--- title: CLI options --- You can get all available CLI options by running `ansible-later --help`: {{< highlight Shell "linenos=table" >}} $ ansible-later --help usage: ansible-later [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-r DIR] [-B] [-i TAGS] [-x TAGS] [-v] [-q] [-V] [rules.files ...] Validate Ansible files against best practice guideline positional arguments: rules.files options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG path to configuration file -r DIR, --rules-dir DIR directory of rules -B, --no-builtin disables built-in rules -i TAGS, --include-rules TAGS limit rules to given id/tags -x TAGS, --exclude-rules TAGS exclude rules by given it/tags -v increase log level -q decrease log level -V, --version show program's version number and exit {{< /highlight >}}