--- - block: - name: Copy certs and private key to nginx proxy copy: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" mode: "{{ item.mode }}" loop: - { src: "{{ homeassistant_tls_key_source }}", dest: '/etc/pki/tls/private/{{ homeassistant_nginx_tls_key_file }}', mode: '0600' } - { src: "{{ homeassistant_tls_cert_source }}", dest: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/{{ homeassistant_nginx_tls_cert_file }}', mode: '0750' } loop_control: label: "{{ item.dest }}" notify: __nginx_reload delegate_to: "{{ homeassistant_nginx_server }}" when: homeassistant_nginx_tls_enabled become: True become_user: root tags: tls_renewal - block: - name: Add vhost configuration file template: src: nginx/vhost.j2 dest: "{{ homeassistant_nginx_vhost_dir }}/homeassistant" owner: root group: root mode: 0640 notify: __nginx_reload - name: Enable homeassistant vhost file: src: "{{ homeassistant_nginx_vhost_dir }}/homeassistant" dest: "{{ homeassistant_nginx_vhost_symlink }}/homeassistant" owner: root group: root state: link notify: __nginx_reload when: homeassistant_nginx_vhost_symlink is defined - name: Open ports in iptables iptables_raw: name: allow_homeassistant_nginx_proxy state: present rules: "-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp -d {{ homeassistant_nginx_proxy_url | urlsplit('hostname') }} --dport {{ homeassistant_nginx_proxy_url | urlsplit('port') }} -j ACCEPT" when: homeassistant_nginx_iptables_enabled and (not homeassistant_nginx_server == inventory_hostname or not homeassistant_nginx_server == "localhost") delegate_to: "{{ homeassistant_nginx_server }}" become: True become_user: root