--- - block: - name: Ensure service directory exists file: path: "{{ homeassistant_service_directory }}" mode: 0750 state: directory - name: Create bind mount source directory file: path: "{{ item.name }}" mode: 0750 state: directory loop: "{{ homeassistant_volumes }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item.name }}" when: item.bind | bool - name: Deploy compose file to '{{ homeassistant_service_directory }}' template: src: "services/homeassistant_compose.yml.j2" dest: "{{ homeassistant_service_directory }}/docker-compose.yml" owner: root group: root mode: 0640 validate: "docker-compose -f %s config -q" - name: Patch /boot/cmdline copy: content: "{{ homeassistant_cmdline_content }}" dest: /boot/cmdline.txt when: homeassistant_cmdline_override_enabled | bool - name: Exclude serial devices from ModemManager template: src: "etc/udev/rules.d/99-mm-disable.rules.j2" dest: "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-mm-disable.rules" when: homeassistant_exclude_modemmanager | bool notify: __udev_reload - name: Ensure service is up and running docker_compose: project_src: "{{ homeassistant_service_directory }}" pull: yes remove_orphans: yes stopped: "{{ homeassistant_service_stopped }}" state: present become: True become_user: root