--- telegraf_packages_extra: [] # @var telegraf_requires_docker_group:description: Optionally disable docker group join. telegraf_requires_docker_group: False telegraf_docker_group_name: dockerroot # @var telegraf_interval:description: Default data collection interval for all inputs. telegraf_interval: 10s # @var telegraf_round_interval:description: Rounds collection interval to interval. telegraf_round_interval: True # @var telegraf_metric_batch_size:description: Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of this amount. telegraf_metric_batch_size: 1000 # @var telegraf_metric_buffer_limit:description: Maximum number of unwritten metrics per output. telegraf_metric_buffer_limit: 10000 # @var telegraf_collection_jitter:description: Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount. telegraf_collection_jitter: 0s # @var telegraf_flush_interval:description: Default flushing interval for all outputs. telegraf_flush_interval: 10s # @var telegraf_flush_jitter:description: Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. telegraf_flush_jitter: 0s # @var telegraf_precision:description: Precision will be set to the same timestamp order as the collection interval. # @var telegraf_precision:default: $ "_unset_" # @var telegraf_debug:description: Log at debug level. telegraf_debug: False # @var telegraf_quiet:description: Log only error level messages. telegraf_quiet: True # @var telegraf_logtarget:description: Log target controls the destination for logs. telegraf_logtarget: stderr # @var telegraf_logfile:description: Name of the file to be logged to when using the file logtarget. # @var telegraf_logfile:default: $ "_unset_" # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_interval:description: The logfile will be rotated after the time interval specified. # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_interval:default: $ "_unset_" # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_max_size:description: The logfile will be rotated when it becomes larger than the specified size. # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_max_size:default: $ "_unset_" # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_max_archives:description: Maximum number of rotated archives to keep, any older logs are deleted. # @var telegraf_logfile_rotation_max_archives:default: $ "_unset_" # @var telegraf_hostname:description: Override default hostname. telegraf_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" # @var telegraf_omit_hostname:description: If set to True, do no set the host tag in the telegraf agent. telegraf_omit_hostname: False # @var telegraf_template_files:description: Path to templates loaded into telegraf.d directory. telegraf_template_files: - telegraf/templates/*.conf.j2 telegraf_prometheus_bind_ip: telegraf_prometheus_bind_port: 9273 # @var telegraf_prometheus_username:description: Username used by Prometheus. telegraf_prometheus_username: prometheus # @var telegraf_prometheus_password:description: Password used by Prometheus. telegraf_prometheus_password: secure telegraf_prometheus_tls_enabled: False telegraf_prometheus_tls_cert_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/mycert.pem telegraf_prometheus_tls_key_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/mykey.pem telegraf_prometheus_tls_cert_source: mycert.pem telegraf_prometheus_tls_key_source: mykey.pem # @var telegraf_global_tags:description: List of global tags. # @var telegraf_global_tags:example: > # telegraf_global_tags: # - key: rack # value: r155 # - key: switch # value: sw5 # @end telegraf_global_tags: [] # @var telegraf_processors:description: List of default processors, combined with extra. # @var telegraf_processors:example: > # telegraf_processors: # - plugin: foo # config: # - option1 = "value1" # - option2 = "value2" # @end telegraf_processors: [] telegraf_processors_extra: [] # @var telegraf_aggregators:description: List of default aggregators, combined with extra. # @var telegraf_aggregators:example: > # telegraf_aggregators: # - plugin: foo # config: # - option1 = "value1" # - option2 = "value2" # @end telegraf_aggregators: [] telegraf_aggregators_extra: [] # @var telegraf_plugins:description: List of default plugins, combined with extra. telegraf_plugins: - plugin: net config: - ignore_protocol_stats = false - interfaces = ["eth*"] - plugin: cpu config: - percpu = true - totalcpu = true - collect_cpu_time = false - report_active = false - plugin: disk config: - ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs"] - plugin: filestat config: - files = ["/var/log/**.log"] - plugin: procstat config: - pattern = ".*" - plugin: netstat - plugin: diskio - plugin: kernel - plugin: mem - plugin: processes - plugin: swap - plugin: system - plugin: kernel_vmstat - plugin: linux_sysctl_fs telegraf_plugins_extra: []