2018-11-05 20:45:08 +01:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

- name: Check if password file '{{ mosquitto_password_auth_file }}' exists
path: "{{ mosquitto_password_auth_file }}"
register: __mosquitto_passwd
become: True
become_user: root
- name: Create password file if not exist
path: "{{ mosquitto_password_auth_file }}"
mode: 0600
state: touch
become: True
become_user: root
when: not __mosquitto_passwd.stat.exists
# TODO: ugly workaround, move this to a custom module
- name: Add users to password file
shell: "mosquitto_passwd -b {{ mosquitto_password_auth_file }} {{ item.key }} {{ item.value.password }}"
with_dict: "{{ mosquitto_password_auth_users | default('{}') }}"
when: item.value.state == "present"
changed_when: False
notify: __mosquitto_restart
become: True
become_user: root
- name: Remove unnecessary users from password file
shell: "mosquitto_passwd -D {{ mosquitto_password_auth_file }} {{ item.key }}"
with_dict: "{{ mosquitto_password_auth_users | default('{}') }}"
when: item.value.state == "absent"
changed_when: False
notify: __mosquitto_restart
become: True
become_user: root