--- homeassistant_version: latest homeassistant_image: "homeassistant/home-assistant:{{ homeassistant_version }}" homeassistant_service_directory: /var/lib/docker/services/homeassistant homeassistant_container_name: homeassistant homeassistant_restart_policy: always homeassistant_service_stopped: False # @var homeassistant_networks:example: > # homeassistant_networks: # - name: default # # optional network driver, defaults to 'bride' # driver: host # external: false # @end homeassistant_networks: - name: default homeassistant_networks_applied: - default homeassistant_data_dir: /opt/homeassistant/config homeassistant_plugin_dir: /opt/homeassistant/config/www/plugins # @var homeassistant_volumes:description: Define required docker volumes. # @var homeassistant_volumes:example: > # homeassistant_volumes: # # Instead of the name you could specify a path on the container host system, # # but you also have to enable bind mount for this volume # - name: data # # target location inside the container # dest: /var/www/app/data # # enable bind mount, if false volume will be configured as named volume # # keep in mind you MUST set bind in any case # bind: True # # Options for bind mounts # bind_opt: "ro,z" # @end homeassistant_volumes: - name: "{{ homeassistant_data_dir }}" dest: /config bind: True # @var homeassistant_devices:description: Define required devices e.g. `/dev/ttyACM0`. # @var homeassistant_devices:example: > # homeassistant_devices: # - src: "{{ homeassistant_serial_port }}" # dest: "{{ homeassistant_serial_port }}" # opt: z # @end homeassistant_exposed_ports: [] homeassistant_extra_hosts: [] # @var homeassistant_memory_limit: $ "_unset_" # @var homeassistant_memory_limit:example: $ "512m" # @var homeassistant_memory_reservation: $ "_unset_" # @var homeassistant_memory_reservation:example: $ "256m" # @var homeassistant_cpu_shares: $ "_unset_" # @var homeassistant_cpu_shares:example: $ "1024" homeassistant_cap_add: [] homeassistant_cap_drop: [] homeassistant_security_opt: [] # @var homeassistant_pids_limit: $ "_unset_" homeassistant_timezone: Europe/Berlin # @var homeassistant_cmdline_override_enabled:description: > # Override `/boot/cmdline.txt` with given conten. This can be necessary # if you use searial hardware, but be careful! Wrong configuration # may leave your system unusable! # @end homeassistant_cmdline_override_enabled: False homeassistant_cmdline_content: "console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p3 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait" # @var homeassistant_exclude_modemmanager:description: > # Prevent ModemManger from binding to serial devices and therefor # blocking controllers like a `CC2531`. Devices can be skipped by a udev rule. # @end homeassistant_exclude_modemmanager: False homeassistant_serial_device: - vendor_id: "0000" product_id: "xxxx" # @var homeassistant_plugins:description: Plugins will be downloaded to `homeassistant_plugin_dir` and need to be a single raw file. # @var homeassistant_plugins:example: > # homeassistant_plugins: # - name: button-card.js # url: https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card/releases/download/v3.4.2/button-card.js # - name: card-tools.js # url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thomasloven/lovelace-card-tools/11/card-tools.js # @end homeassistant_plugins: []