--- pve_nodes: - node1 pve_pamd_motd_enabled: True pve_disk_mount: [] ## Example: # pve_disk_mount: # - path: /mnt/backup # src: /dev/sdX # fstype: ext4 # opts: # state: present # Configure pam auth pve_auth_pam_is_default: True pve_auth_pam_description: Linux PAM standard authentication pve_auth_pve_is_default: False pve_auth_pve_description: Linux pve standard authentication # Enable ldap auth against an external server pve_auth_ldap_enabled: False # pve_auth_ldap_is_default: False # pve_auth_ldap_realm: ldap # pve_auth_ldap_description: MyLDAP authentication server # pve_auth_ldap_base_dn: dc=example,dc=com # pve_auth_ldap_user_attr: uid # pve_auth_ldap_primary_server: server1.example.com # pve_auth_ldap_secondary_server: server2.example.com (defaults to not set) # pve_auth_ldap_bind_dn: uid=proxy-user,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com (defaults to not set) # pve_auth_ldap_bind_password: my_secret (defaults to not set) # pve_auth_ldap_port: 389 # pve_auth_ldap_tls_enabled: False