#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: True --- {{ ansible_managed | comment }} permit_join: {{ zigbee2mqtt_permit_join }} {% if zigbee2mqtt_homeassistant_enabled | bool %} homeassistant: discovery_topic: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_homeassistant_discovery_topic }}" status_topic: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_homeassistant_status_topic }}" legacy_entity_attributes: {{ zigbee2mqtt_homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes | bool }} legacy_triggers: {{ zigbee2mqtt_homeassistant_legacy_triggers | bool }} {% endif %} mqtt: base_topic: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_base_topic }}" server: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_server }}" {% if zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_user is defined and zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_user and zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_password is defined and zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_password %} user: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_user }}" password: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_password }}" {% endif %} client_id: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_client_id }}" reject_unauthorized: {{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_reject_unauthorized }} include_device_information: {{ zigbee2mqtt_mqtt_include_device_information }} {% if zigbee2mqtt_serial_port is defined and zigbee2mqtt_serial_port %} serial: port: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_serial_port }}" disable_led: {{ zigbee2mqtt_serial_disable_led }} {% endif %} {% if zigbee2mqtt_devices_ban %} # Ban devices from the network (by ieeeAddr) ban: {% for item in zigbee2mqtt_devices_ban %} - "{{ item }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if zigbee2mqtt_devices_whitelist %} # Whitelist devices from the network (by ieeeAddr) whitelist: {% for item in zigbee2mqtt_devices_whitelist %} - "{{ item }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} advanced: pan_id: {{ zigbee2mqtt_pan_id }} ext_pan_id: {{ zigbee2mqtt_ext_pan_id }} {% if zigbee2mqtt_network_key is defined and zigbee2mqtt_network_key %} network_key: {{ zigbee2mqtt_network_key }} {% endif %} channel: {{ zigbee2mqtt_channel }} cache_state: {{ zigbee2mqtt_cache_state }} log_level: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_log_level }}" log_output: - console last_seen: "{{ zigbee2mqtt_last_seen }}" elapsed: {{ zigbee2mqtt_elapsed }} {% if zigbee2mqtt_device_options is defined %} device_options: {{ zigbee2mqtt_device_options | to_nice_yaml | indent(2) }} {% endif %} devices: "devices.yaml" groups: "groups.yaml"