--- # @var demo_role_unset:description: You can set values as string, but there is no magic or autoformatting... # @var demo_role_unset:example: demo_role_unset: some_value demo_role_unset: demo_role_empty: "" demo_role_single: "b" # @var demo_role_empty_dict:description: > # ... or you can use a valid json. In this case, # the json will be automatically prefixed with the annotation key # and you can use e.g. `to_nice_yaml` filter in your templates. # To get this working, you have to prefix your json with a `$` char. # @end # @var demo_role_empty_dict:example: $ {"key1": {"sub": "some value"}, "key2": {"sublist": ["subval1", "subval2"]}} demo_role_empty_dict: {} # @var demo_role_dict:example: > # demo_role_dict: # key1: # sub: some value # # # Inline description # key2: # sublist: # - subval1 # - subval2 # @end demo_role_dict: key1: sub: some value # @var demo_role_other_tags:description: > # If a variable need some more explanation, # this is a good place to do so. # @end # @var demo_role_other_tags:example: $> # [ # "package1", # "package2" # ] # @end demo_role_other_tags: [] # @var demo_role_undefined_var:description: > # If you want to add an explicit notice, that a var is not set by default, this is one option. # Make sure to flag it as json value: `@var demo_role_undefined_var: $ "_unset_"` # # Test paragarph # @end # @var demo_role_undefined_var: $ "_unset_"