--- postgres_repository_enabled: False postgres_version: 10 postgres_repository_filename: "Postgresql-{{ postgres_version | regex_replace('\\.') }}" postgres_user: postgres postgres_group: postgres # @var postgres_base_dir: $ "_os-default_" postgres_log_destination: - stderr postgres_log_directory: log postgres_log_filename: postgresql.log postgres_log_rotation_age: 1d postgres_log_rotation_size: 0 postgres_iptables_enabled: False postgres_connection_port: 5432 postgres_connection_addresses: - localhost postgres_socket_directories: - /var/run/postgresql postgres_password_encryption: md5 postgres_tls_enabled: False postgres_tls_cert_filename: "mycert.pem" postgres_tls_key_filename: "mykey.pem" postgres_tls_cert_source: mycert.pem postgres_tls_key_source: mykey.pem postgres_users: [] # @var postgres_users:example: > # postgres_users: # - name: jdoe #required; the rest are optional # password: # defaults to not set # encrypted: # defaults to 'yes' # priv: # defaults to not set # role_attr_flags: # defaults to not set # db: # defaults to not set # login_host: # defaults to 'localhost' # login_password: # defaults to not set # login_user: # defaults to '{{ postgres_user }}' # login_unix_socket: # defaults to 1st of postgres_socket_directories # port: # defaults to not set # state: # defaults to 'present' # pam_user: # defaults to not set # @end postgres_hba_entries: - contype: local databases: - all users: - all auth_method: peer - contype: host databases: - all users: - all address: "" auth_method: md5 - contype: host databases: - all users: - all address: "::1/128" auth_method: md5 postgres_hba_entries_extra: []