# xoxys.smb [![Build Status](https://ci.rknet.org/api/badges/ansible/xoxys.smb/status.svg)](https://ci.rknet.org/repos/ansible/xoxys.smb) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg?label=license)](https://gitea.rknet.org/ansible/xoxys.smb/src/branch/main/LICENSE) Mount a list of Samba shares. ## Table of content - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Default Variables](#default-variables) - [smb_packages](#smb_packages) - [smb_shares](#smb_shares) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [License](#license) - [Author](#author) --- ## Requirements - Minimum Ansible version: `2.10` ## Default Variables ### smb_packages #### Default value ```YAML smb_packages: - cifs-utils ``` ### smb_shares Mount defined samba shares. You can specify samba credentials with the `username` and `password` parameter. Given credentials will be used in a secrets file and saved to `/root/.smbcredentials/` instead of the direct use in `/etc/fstab`. If secrets are defined for a list item, the secrest file will also be passed automatically to `mountopts`. The `state` parameter is related to the possible state values of Ansibles [mount](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/posix/mount_module.html) module. #### Default value ```YAML smb_shares: [] ``` #### Example usage ```YAML smb_shares: - name: multimedia source: //share.example.com/media username: myuser password: secure mountpoint: /media/data mountopts: - acl - uid=1000 - gid=1000 state: mounted ``` ## Dependencies None. ## License MIT ## Author [Robert Kaussow](https://gitea.rknet.org/xoxys)