"""Module containing the application logic for Flake8.""" from __future__ import print_function import logging import sys import time from typing import List, Optional import flake8 from flake8 import checker from flake8 import defaults from flake8 import exceptions from flake8 import style_guide from flake8 import utils from flake8.main import options from flake8.options import aggregator, config from flake8.options import manager from flake8.plugins import manager as plugin_manager if False: # `typing.TYPE_CHECKING` was introduced in 3.5.2 # fmt: off # `typing.Type` as introduced in 3.5.2 from typing import Type # noqa: F401 (until flake8 3.7) from flake8.formatting.base import BaseFormatter # noqa: F401, E501 (until flake8 3.7) # fmt: on LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Application(object): """Abstract our application into a class.""" def __init__(self, program="flake8", version=flake8.__version__): # type: (str, str) -> None """Initialize our application. :param str program: The name of the program/application that we're executing. :param str version: The version of the program/application we're executing. """ #: The timestamp when the Application instance was instantiated. self.start_time = time.time() #: The timestamp when the Application finished reported errors. self.end_time = None #: The name of the program being run self.program = program #: The version of the program being run self.version = version #: The instance of :class:`flake8.options.manager.OptionManager` used #: to parse and handle the options and arguments passed by the user self.option_manager = manager.OptionManager( prog="flake8", version=flake8.__version__ ) options.register_default_options(self.option_manager) #: The preliminary options parsed from CLI before plugins are loaded, #: into a :class:`optparse.Values` instance self.prelim_opts = None #: The preliminary arguments parsed from CLI before plugins are loaded self.prelim_args = None #: The instance of :class:`flake8.options.config.ConfigFileFinder` self.config_finder = None #: The :class:`flake8.options.config.LocalPlugins` found in config self.local_plugins = None #: The instance of :class:`flake8.plugins.manager.Checkers` self.check_plugins = None #: The instance of :class:`flake8.plugins.manager.ReportFormatters` self.formatting_plugins = None #: The user-selected formatter from :attr:`formatting_plugins` self.formatter = None #: The :class:`flake8.style_guide.StyleGuideManager` built from the #: user's options self.guide = None #: The :class:`flake8.checker.Manager` that will handle running all of #: the checks selected by the user. self.file_checker_manager = None #: The user-supplied options parsed into an instance of #: :class:`optparse.Values` self.options = None #: The left over arguments that were not parsed by #: :attr:`option_manager` self.args = None #: The number of errors, warnings, and other messages after running #: flake8 and taking into account ignored errors and lines. self.result_count = 0 #: The total number of errors before accounting for ignored errors and #: lines. self.total_result_count = 0 #: Whether or not something catastrophic happened and we should exit #: with a non-zero status code self.catastrophic_failure = False #: Whether the program is processing a diff or not self.running_against_diff = False #: The parsed diff information self.parsed_diff = {} def parse_preliminary_options_and_args(self, argv=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Get preliminary options and args from CLI, pre-plugin-loading. We need to know the values of a few standard options and args now, so that we can find config files and configure logging. Since plugins aren't loaded yet, there may be some as-yet-unknown options; we ignore those for now, they'll be parsed later when we do real option parsing. Sets self.prelim_opts and self.prelim_args. :param list argv: Command-line arguments passed in directly. """ # We haven't found or registered our plugins yet, so let's defer # printing the version until we aggregate options from config files # and the command-line. First, let's clone our arguments on the CLI, # then we'll attempt to remove ``--version`` so that we can avoid # triggering the "version" action in optparse. If it's not there, we # do not need to worry and we can continue. If it is, we successfully # defer printing the version until just a little bit later. # Similarly we have to defer printing the help text until later. args = (argv or sys.argv)[:] try: args.remove("--version") except ValueError: pass try: args.remove("--help") except ValueError: pass try: args.remove("-h") except ValueError: pass opts, args = self.option_manager.parse_known_args(args) # parse_known_args includes program name and unknown options as args args = [a for a in args[1:] if not a.startswith("-")] self.prelim_opts, self.prelim_args = opts, args def exit(self): # type: () -> None """Handle finalization and exiting the program. This should be the last thing called on the application instance. It will check certain options and exit appropriately. """ if self.options.count: print(self.result_count) if not self.options.exit_zero: raise SystemExit( (self.result_count > 0) or self.catastrophic_failure ) def make_config_finder(self): """Make our ConfigFileFinder based on preliminary opts and args.""" if self.config_finder is None: extra_config_files = utils.normalize_paths( self.prelim_opts.append_config ) self.config_finder = config.ConfigFileFinder( self.option_manager.program_name, self.prelim_args, extra_config_files, ) def find_plugins(self): # type: () -> None """Find and load the plugins for this application. If :attr:`check_plugins`, or :attr:`formatting_plugins` are ``None`` then this method will update them with the appropriate plugin manager instance. Given the expense of finding plugins (via :mod:`entrypoints`) we want this to be idempotent and so only update those attributes if they are ``None``. """ if self.local_plugins is None: self.local_plugins = config.get_local_plugins( self.config_finder, self.prelim_opts.config, self.prelim_opts.isolated, ) sys.path.extend(self.local_plugins.paths) if self.check_plugins is None: self.check_plugins = plugin_manager.Checkers( self.local_plugins.extension ) if self.formatting_plugins is None: self.formatting_plugins = plugin_manager.ReportFormatters( self.local_plugins.report ) self.check_plugins.load_plugins() self.formatting_plugins.load_plugins() def register_plugin_options(self): # type: () -> None """Register options provided by plugins to our option manager.""" self.check_plugins.register_options(self.option_manager) self.check_plugins.register_plugin_versions(self.option_manager) self.formatting_plugins.register_options(self.option_manager) def parse_configuration_and_cli(self, argv=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Parse configuration files and the CLI options. :param list argv: Command-line arguments passed in directly. """ if self.options is None and self.args is None: self.options, self.args = aggregator.aggregate_options( self.option_manager, self.config_finder, argv ) self.running_against_diff = self.options.diff if self.running_against_diff: self.parsed_diff = utils.parse_unified_diff() if not self.parsed_diff: self.exit() self.options._running_from_vcs = False self.check_plugins.provide_options( self.option_manager, self.options, self.args ) self.formatting_plugins.provide_options( self.option_manager, self.options, self.args ) def formatter_for(self, formatter_plugin_name): """Retrieve the formatter class by plugin name.""" default_formatter = self.formatting_plugins["default"] formatter_plugin = self.formatting_plugins.get(formatter_plugin_name) if formatter_plugin is None: LOG.warning( '"%s" is an unknown formatter. Falling back to default.', formatter_plugin_name, ) formatter_plugin = default_formatter return formatter_plugin.execute def make_formatter(self, formatter_class=None): # type: (Optional[Type[BaseFormatter]]) -> None """Initialize a formatter based on the parsed options.""" if self.formatter is None: format_plugin = self.options.format if 1 <= self.options.quiet < 2: format_plugin = "quiet-filename" elif 2 <= self.options.quiet: format_plugin = "quiet-nothing" if formatter_class is None: formatter_class = self.formatter_for(format_plugin) self.formatter = formatter_class(self.options) def make_guide(self): # type: () -> None """Initialize our StyleGuide.""" if self.guide is None: self.guide = style_guide.StyleGuideManager( self.options, self.formatter ) if self.running_against_diff: self.guide.add_diff_ranges(self.parsed_diff) def make_file_checker_manager(self): # type: () -> None """Initialize our FileChecker Manager.""" if self.file_checker_manager is None: self.file_checker_manager = checker.Manager( style_guide=self.guide, arguments=self.args, checker_plugins=self.check_plugins, ) def run_checks(self, files=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Run the actual checks with the FileChecker Manager. This method encapsulates the logic to make a :class:`~flake8.checker.Manger` instance run the checks it is managing. :param list files: List of filenames to process """ if self.running_against_diff: files = sorted(self.parsed_diff) self.file_checker_manager.start(files) try: self.file_checker_manager.run() except exceptions.PluginExecutionFailed as plugin_failed: print(str(plugin_failed)) print("Run flake8 with greater verbosity to see more details") self.catastrophic_failure = True LOG.info("Finished running") self.file_checker_manager.stop() self.end_time = time.time() def report_benchmarks(self): """Aggregate, calculate, and report benchmarks for this run.""" if not self.options.benchmark: return time_elapsed = self.end_time - self.start_time statistics = [("seconds elapsed", time_elapsed)] add_statistic = statistics.append for statistic in defaults.STATISTIC_NAMES + ("files",): value = self.file_checker_manager.statistics[statistic] total_description = "total " + statistic + " processed" add_statistic((total_description, value)) per_second_description = statistic + " processed per second" add_statistic((per_second_description, int(value / time_elapsed))) self.formatter.show_benchmarks(statistics) def report_errors(self): # type: () -> None """Report all the errors found by flake8 3.0. This also updates the :attr:`result_count` attribute with the total number of errors, warnings, and other messages found. """ LOG.info("Reporting errors") results = self.file_checker_manager.report() self.total_result_count, self.result_count = results LOG.info( "Found a total of %d violations and reported %d", self.total_result_count, self.result_count, ) def report_statistics(self): """Aggregate and report statistics from this run.""" if not self.options.statistics: return self.formatter.show_statistics(self.guide.stats) def initialize(self, argv): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Initialize the application to be run. This finds the plugins, registers their options, and parses the command-line arguments. """ # NOTE(sigmavirus24): When updating this, make sure you also update # our legacy API calls to these same methods. self.parse_preliminary_options_and_args(argv) flake8.configure_logging( self.prelim_opts.verbose, self.prelim_opts.output_file ) self.make_config_finder() self.find_plugins() self.register_plugin_options() self.parse_configuration_and_cli(argv) self.make_formatter() self.make_guide() self.make_file_checker_manager() def report(self): """Report errors, statistics, and benchmarks.""" self.formatter.start() self.report_errors() self.report_statistics() self.report_benchmarks() self.formatter.stop() def _run(self, argv): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None self.initialize(argv) self.run_checks() self.report() def run(self, argv=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]]) -> None """Run our application. This method will also handle KeyboardInterrupt exceptions for the entirety of the flake8 application. If it sees a KeyboardInterrupt it will forcibly clean up the :class:`~flake8.checker.Manager`. """ try: self._run(argv) except KeyboardInterrupt as exc: print("... stopped") LOG.critical("Caught keyboard interrupt from user") LOG.exception(exc) self.catastrophic_failure = True except exceptions.ExecutionError as exc: print("There was a critical error during execution of Flake8:") print(exc) LOG.exception(exc) self.catastrophic_failure = True except exceptions.EarlyQuit: self.catastrophic_failure = True print("... stopped while processing files")