chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.101.0 #52

xoxys merged 1 commits from renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x into main 2022-06-20 21:31:49 +02:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
gohugoio/hugo minor v0.97.3 -> v0.101.0

Release Notes



Compare Source

Hugo v0.101.0 comes with GIF animation image processing, a new hl_inline option for code highlighting, a new :slugorfilename permalink keyword, we now respect the NO_COLOR OS env var, and more.

This release represents 35 contributions by 9 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@​bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @​dependabot[bot], @​jmooring, and @​vanbroup for their ongoing contributions. Also a shoutout to @​CIAvash for his work on the Chroma highlighter.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs,
which has received 3 contributions by 2 contributors.

Hugo now has:



Compare Source

This release is mostly motivated by the fix for the panic experienced by people having blackfriday configured as defaultMarkdownHandler (#​9968). The Blackfriday support was removed in Hugo v0.100.0 after being deprecated with a warning for a long time.


Compare Source

Fix panic with markdownify/RenderString with shortcode on Page with no content file 212d9e3 @​bep #​9959


Compare Source

$page.RenderString (see #​6703) finally supports shortcodes, and shortcode improvements is the main theme in Hugo 0.100.0.

Indentation fixes for shortcode blocks: We now record the indentation before the opening shortcode tag when parsing the source. This allow us to fix a couple of annoying issues in Hugo:

  1. We have added a new .InnerIndent method to the shortcode context to prevent the highlight shortcode from including in the indentation as part of the code block. See #​4717.
  2. Hugo now preserves the indentation for shortcode blocks. See more below.

A shortcode block is when the shortcode is included as the first non-whitespace content on a line. Note that this does not touch shortcodes with inner content, where the user is in control of the indentation. See issue #​9946 for more information. An example, say that I have this in layouts/shortcodes/

* Culpa enim incididunt fugiat id dolore velit laboris veniam minim.
* Tempor ex nisi labore ad elit laborum ex ullamco aute labore eu occaecat. 
* Deserunt mollit aliqua est laboris et irure eu non. 
* Consectetur nulla minim non reprehenderit Lorem elit dolore quis.

And then use that shortcode in a content file:

* My List
  {{% mylist %}}

In earlier versions of Hugo the above would render as:


Now it renders as:


Note that in the example above we use the md file suffix for the shortcode. In this release we also added Markdown as a built-in output format in Hugo, defined as a plain text format, meaning you get more lenient parsing compared to HTML. Using this if your shortcode produces Markdown has fewer quirks. See #​9821.

Also noteworthy is the new template function resources.Copy which allows you to copy almost any Hugo Resource (the one exception is the Page), possibly most useful for renaming things:

{{ $resized := $image.Resize "400x400" |  resources.Copy "images/mynewname.jpg" } }}
<img src="{{ $resized.RelPermalink }}">

This release represents 32 contributions by 4 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@​bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @​dependabot[bot], @​satotake, and @​moorereason for their ongoing contributions.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs,
which has received 1 contributions by 1 contributors.

Hugo now has:


  • The methods on Page IsDescendant and IsAncestor now returns true for itself, which is obviously the correct behaviour. We have fixed this before, but reverted it because it broke some theme's logic. Looking back, that reversion was a mistake. If you want the old logic you can get that by doing somethiong ala {{ if or (eq $p1 $p2) ($p1.IsAncestor $p2) }}{{ end }} #​9925
  • We have removed Blackfriday as a Markdown option. It has been deprecated for a long time, its v1 version is not maintained anymore, and there are many known issues. Goldmark should be a mature replacement by now. #​9944



Compare Source

Fix server regression for multihost sites (multiple languages with different baseURLs) 2f9eac4 @​bep #​9901


Compare Source

The theme of this release is error handling – a topic grievously underrated in most development tools. You are often expected to Google this mysterious error and end up in some Stackoverflow thread telling you to use a specific Node version. Hugo has done an OK job in this department, but when I, @​bep, recently got stuck with a minify error I had no clue how to debug, I knew we had to take another look at this. There is a list of "error improvements below", but here is one visual example:


The two screenshots above is from the same template error in Hugo v0.98.0 (left) and the new v0.99.0 (right). This is a type error (method not found) in a partial included in a shortcode template. We did a decent job in v0.98.0, too, pointing at correct line in the partial. But the right version has the full stack, with absolute filename, line and column and some file context (highlighted lines) for all of the files involved in the error (Markdown file, shortcode and partial). Having these source file references to click on in the VS Code terminal is a real time saver, especially in Hugo projects with mulitiple file roots (themes, theme components).

A list of the most important "error improvements":

  • A new server error template (can be overridden in layouts/_server/error.html), always add the content file context if relevant, improve JS errors, Add file context (with position) to codeblock render blocks, add file context to errors in the publishing step (e.g. minify), and more. #​9892 #​9891 #​9893
  • Fix SIGINT handling (allowing to kill the server) after loading bad configuration #​9664
  • Improve SASS/SCSS errors (both Dart SASS and Libsass) #​9897
  • Fix line numbers in errors from PostCSS, add missing file context to "import not found" #​9895

Also worth mentioning is the new clock cli flag (#​8787 ) which allows you to "set the clock" and see how your site looks like ... in the future.

This release represents 24 contributions by 4 contributors to the main Hugo code base.@​bep leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to @​dependabot[bot], @​satotake, and @​nathannaveen for their ongoing contributions.

Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in hugoDocs,
which has received 3 contributions by 2 contributors.

Hugo now has:




Compare Source

This release is mostly some important upgrades of Hugo's core dependencies, but we have also added crypto.FNV32a template function, which produces 32-bit unsigned integer hashes from a string. We have already many hash functions, but none of them produces an integer, which can be useful, e.g.:

{{ $mystring := "Hugo" }}
{{ $colors := slice "orange" "blue" "green" "steel" "hotpink" }}
{{ $hash := (crypto.FNV32a $mystring) }}
{{ $i := mod $hash (len $colors) }}
{{ $color := index $colors $i }}

This release represents 29 contributions by 3 contributors to the main Hugo code base.

Hugo now has:




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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Update | Change | |---|---|---| | [gohugoio/hugo]( | minor | `v0.97.3` -> `v0.101.0` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>gohugoio/hugo</summary> ### [`v0.101.0`]( [Compare Source]( Hugo `v0.101.0` comes with GIF animation [image processing](, a new `hl_inline` option for code highlighting, a new `:slugorfilename` permalink keyword, we now respect the [NO_COLOR]( OS env var, and more. This release represents **35 contributions by 9 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.[@&#8203;bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [@&#8203;dependabot\[bot\]](, [@&#8203;jmooring](, and [@&#8203;vanbroup]( for their ongoing contributions. Also a shoutout to [@&#8203;CIAvash]( for his work on the Chroma highlighter. Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](, which has received **3 contributions by 2 contributors**. Hugo now has: - 59557+ [stars]( - 428+ [contributors]( - 399+ [themes]( #### Changes - build: Update to Go 1.18.3 [`2c5943d`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9964]( - docs: Regen docshelper [`0cb459a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - markup/highlight: Add hl_inline option [`d863dde`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9442]( [#&#8203;9635]( [#&#8203;9638]( - deps: Update v2.1.0 => v2.2.0 [`580b214`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - build(deps): bump from 2.5.5 to 2.5.6 [`ddb9547`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 [`288b0fb`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11 [`3e13446`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump from 2.11.5 to 2.11.10 [`7a9ce0e`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump from 0.14.42 to 0.14.43 [`f2ba0cc`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - build(deps): bump from 0.94.0 to 0.97.0 [`62ceaab`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - deps: Udpate to [`35fa192`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9932]( [#&#8203;9931]( - common: Add hugo.GoVersion [`09ac733`]( [@&#8203;khayyamsaleem]( [#&#8203;9849]( - resources: Panic on Copy of Resource with .Err [`66da1b7`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;10006]( - resources/page: Add :slugorfilename attribute [`5a9ecb8`]( [@&#8203;dawidpotocki]( [#&#8203;385]( - Respect NO_COLOR [`cbc35c4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;10004]( - readme: Update dependency list [`44f3c07`]( [@&#8203;deining]( - Fix relURL with leading slash when baseURL includes a subdirectory [`a5a4422`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9994]( - js: Resolve index.esm.js [`617e094`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;8631]( - Add animated GIF support [`cf12fa6`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;5030]( - resources: Add a Gif source file to golden tests [`2e1c817`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.101.0-DEV [`4276075`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.100.2 [`d25cb29`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.100.2 \[ci skip] [`8b9bdc4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Update [`4e94d1d`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Fix raw TOML dates in where/eq [`0566bbf`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9979]( - deps: Update to v2.0.1 [`534e715`]( [@&#8203;anthonyfok]( - tpl/path: Add path.BaseName function [`953f215`]( [@&#8203;jmooring]( [#&#8203;9973]( - livereload: Use `X-Forwarded-Host` for Codespace [`8e2fd55`]( [@&#8203;satotake]( [#&#8203;9936]( - helpers: Fix panic with invalid defaultMarkdownHandler [`311b800`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9968]( - resources: Register MediaTypes before build [`c7d5f9f`]( [@&#8203;vanbroup]( [#&#8203;9971]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.101.0-DEV [`bfebd8c`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.100.1 [`0afb486`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.100.1 \[ci skip] [`b1ec0c2`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Fix panic with markdownify/RenderString with shortcode on Page with no content file [`212d9e3`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9959]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.101.0-DEV [`4daac65`]( [@&#8203;bep]( ### [`v0.100.2`]( [Compare Source]( This release is mostly motivated by the fix for the panic experienced by people having `blackfriday` configured as `defaultMarkdownHandler` ([#&#8203;9968]( The Blackfriday support was removed in Hugo v0.100.0 after being deprecated with a warning for a long time. - Fix raw TOML dates in where/eq [`0566bbf`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9979]( - deps: Update to v2.0.1 [`534e715`]( [@&#8203;anthonyfok]( - tpl/path: Add path.BaseName function [`953f215`]( [@&#8203;jmooring]( [#&#8203;9973]( - livereload: Use `X-Forwarded-Host` for Codespace [`8e2fd55`]( [@&#8203;satotake]( [#&#8203;9936]( - helpers: Fix panic with invalid defaultMarkdownHandler [`311b800`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9968]( - resources: Register MediaTypes before build [`c7d5f9f`]( [@&#8203;vanbroup]( [#&#8203;9971]( ### [`v0.100.1`]( [Compare Source]( Fix panic with markdownify/RenderString with shortcode on Page with no content file [`212d9e3`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9959]( ### [`v0.100.0`]( [Compare Source]( `$page.RenderString` (see [#&#8203;6703]( finally supports shortcodes, and shortcode improvements is the main theme in Hugo 0.100.0. **Indentation fixes for shortcode blocks:** We now record the indentation before the opening shortcode tag when parsing the source. This allow us to fix a couple of annoying issues in Hugo: 1. We have added a new `.InnerIndent` method to the shortcode context to prevent the `highlight` shortcode from including in the indentation as part of the code block. See [#&#8203;4717]( 2. Hugo now preserves the indentation for shortcode blocks. See more below. A shortcode block is when the shortcode is included as the first non-whitespace content on a line. Note that this does not touch shortcodes with inner content, where the user is in control of the indentation. See issue [#&#8203;9946]( for more information. An example, say that I have this in `layouts/shortcodes/`: ```md * Culpa enim incididunt fugiat id dolore velit laboris veniam minim. * Tempor ex nisi labore ad elit laborum ex ullamco aute labore eu occaecat. * Deserunt mollit aliqua est laboris et irure eu non. * Consectetur nulla minim non reprehenderit Lorem elit dolore quis. ``` And then use that shortcode in a content file: ```md * My List {{% mylist %}} ``` In earlier versions of Hugo the above would render as: <img width="582" alt="image" src=""> Now it renders as: <img width="604" alt="image" src=""> Note that in the example above we use the `md` file suffix for the shortcode. In this release we also added `Markdown` as a built-in output format in Hugo, defined as a plain text format, meaning you get more lenient parsing compared to HTML. Using this if your shortcode produces Markdown has fewer quirks. See [#&#8203;9821]( Also noteworthy is the new template function [resources.Copy]( which allows you to copy almost any Hugo `Resource` (the one exception is the `Page`), possibly most useful for renaming things: ```htmlbars {{ $resized := $image.Resize "400x400" | resources.Copy "images/mynewname.jpg" } }} <img src="{{ $resized.RelPermalink }}"> ``` This release represents **32 contributions by 4 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.[@&#8203;bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [@&#8203;dependabot\[bot\]](, [@&#8203;satotake](, and [@&#8203;moorereason]( for their ongoing contributions. Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](, which has received **1 contributions by 1 contributors**. Hugo now has: - 59255+ [stars]( - 428+ [contributors]( - 399+ [themes]( #### Notes - The methods on Page `IsDescendant` and `IsAncestor` now returns true for itself, which is obviously the correct behaviour. We have fixed this before, but reverted it because it broke some theme's logic. Looking back, that reversion was a mistake. If you want the old logic you can get that by doing somethiong ala `{{ if or (eq $p1 $p2) ($p1.IsAncestor $p2) }}{{ end }}` [#&#8203;9925]( - We have removed Blackfriday as a Markdown option. It has been deprecated for a long time, its v1 version is not maintained anymore, and there are many known issues. Goldmark should be a mature replacement by now. [#&#8203;9944]( #### Changes - docs: Regen CLI docs [`3fcbee2`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - docs: Regen docs helper [`db9d274`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Fix indentation in highlight shortcode [`6f7bf3f`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;4717]( - Make .RenderString render shortcodes [`9e904d7`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;6703]( - Improve shortcode indentation handling [`d2cfaed`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9946]( - Add Markdown as an output format [`322d19a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9821]( - build(deps): bump from 0.14.39 to 0.14.42 [`7cb484e`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - Run go mod tidy [`0b395f0`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Add a shortcode benchmark [`c1a8307`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Remove Blackfriday markdown engine [`0f8dc47`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9934]( - Fix HasMenuCurrent and IsDescendant/IsAncestor when comparing to itself [`3b478f5`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9846]( - build(deps): bump from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5 [`f343b8e`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - deps: Update to v2.11.5 [`60ede14`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Don't use the baseURL /path as part of the resource cache key [`dd9eaf1`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9787]( - postcss: Make the resource cache key more stable [`46a2ea6`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9787]( - commands: Fix case where languages cannot be configured [`653ab2c`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - github: Set HUGO_BUILD_TAGS: extended when running tests [`52edea0`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9935]( - metrics: Fix divide by zero error [`6a5acd7`]( [@&#8203;moorereason]( - Fix error message when PostCSS config file is not found [`805b215`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9927]( - server: Skip watching dirs in ignoreFiles [`8ca7052`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9838]( - resources: Improve error message on .Resize etc. on SVGs [`bb232a3`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9875]( - Fix Plainify edge cases [`3854a6f`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9199]( [#&#8203;9909]( [#&#8203;9410]( - Add resources.Copy [`cd0112a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9313]( - basefs: add `noBuildLock` flag [`6f7fbe0`]( [@&#8203;satotake]( [#&#8203;9780]( - import: Fix importing jekyll site [`2fc2e9c`]( [@&#8203;satotake]( [#&#8203;9817]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.100.0-DEV [`e164834`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.99.1 [`d524067`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.99.1 \[ci skip] [`31ce89f`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Fix version replacement [`ee55fde`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - server: Fix multihost crash [`2f9eac4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9901]( - Update stale.yml [`3a8189e`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - common/hugo: Fix version logic [`7bc3401`]( [@&#8203;bep]( ### [`v0.99.1`]( [Compare Source]( Fix server regression for multihost sites (multiple languages with different baseURLs) [`2f9eac4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9901]( ### [`v0.99.0`]( [Compare Source]( The theme of this release is **error handling** – a topic grievously underrated in most development tools. You are often expected to Google this mysterious error and end up in some Stackoverflow thread telling you to use a specific Node version. Hugo has done an OK job in this department, but when I, [@&#8203;bep](, recently got stuck with a minify error I had no clue how to debug, I knew we had to take another look at this. There is a list of "error improvements below", but here is one visual example: ![image]( The two screenshots above is from the same template error in Hugo `v0.98.0` (left) and the new `v0.99.0` (right). This is a *type error* (method not found) in a partial included in a shortcode template. We did a decent job in `v0.98.0`, too, pointing at correct line in the partial. But the right version has the full stack, with absolute filename, line and column and some file context (highlighted lines) for all of the files involved in the error (Markdown file, shortcode and partial). Having these source file references to click on in the VS Code terminal is a real time saver, especially in Hugo projects with mulitiple file roots (themes, theme components). A list of the most important "error improvements": - A new server error template (can be overridden in `layouts/_server/error.html`), always add the content file context if relevant, improve JS errors, Add file context (with position) to codeblock render blocks, add file context to errors in the publishing step (e.g. minify), and more. [#&#8203;9892]( [#&#8203;9891]( [#&#8203;9893]( - Fix SIGINT handling (allowing to kill the server) after loading bad configuration [#&#8203;9664]( - Improve SASS/SCSS errors (both Dart SASS and Libsass) [#&#8203;9897]( - Fix line numbers in errors from PostCSS, add missing file context to "import not found" [#&#8203;9895]( Also worth mentioning is the new `clock` cli flag ([#&#8203;8787]( ) which allows you to "set the clock" and see how your site looks like ... in the future. This release represents **24 contributions by 4 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.[@&#8203;bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contributions, but also a big shoutout to [@&#8203;dependabot\[bot\]](, [@&#8203;satotake](, and [@&#8203;nathannaveen]( for their ongoing contributions. Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](, which has received **3 contributions by 2 contributors**. Hugo now has: - 58934+ [stars]( - 428+ [contributors]( - 399+ [themes]( #### Notes - Hugo will now by default fail the build if an inline import cannot be resolved with `inlineImports=true` enabled for `resources.PostCSS`. See #### Changes - server: Refresh the error template [`657d1a2`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - server: Fix SIGINT handling after loading bad configuration [`87a22eb`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9664]( - Improve SASS errors [`fc9f315`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9897]( - postcss: Fix import error handling [`4b189d8`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9895]( - build(deps): bump from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4 [`c2fa0a3`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - common/herrors: Remove unused struct [`48ea24f`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - build(deps): bump from 0.14.38 to 0.14.39 [`9f56385`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - errors: Misc improvements [`5c96bda`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9892]( [#&#8203;9891]( [#&#8203;9893]( - server: Always rebuild the files involved in an error [`4a96df9`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9884]( - postcss: Fix line numbers in error messages [`e8537e6`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9880]( - Update [`2fbdee7`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - js: Bump test dependency [`91fe1b6`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - deps: Update v1.4.1 => v1.5.0 [`7de6291`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - hugolib: Check for nil in shouldRender [`9d7f166`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Revise the use of htime.Since/htime.Now [`51f08b0`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9868]( - tpl/collections: Make sort stable [`860c51c`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9865]( - docs: Regen CLI docs [`855e586`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Use configured timeZone for the clock [`35c88a7`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;8787]( - Add `clock` cli flag [`e77ca3c`]( [@&#8203;satotake]( [#&#8203;8787]( - Improve error messages, esp. when the server is running [`f2946da`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9852]( [#&#8203;9857]( [#&#8203;9863]( - tpl: Improve godoc [`6eea32b`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - github: Add permissions to test action [`a6d5458`]( [@&#8203;nathannaveen]( - tpl/crypto: Add example for FNV32a [`e5f2173`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.99.0-DEV [`89c1655`]( [@&#8203;bep]( ### [`v0.98.0`]( [Compare Source]( This release is mostly some important upgrades of Hugo's core dependencies, but we have also added `crypto.FNV32a` template function, which produces 32-bit unsigned integer hashes from a string. We have already many hash functions, but none of them produces an integer, which can be useful, e.g.: ```htmlbars {{ $mystring := "Hugo" }} {{ $colors := slice "orange" "blue" "green" "steel" "hotpink" }} {{ $hash := (crypto.FNV32a $mystring) }} {{ $i := mod $hash (len $colors) }} {{ $color := index $colors $i }} ``` This release represents **29 contributions by 3 contributors** to the main Hugo code base. Hugo now has: - 58549+ [stars]( - 428+ [contributors]( - 399+ [themes]( #### Notes - Deprecate page.Author and page.Authors [`097fd58`]( [@&#8203;bep]( #### Changes - docs: Regen docs helper [`a4fff57`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Some godoc adjustments and image struct renames [`fa80fe3`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - tpl/crypto: Add FNV32a [`1104753`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - markup/goldmark: Fix attribute nilpointer [`d7b54a4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9819]( - deps: Update to v0.24.0 [`13ceef7`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - build(deps): bump from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 [`942d0dd`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - deps: Update v1.4.11 => v1.4.12 [`a022ca2`]( [@&#8203;jmooring]( [#&#8203;9054]( [#&#8203;9756]( [#&#8203;9757]( - build(deps): bump from 0.14.36 to 0.14.38 [`d56b339`]( [@&#8203;dependabot](\[bot] - deps: Update v2.11.1 => v2.11.2 [`55e28c2`]( [@&#8203;jmooring]( [#&#8203;9820]( - Some godoc adjustments [`9a888c2`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - tpl/lang: Handle nil values in lang.Merge [`05b45c3`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - resources/page: Mark some more interface methods as internal [`625be77`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Deprecate page.Author and page.Authors [`097fd58`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.98.0-DEV [`41cc4e4`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.97.3 [`078053a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.97.3 \[ci skip] [`7d9f888`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Fix syncing of /static regression [`9b352f0`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9794]( [#&#8203;9788]( - Revert "Revert "Fix PostProcess regression for hugo server"" [`e66e2e9`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9794]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.98.0-DEV [`5de6f8a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.97.2 [`5099abe`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.97.2 \[ci skip] [`99ec88d`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Revert "Fix PostProcess regression for hugo server" [`6c35a1a`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.98.0-DEV [`363bc90`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Bump versions for release of 0.97.1 [`04efcb2`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - releaser: Add release notes for 0.97.1 \[ci skip] [`4560725`]( [@&#8203;bep]( - Fix PostProcess regression for hugo server [`4deb5c6`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9788]( - Fix MediaType when reading images from cache [`397fce5`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;8931]( - deps: Upgrade v0.4.0 => v0.5.0 [`0093eaa`]( [@&#8203;bep]( [#&#8203;9783]( - releaser: Prepare repository for 0.98.0-DEV [`d0f731c`]( [@&#8203;bep]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox. --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.98.0 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.99.0 2022-05-16 14:02:15 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from 01f0038055 to 700db6270d 2022-05-16 14:02:16 +02:00 Compare
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.99.0 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.99.1 2022-05-18 15:02:22 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from 700db6270d to a31738045d 2022-05-18 15:02:23 +02:00 Compare
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.99.1 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.0 2022-05-31 13:02:18 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from a31738045d to d31d0f8908 2022-05-31 13:02:19 +02:00 Compare
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.0 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.1 2022-06-01 13:02:28 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from d31d0f8908 to b4f3c8eb10 2022-06-01 13:02:29 +02:00 Compare
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.1 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.2 2022-06-08 15:03:09 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from b4f3c8eb10 to da8fa2681d 2022-06-08 15:03:10 +02:00 Compare
renovator changed title from chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.100.2 to chore(deps): update dependency gohugoio/hugo to v0.101.0 2022-06-16 11:03:28 +02:00
renovator force-pushed renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x from da8fa2681d to 1fe53dbdf2 2022-06-16 11:03:30 +02:00 Compare
xoxys merged commit b192ffef65 into main 2022-06-20 21:31:49 +02:00
xoxys deleted branch renovate/gohugoio-hugo-0.x 2022-06-20 21:31:49 +02:00
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