#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True {{ ansible_managed | comment }} version: '2.1' services: bitwardenrs: container_name: {{ bitwardenrs_container_name }} image: {{ bitwardenrs_image }} restart: {{ bitwardenrs_restart_policy }} ports: - {{ bitwardenrs_exposed_ip + ':' if bitwardenrs_exposed_ip is defined else '' }}{{ bitwardenrs_exposed_port }}:8080 {% if bitwardenrs_websocket_enabled %} - {{ bitwardenrs_websocket_exposed_ip + ':' if bitwardenrs_websocket_exposed_ip is defined else '' }}{{ bitwardenrs_websocket_exposed_port }}:3012 {% endif %} volumes: - data:/app/data {% for volume in bitwardenrs_volumes_extra %} - {{ volume }} {% endfor %} {% if bitwardenrs_extra_hosts | default([]) %} extra_hosts: {% for host in bitwardenrs_extra_hosts %} - {{ '"' + host + '"' }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} environment: - BITWARDENRS_DOMAIN={{ bitwardenrs_base_url }} - BITWARDENRS_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://{{ bitwardenrs_db_user }}:{{ bitwardenrs_db_password }}@{{ bitwardenrs_db_server }}:{{ bitwardenrs_db_port }}/{{ bitwardenrs_db_name }}?sslmode={{ bitwardenrs_db_ssl_mode }}&sslrootcert={{ bitwardenrs_db_ssl_rootcert }} - BITWARDENRS_WEBSOCKET_ENABLED={{ bitwardenrs_websocket_enabled }} {% if bitwardenrs_templates_folder is defined and bitwardenrs_templates_folder %} - BITWARDENRS_TEMPLATES_FOLDER={{ bitwardenrs_templates_folder }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_RELOAD_TEMPLATES={{ bitwardenrs_reload_templates }} - BITWARDENRS_IP_HEADER={{ bitwardenrs_ip_header }} - BITWARDENRS_ICON_CACHE_TTL={{ bitwardenrs_icon_cache_ttl }} - BITWARDENRS_ICON_CACHE_NEGTTL="{{ bitwardenrs_icon_cache_negttl }}" - BITWARDENRS_WEB_VAULT_ENABLED={{ bitwardenrs_web_vault_enabled }} - BITWARDENRS_EXTENDED_LOGGING={{ bitwardenrs_extended_logging }} - BITWARDENRS_LOG_LEVEL={{ bitwardenrs_log_level }} - BITWARDENRS_DISABLE_ICON_DOWNLOAD={{ bitwardenrs_disable_icon_download }} - BITWARDENRS_ICON_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT={{ bitwardenrs_icon_download_timeout }} {% if bitwardenrs_icon_blacklist_regexl is defined and bitwardenrs_icon_blacklist_regexl %} - BITWARDENRS_ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEXL={{ bitwardenrs_icon_blacklist_regexl }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_ICON_BLACKLIST_NON_GLOBAL_IPS={{ bitwardenrs_icon_blacklist_non_global_ips }} - BITWARDENRS_DISABLE_2FA_REMEMBER={{ bitwardenrs_disable_2fa_remember }} - BITWARDENRS_SIGNUPS_ALLOWED={{ bitwardenrs_signups_allowed }} - BITWARDENRS_SIGNUPS_VERIFY={{ bitwardenrs_signups_verify }} - BITWARDENRS_SIGNUPS_VERIFY_RESEND_TIME={{ bitwardenrs_signups_verify_resend_time }} - BITWARDENRS_SIGNUPS_VERIFY_RESEND_LIMIT={{ bitwardenrs_signups_verify_resend_limit }} {% if bitwardenrs_signups_domains_whitelist is defined and bitwardenrs_signups_domains_whitelist %} - BITWARDENRS_SIGNUPS_DOMAINS_WHITELIST={{ bitwardenrs_signups_domains_whitelist }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_INVITATIONS_ALLOWED={{ bitwardenrs_invitations_allowed }} {% if bitwardenrs_admin_token is defined and bitwardenrs_admin_token %} - BITWARDENRS_ADMIN_TOKEN={{ bitwardenrs_admin_token }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_PASSWORD_ITERATIONS={{ bitwardenrs_password_iterations }} - BITWARDENRS_SHOW_PASSWORD_HINT={{ bitwardenrs_show_password_hint }} - BITWARDENRS_AUTHENTICATOR_DISABLE_TIME_DRIFT={{ bitwardenrs_authenticator_disable_time_drift }} {% if bitwardenrs_smtp_host is defined and bitwardenrs_smtp_host %} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_HOST={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_host }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_FROM={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_from }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_FROM_NAME={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_from_name }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_PORT={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_port }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_SSL={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_ssl }} {% if bitwardenrs_smtp_username is defined and bitwardenrs_smtp_username %} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_USERNAME={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_username }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_PASSWORD={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_password }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_AUTH_MECHANISM={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_auth_mechanism }} - BITWARDENRS_SMTP_TIMEOUT={{ bitwardenrs_smtp_timeout }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_memory_limit is defined %} mem_limit: {{ bitwardenrs_memory_limit }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_memory_reservation is defined %} mem_reservation: {{ bitwardenrs_memory_reservation }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_cpu_shares is defined %} cpu_shares: {{ bitwardenrs_cpu_shares }} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_cap_add | length == 0 %} cap_add: {% for item in bitwardenrs_cap_add %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_cap_drop | length == 0 %} cap_drop: {% for item in bitwardenrs_cap_drop %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_security_opt | length == 0 %} security_opt: {% for item in bitwardenrs_security_opt %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} healthcheck: {% for key, value in bitwardenrs_healthcheck.items() %} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor %} {% if bitwardenrs_pids_limit is defined %} pids_limit: {{ bitwardenrs_pids_limit }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_sync_enabled %} bitwardenrs_ldap: container_name: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_container_name }} image: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_image }} restart: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_restart_policy }} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_volumes_extra %} volumes: {% for volume in bitwardenrs_ldap_volumes_extra %} - {{ volume }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} environment: - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_BITWARDEN_URL={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_bitwarden_url }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_BITWARDEN_ADMIN_TOKEN={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_bitwarden_admin_token }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_HOST={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_host }} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_scheme is defined and bitwardenrs_ldap_scheme %} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SCHEME={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_scheme }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SSL={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_ssl }} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_port is defined and bitwardenrs_ldap_port %} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_PORT={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_port }} {% endif %} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_BIND_DN={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_bind_dn }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_bind_password }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE_DN={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_search_base_dn }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_search_filter }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_MAIL_FIELD={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_mail_field }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_sync_interval_seconds }} - BITWARDENRS_LDAP_SYNC_LOOP={{ bitwardenrs_ldap_sync_loop }} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_memory_limit is defined %} mem_limit: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_memory_limit }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_memory_reservation is defined %} mem_reservation: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_memory_reservation }} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_cpu_shares is defined %} cpu_shares: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_cpu_shares }} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_ldap_cap_add | length == 0 %} cap_add: {% for item in bitwardenrs_ldap_cap_add %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_ldap_cap_drop | length == 0 %} cap_drop: {% for item in bitwardenrs_ldap_cap_drop %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not bitwardenrs_ldap_security_opt | length == 0 %} security_opt: {% for item in bitwardenrs_ldap_security_opt %} - {{ item }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if bitwardenrs_ldap_pids_limit is defined %} pids_limit: {{ bitwardenrs_ldap_pids_limit }} {% endif %} {% endif %} volumes: data: driver: local