Robert Kaussow 569040bb99
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
bump default version to 1.9.0
2019-07-31 17:50:40 +02:00

111 lines
3.2 KiB

gitea_version: 1.9.0
gitea_user: "gitea_adm"
# gitea_uid: # defaults to not set
gitea_user_home: "/home/{{ gitea_user }}"
gitea_group: "{{ gitea_user }}"
# gitea_gid: # defaults to not set
gitea_extra_groups: []
- git
## Create separate LVM storage for gitea
gitea_lvm_enabled: False
# This variables are only necessary if gitea_lvm_enabled is 'True'
# Set physical volumes to use in LVM
# gitea_lvm_pvs: # ['/dev/sdb', '/dev/sdc']
# gitea_lvm_vg: # "vg_gitea"
# gitea_lvm_lv: # "lv_gitea"
# gitea_lvm_fstype: # ext4
# gitea_lvm_size: # "50G"
gitea_base_dir: "/opt/gitea"
gitea_bin_dir: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/bin"
gitea_config_dir: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/custom/conf"
gitea_data_dir: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/data"
gitea_bind_port: 61000
gitea_listen_address: http://gitea.example.com
gitea_install_lock: "true"
## Change this to a unique string
gitea_secret: "1234567ABCDEFG"
gitea_token: "akslkaldasasifiuvsiasfa7s7f8as7f8asd"
gitea_run_mode: prod
gitea_landing_page: explore
gitea_disable_registration: "true"
gitea_postgres_enabled: False
gitea_postgres_ssl_mode: disabled
gitea_postgres_server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
gitea_postgres_port: 5432
gitea_postgres_superuser: postgres
gitea_postgres_password: postgres
name: gitea
lc_collate: en_US.UTF-8
lc_ctype: en_US.UTF-8'
encoding: UTF-8
template: template0
login_host: localhost
login_user: "{{ gitea_postgres_superuser }}"
login_password: "{{ gitea_postgres_password }}"
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to not set
port: "{{ gitea_postgres_port }}"
# owner: # defaults to not set
state: present
name: pggitea
password: gitea
encrypted: 'yes'
# priv: # defaults to not set
# role_attr_flags: # defaults to not set
db: "{{ gitea_postgres_db.name }}"
login_host: localhost
login_user: "{{ gitea_postgres_superuser }}"
login_password: "{{ gitea_postgres_password }}"
# login_unix_socket: # defaults to not set
port: "{{ gitea_postgres_port }}"
state: present
gitea_iptables_enabled: False
- name: allow_gitea_web
rules: |
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport {{ gitea_bind_port }} -j ACCEPT
state: present
gitea_global_log_level: Info
gitea_global_log_dir: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/log"
gitea_file_log_level: "{{ gitea_global_log_level }}"
gitea_file_log_rotate_enabled: "true"
gitea_file_log_rotate_daily_enabled: "true"
gitea_file_log_rotate_max_days: 7
gitea_repository_upload_max_filesize: 3
gitea_repository_upload_max_files: 5
gitea_attachment_max_filesize: 3
gitea_attachment_max_files: 5
gitea_mail_service_enabled: False
gitea_mail_service_from: '"System" <systemmail@example.com>'
gitea_no_reply_address: noreply.example.org
gitea_oauth_provider_enabled: False
gitea_access_token_expiration_time: 3600
gitea_refresh_token_expiration_time: 730
gitea_invalidate_refresh_tokens: "false"
## OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens
## Change this to a unique string
gitea_jwt_secret: Bk0yK7Y9g_p56v86KaHqjSbxvNvu3SbKoOdOt2ZcXvU
gitea_tls_enabled: False
gitea_tls_cert_path: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/tls/certs/mycert.pem"
gitea_tls_key_path: "{{ gitea_base_dir }}/tls/private/mykey.pem"
gitea_tls_cert_source: mycert.pem
gitea_tls_key_source: mykey.pem