--- jellyfin_version: 10.3.7 jellyfin_user: jellyfin jellyfin_user_home: "/home/{{ jellyfin_user }}" jellyfin_group: "{{ jellyfin_user }}" jellyfin_extra_groups: [] jellyfin_base_dir: "/opt/jellyfin" jellyfin_conf_dir: "{{ jellyfin_base_dir }}/config" jellyfin_data_dir: "{{ jellyfin_base_dir }}/data" jellyfin_log_dir: "{{ jellyfin_base_dir }}/log" jellyfin_logrotate_enabled: False jellyfin_logrotate_config: - log: "{{ jellyfin_log_dir }}/jellyfin.log" options: - weekly - rotate 5 - maxsize 512K - compress - delaycompress - "create 640 {{ jellyfin_user }} {{ jellyfin_group }}" jellyfin_packages_extra: [] # @var jellyfin_log_level_console:description: > # Possible value: `Verbose | Debug | Information | Warning | Error | Fatal`. # Beware that the values are case sensitive! # @end jellyfin_log_level_console: Fatal jellyfin_log_level_file: Information # @var jellyfin_http_bind_port:description: > # DONT change it! Changing the bind ports is currently not supported. # @end jellyfin_http_bind_port: 8096 # @var jellyfin_https_bind_port:description: > # DONT change it! Changing the bind ports is currently not supported. # @end jellyfin_https_bind_port: 8920 jellyfin_iptables_enabled: False jellyfin_open_ports: - name: allow_jellyfin_web rules: | -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport {{ jellyfin_http_bind_port }} -j ACCEPT state: present # multicast (ssdp) will not really work with this, only workarount to prevent exception - name: allow_jellyfin_multicast rules: | -A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -p udp --destination --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT state: present