#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Find and parse annotations to AnnotationItem objects.""" import json import re from collections import defaultdict import anyconfig import structlog from ansibledoctor.config import SingleConfig from ansibledoctor.utils import _split_string, sysexit_with_message class AnnotationItem: """Handle annotations.""" # next time improve this by looping over public available attributes def __init__(self): self.data = defaultdict(dict) def __str__(self): """Beautify object string output.""" for key in self.data: for sub in self.data.get(key): return f"AnnotationItem({key}: {sub})" return "None" def get_obj(self): return self.data class Annotation: """Handle annotations.""" def __init__(self, name, files_registry): self._all_items = defaultdict(dict) self._file_handler = None self.config = SingleConfig() self.log = structlog.get_logger() self._files_registry = files_registry self._all_annotations = self.config.get_annotations_definition() if name in self._all_annotations: self._annotation_definition = self._all_annotations[name] if self._annotation_definition is not None: self._find_annotation() def get_details(self): return self._all_items def _find_annotation(self): regex = r"(\#\ *\@" + self._annotation_definition["name"] + r"\ +.*)" for rfile in self._files_registry.get_files(): with open(rfile, encoding="utf8") as self._file_handler: num = 1 while True: line = self._file_handler.readline() if not line: break if re.match(regex, line.strip()): item = self._get_annotation_data( num, line, self._annotation_definition["name"], rfile ) if item: self.log.info(f"Found {item!s}") self._populate_item( item.get_obj().items(), self._annotation_definition["name"] ) num += 1 def _populate_item(self, item, name): allow_multiple = self.config.ANNOTATIONS.get(name)["allow_multiple"] for key, value in item: if allow_multiple: if key not in self._all_items: self._all_items[key] = [] self._all_items[key].append(value) else: try: anyconfig.merge(self._all_items[key], value, ac_merge=anyconfig.MS_DICTS) except ValueError as e: sysexit_with_message("Failed to merge annotation values", error=e) def _get_annotation_data(self, num, line, name, rfile): """ Make some string conversion on a line in order to get the relevant data. :param line: """ item = AnnotationItem() # step1 remove the annotation reg1 = r"(\#\ *\@" + name + r"\ *)" line1 = re.sub(reg1, "", line).strip() # step3 take the main key value from the annotation parts = [part.strip() for part in _split_string(line1, ":", "\\", 2)] key = str(parts[0]) item.data[key] = {} multiline_char = [">", "$>"] if len(parts) < 2: return None if len(parts) == 2: parts = parts[:1] + ["value"] + parts[1:] subtypes = self.config.ANNOTATIONS.get(name)["subtypes"] if subtypes and parts[1] not in subtypes: return None content = [parts[2]] if parts[2] not in multiline_char and parts[2].startswith("$"): source = parts[2].replace("$", "").strip() content = self._str_to_json(key, source, rfile, num, line) item.data[key][parts[1]] = content # step4 check for multiline description if parts[2] in multiline_char: multiline = [] stars_with_annotation = r"(\#\ *[\@][\w]+)" current_file_position = self._file_handler.tell() before = "" after = "" while True: next_line = self._file_handler.readline().lstrip() if not next_line.strip(): self._file_handler.seek(current_file_position) break # match if annotation in line if re.match(stars_with_annotation, next_line): self._file_handler.seek(current_file_position) break # match if does not start with comment test_line2 = next_line.strip() if test_line2[:1] != "#": self._file_handler.seek(current_file_position) break final = re.findall(r"\#(.*)", next_line)[0].rstrip() if final[:1] == " ": final = final[1:] final = before + final # match if empty line or commented empty line test_line = next_line.replace("#", "").strip() if len(test_line) == 0: before = "\n\n" continue before = "" if test_line.endswith("\\"): final = final.rstrip("\\").strip() after = "\n" else: after = "" multiline.append(before + final + after) if parts[2].startswith("$"): source = "".join([x.strip() for x in multiline]) multiline = self._str_to_json(key, source, rfile, num) item.data[key][parts[1]] = multiline return item def _str_to_json(self, key, string, rfile, num): try: return {key: json.loads(string)} except ValueError: sysexit_with_message( f"ValueError: Failed to parse json in {rfile}:{num!s}", file=rfile )