--- - name: Create hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false no_log: "{{ not (lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_DEBUG') | bool or molecule_yml.provisioner.log|default(false) | bool) }}" vars: ssh_user: centos ssh_port: 22 security_group_name: molecule security_group_description: Security group for testing Molecule security_group_rules: - proto: tcp from_port: "{{ ssh_port }}" to_port: "{{ ssh_port }}" cidr_ip: '' - proto: icmp from_port: 8 to_port: -1 cidr_ip: '' security_group_rules_egress: - proto: -1 from_port: 0 to_port: 0 cidr_ip: '' keypair_name: molecule_key_postgres keypair_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY') }}/ssh_key" tasks: - name: Create security group ec2_group: name: "{{ security_group_name }}" description: "{{ security_group_name }}" rules: "{{ security_group_rules }}" rules_egress: "{{ security_group_rules_egress }}" - name: Delete remote keypair ec2_key: name: "{{ keypair_name }}" state: absent - name: Create keypair ec2_key: name: "{{ keypair_name }}" register: keypair - name: Persist the keypair copy: dest: "{{ keypair_path }}" content: "{{ keypair.key.private_key }}" mode: 0600 when: keypair.changed - name: Create molecule instance(s) ec2: key_name: "{{ keypair_name }}" image: "{{ item.image }}" instance_type: "{{ item.instance_type }}" vpc_subnet_id: "{{ item.vpc_subnet_id }}" group: "{{ security_group_name }}" instance_tags: instance: "{{ item.name }}" wait: true assign_public_ip: true exact_count: 1 count_tag: instance: "{{ item.name }}" volumes: - device_name: /dev/sda1 volume_type: gp2 volume_size: 8 delete_on_termination: yes register: server with_items: "{{ molecule_yml.platforms }}" async: 7200 poll: 0 - name: Wait for instance(s) creation to complete async_status: jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}" register: ec2_jobs until: ec2_jobs.finished retries: 300 with_items: "{{ server.results }}" # Mandatory configuration for Molecule to function. - name: Populate instance config dict set_fact: instance_conf_dict: { 'instance': "{{ item.instances[0].tags.instance }}", 'address': "{{ item.instances[0].public_ip }}", 'user': "{{ ssh_user }}", 'port': "{{ ssh_port }}", 'identity_file': "{{ keypair_path }}", 'instance_ids': "{{ item.instance_ids }}", } with_items: "{{ ec2_jobs.results }}" register: instance_config_dict when: server.changed | bool - name: Convert instance config dict to a list set_fact: instance_conf: "{{ instance_config_dict.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.instance_conf_dict') | list }}" when: server.changed | bool - name: Dump instance config copy: content: "{{ instance_conf | to_json | from_json | molecule_to_yaml | molecule_header }}" dest: "{{ molecule_instance_config }}" when: server.changed | bool - name: Wait for SSH wait_for: port: "{{ ssh_port }}" host: "{{ item.address }}" search_regex: SSH delay: 10 timeout: 320 with_items: "{{ lookup('file', molecule_instance_config) | molecule_from_yaml }}" - name: Wait for boot process to finish pause: minutes: 2