join(",") }} DISABLE_HTTP_GIT = {{ 'false' if gitea_repository_http_enabled | bool else 'true' }} {% if gitea_repository_access_control_allow_origin is defined and gitea_repository_access_control_allow_origin %} ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = {{ gitea_repository_access_control_allow_origin }} {% endif %} USE_COMPAT_SSH_URI = {{ gitea_repository_use_compat_ssh_uri | bool | lower }} ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER = {{ gitea_repository_push_create_user_enabled | bool | lower }} ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_ORG = {{ gitea_repository_push_create_org_enabled | bool | lower }} [repository.editor] LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS = {{ gitea_repository_editor_line_wrap_ext | join(",") }} PREVIEWABLE_FILE_MODES = markdown [repository.upload] {% if gitea_repository_upload_enabled | bool %} ENABLED = true {% if gitea_repository_upload_allowed_types %} ALLOWED_TYPES = {{ gitea_repository_upload_allowed_types | join(",") }} {% endif %} FILE_MAX_SIZE = {{ gitea_repository_upload_max_filesize }} MAX_FILES = {{ gitea_repository_upload_max_files }} {% else %} ENABLED = false {% endif %} [repository.pull-request] WORK_IN_PROGRESS_PREFIXES = {{ gitea_repository_pr_wip_prefix | join(",") }} CLOSE_KEYWORDS = {{ gitea_repository_pr_close_keyword | join(",") }} REOPEN_KEYWORDS = {{ gitea_repository_pr_reopen_keyword | join(",") }} [repository.issue] LOCK_REASONS = {{ gitea_repository_issue_lock_reason | join(",") }} [ui] EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_explore_paging_num }} ISSUE_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_issue_paging_num }} FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_feed_commit_num }} GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_graph_commit_num }} CODE_COMMENT_LINES = {{ gitea_ui_code_comment_lines }} SHOW_USER_EMAIL = {{ gitea_ui_show_user_email | bool | lower }} REACTIONS = {{ gitea_ui_reaction | join(",") }} DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME = {{ gitea_ui_show_full_name | bool | lower }} SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION = {{ gitea_ui_search_repo_description | bool | lower }} [ui.admin] USER_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_admin_user_paging_num }} REPO_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_admin_repo_paging_num }} NOTICE_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_admin_notice_paging_num }} ORG_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_admin_org_paging_num }} [ui.user] REPO_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_ui_user_repo_paging_num }} [markdown] ENABLE_HARD_LINE_BREAK = {{ gitea_markdown_hard_linebreak_enabled | bool | lower }} {% if gitea_markdown_custom_url_scheme %} CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES = {{ gitea_markdown_custom_url_scheme | join(",") }} {% endif %} FILE_EXTENSIONS = {{ gitea_markdown_file_ext | join(",") }} [server] PROTOCOL = {{ 'https' if gitea_tls_enabled else 'http' }} DOMAIN = {{ gitea_listen_address | urlsplit('hostname') }} ROOT_URL = {{ gitea_listen_address | urlsplit('scheme') }}://%(DOMAIN)s/ HTTP_ADDR = {{ gitea_bind_ip }} HTTP_PORT = {{ gitea_bind_port }} LOCAL_ROOT_URL = %(PROTOCOL)s://%(HTTP_ADDR)s:%(HTTP_PORT)s/ DISABLE_SSH = {{ 'false' if gitea_ssh_enabled | bool else 'true' }} START_SSH_SERVER = false MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK = {{ gitea_minimum_keysize_check | bool | lower }} OFFLINE_MODE = {{ gitea_offline_mode | bool | lower }} {% if gitea_tls_enabled | bool %} CERT_FILE = {{ gitea_tls_cert_path }} KEY_FILE = {{ gitea_tls_key_path }} {% endif %} APP_DATA_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }} PPROF_DATA_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/tmp/pprof LANDING_PAGE = {{ gitea_landing_page }} {% if gitea_lfs_enabled | bool %} LFS_START_SERVER = true LFS_CONTENT_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/lfs LFS_JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_lfs_jwt_secret }} LFS_HTTP_AUTH_EXPIRY = 20m {% else %} LFS_START_SERVER = false {% endif %} [ssh.minimum_key_sizes] {% for key in gitea_minimum_keysize %} {{ key.name }} = {{ key.size }} {% endfor %} [database] {% if gitea_db_type == "pgsql" %} DB_TYPE = postgres HOST = {{ gitea_db_server }}:{{ gitea_db_port }} NAME = {{ gitea_db_name }} USER = {{ gitea_db_user }} PASSWD = {{ gitea_db_password }} SSL_MODE = {{ gitea_db_ssl_mode }} {% elif gitea_db_type == "sqlite" %} DB_TYPE = sqlite3 PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/gitea.db SQLITE_TIMEOUT = 500 {% endif %} [indexer] ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE = bleve ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/indexers/issues.bleve ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/issues.queue REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED = true REPO_INDEXER_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/indexers/repos.bleve [admin] DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION = {{ 'false' if gitea_org_creation_enabled | bool else 'true' }} DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS = {{ gitea_default_email_notification }} [security] INSTALL_LOCK = {{ gitea_install_lock | bool | lower }} SECRET_KEY = {{ gitea_secret }} LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS = {{ gitea_login_remember_days }} MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = {{ gitea_password_min_lenght }} DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS = {{ 'false' if gitea_git_hooks_enabled | bool else 'true' }} PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY = {{ gitea_password_complexity | join(",") }} PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO = pbkdf2 INTERNAL_TOKEN = {{ gitea_token }} [service] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = {{ gitea_registration_email_confirm | bool | lower }} {% if gitea_registration_email_domain_whitelist is defined and gitea_registration_email_domain_whitelist %} EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST= {{ gitea_registration_email_domain_whitelist | join(",") }} {% endif %} DISABLE_REGISTRATION = {{ 'false' if gitea_registration_enabled | bool else 'true' }} ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = {{ gitea_registration_allow_external_only | bool | lower }} REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false {% if gitea_mail_service_enabled | bool %} ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true {% endif %} ENABLE_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION = true ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES = true ENABLE_USER_HEATMAP = true ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = {{ gitea_no_reply_address }} SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = {{ gitea_registration_button_enabled | bool | lower }} SHOW_MILESTONES_DASHBOARD_PAGE = true AUTO_WATCH_NEW_REPOS = {{ gitea_repository_auto_watch_on_creation | bool | lower }} AUTO_WATCH_ON_CHANGES = {{ gitea_repository_auto_watch_on_change | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = {{ gitea_default_keep_email_private | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_ALLOW_CREATE_ORGANIZATION = {{ gitea_default_org_allow_creation | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_ORG_VISIBILITY = {{ gitea_default_org_visible }} DEFAULT_ORG_MEMBER_VISIBLE = {{ gitea_default_org_member_visible | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEPENDENCIES = {{ gitea_default_dependencies_enabled | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = {{ gitea_default_timetracking_enabled | bool | lower }} DEFAULT_ALLOW_ONLY_CONTRIBUTORS_TO_TRACK_TIME = true {% if gitea_mail_service_enabled | bool %} [mailer] ENABLED = true {% if gitea_mail_subject_prefix is defined and gitea_mail_subject_prefix %} SUBJECT_PREFIX = {{ gitea_mail_subject_prefix }} {% endif %} FROM = {{ gitea_mail_service_from }} MAILER_TYPE = sendmail SENDMAIL_PATH = /usr/sbin/sendmail {% else %} [mailer] ENABLED = false {% endif %} [session] PROVIDER = {{ gitea_session_provider }} PROVIDER_CONFIG = "{{ gitea_session_provider_config }}" COOKIE_NAME = {{ gitea_session_cookie_name }} COOKIE_SECURE = {{ gitea_session_cookie_secure | bool | lower }} ENABLE_SET_COOKIE = {{ gitea_session_enable_set_cookie | bool | lower }} GC_INTERVAL_TIME = {{ gitea_session_session_life_time }} SESSION_LIFE_TIME = {{ gitea_session_session_life_time }} [picture] AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/avatars REPOSITORY_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/repo-avatars REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK = none DISABLE_GRAVATAR = {{ 'false' if gitea_gravatar_enabled | bool else 'true' }} GRAVATAR_SOURCE = {{ gitea_gravatar_source }} ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = {{ gitea_avatar_federation_enabled | bool | lower }} [attachment] {% if gitea_attachment_enabled | bool %} ENABLE = true PATH = {{ gitea_data_dir }}/attachments ALLOWED_TYPES = {{ gitea_attachment_allowed_types | join("|") }} MAX_SIZE = {{ gitea_attachment_max_filesize }} MAX_FILES = {{ gitea_attachment_max_files }} {% else %} ENABLE = false {% endif %} [log] ROOT_PATH = {{ gitea_log_dir }} MODE = file REDIRECT_MACARON_LOG = true MACARON = file ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL = Info ROUTER = file ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG = true {% raw %} ACCESS_LOG_TEMPLATE = {{.Ctx.RemoteAddr}} - {{.Identity}} {{.Start.Format "[02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700]" }} "{{.Ctx.Req.Method}} {{.Ctx.Req.RequestURI}} {{.Ctx.Req.Proto}}" {{.ResponseWriter.Status}} {{.ResponseWriter.Size}} "{{.Ctx.Req.Referer}}\" \"{{.Ctx.Req.UserAgent}}" {% endraw %} ACCESS = file LEVEL = {{ gitea_log_level }} STACKTRACE_LEVEL = None [log.file] LOG_ROTATE = false [log.file.macaron] LEVEL = Info [log.file.router] LEVEL = Info [log.file.access] LEVEL = Info [cron] ENABLED = true RUN_AT_START = false [cron.update_mirrors] SCHEDULE = @every 10m [cron.repo_health_check] SCHEDULE = @every 24h TIMEOUT = ARGS = [cron.check_repo_stats] RUN_AT_START = true SCHEDULE = @every 24h [cron.archive_cleanup] ENABLED = true RUN_AT_START = true SCHEDULE = @every 24h OLDER_THAN = 24h [cron.sync_external_users] RUN_AT_START = true SCHEDULE = @every 24h UPDATE_EXISTING = true [cron.update_migration_post_id] SCHEDULE = @every 24h [mirror] DEFAULT_INTERVAL = {{ gitea_mirror_default_interval }} MIN_INTERVAL = {{ gitea_mirror_min_interval }} [api] ENABLE_SWAGGER = {{ gitea_api_swagger_enabled | bool | lower }} MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS = 50 DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM = {{ gitea_api_default_paging_num }} DEFAULT_GIT_TREES_PER_PAGE = {{ gitea_api_default_git_trees_per_page }} DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE = 10485760 {% if gitea_oauth_provider_enabled | bool %} [oauth2] ENABLE = true ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME = {{ gitea_access_token_expiration_time }} REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME = {{ gitea_refresh_token_expiration_time }} INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS = {{ gitea_invalidate_refresh_tokens | bool | lower }} JWT_SECRET = {{ gitea_jwt_secret }} {% else %} [oauth2] ENABLE = false {% endif %} [other] SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING = {{ gitea_footer_show_branding | bool | lower }} SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION = {{ gitea_footer_show_version | bool | lower }} SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME = {{ gitea_footer_show_template_load_time | bool | lower }} [markup.asciidoc] ENABLED = false FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoc --out-file=- -" IS_INPUT_FILE = false [metrics] ENABLED = {{ gitea_metrics_enabled | bool | lower }} {% if gitea_metrics_token is defined and gitea_metrics_token %} TOKEN = {{ gitea_metrics_token }} {% endif %}