# {{ ansible_managed }} {% if pve_auth_pam_enabled %} pam: {{ pve_auth_pam_realm }} comment {{ pve_auth_pam_description }} default {{ 1 if pve_auth_pam_is_default else 0 }} {% if pve_auth_pam_tfa_oath_enabled and not pve_auth_pam_tfa_yubico_enabled %} tfa type=oath,step={{ pve_auth_pam_tfa_oath_timestep }},digits={{ pve_auth_pam_tfa_oath_pwlength }} {% elif pve_auth_pam_tfa_yubico_enabled and not pve_auth_pam_tfa_oath_enabled %} tfa type=yubico,id={{ pve_auth_pam_tfa_yubico_api_id }},key={{ pve_auth_pam_tfa_yubico_api_key }},url={{ pve_auth_pam_tfa_yubico_url }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if pve_auth_pve_enabled %} pve: {{ pve_auth_pve_realm }} comment {{ pve_auth_pve_description }} default {{ 1 if pve_auth_pve_is_default else 0 }} {% if pve_auth_pve_tfa_oath_enabled and not pve_auth_pve_tfa_yubico_enabled %} tfa type=oath,step={{ pve_auth_pve_tfa_oath_timestep }},digits={{ pve_auth_pve_tfa_oath_pwlength }} {% elif pve_auth_pve_tfa_yubico_enabled and not pve_auth_pve_tfa_oath_enabled %} tfa type=yubico,id={{ pve_auth_pve_tfa_yubico_api_id }},key={{ pve_auth_pve_tfa_yubico_api_key }},url={{ pve_auth_pve_tfa_yubico_url }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if pve_auth_ldap_enabled %} ldap: {{ pve_auth_ldap_realm }} comment {{ pve_auth_ldap_description }} base_dn {{ pve_auth_ldap_base_dn }} server1 {{ pve_auth_ldap_primary_server }} {% if pve_auth_ldap_secondary_server is defined %} server2 {{ pve_auth_ldap_secondary_server }} {% endif -%} user_attr {{ pve_auth_ldap_user_attr }} {%- if pve_auth_ldap_bind_dn is defined %} bind_dn {{ pve_auth_ldap_bind_dn }} {% endif -%} default {{ 1 if pve_auth_ldap_is_default else 0 }} port {{ pve_auth_ldap_port }} secure {{ 1 if pve_auth_ldap_tls_enabled else 0 }} {%- if pve_auth_ldap_tfa_oath_enabled and not pve_auth_ldap_tfa_yubico_enabled %} tfa type=oath,step={{ pve_auth_ldap_tfa_oath_timestep }},digits={{ pve_auth_ldap_tfa_oath_pwlength }} {%- elif pve_auth_ldap_tfa_yubico_enabled and not pve_auth_ldap_tfa_oath_enabled -%} tfa type=yubico,id={{ pve_auth_ldap_tfa_yubico_api_id }},key={{ pve_auth_ldap_tfa_yubico_api_key }},url={{ pve_auth_ldap_tfa_yubico_url }} {% endif %} {% endif %}