"""Module containing our file processor that tokenizes a file for checks.""" import contextlib import logging import sys import tokenize from typing import List import flake8 from flake8 import defaults from flake8 import exceptions from flake8 import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) PyCF_ONLY_AST = 1024 NEWLINE = frozenset([tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE]) SKIP_TOKENS = frozenset( [tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.INDENT, tokenize.DEDENT] ) class FileProcessor(object): """Processes a file and holdes state. This processes a file by generating tokens, logical and physical lines, and AST trees. This also provides a way of passing state about the file to checks expecting that state. Any public attribute on this object can be requested by a plugin. The known public attributes are: - :attr:`blank_before` - :attr:`blank_lines` - :attr:`checker_state` - :attr:`indent_char` - :attr:`indent_level` - :attr:`line_number` - :attr:`logical_line` - :attr:`max_line_length` - :attr:`max_doc_length` - :attr:`multiline` - :attr:`noqa` - :attr:`previous_indent_level` - :attr:`previous_logical` - :attr:`previous_unindented_logical_line` - :attr:`tokens` - :attr:`file_tokens` - :attr:`total_lines` - :attr:`verbose` """ def __init__(self, filename, options, lines=None): """Initialice our file processor. :param str filename: Name of the file to process """ self.options = options self.filename = filename self.lines = lines if lines is None: self.lines = self.read_lines() self.strip_utf_bom() # Defaults for public attributes #: Number of preceding blank lines self.blank_before = 0 #: Number of blank lines self.blank_lines = 0 #: Checker states for each plugin? self._checker_states = {} #: Current checker state self.checker_state = None #: User provided option for hang closing self.hang_closing = options.hang_closing #: Character used for indentation self.indent_char = None #: Current level of indentation self.indent_level = 0 #: Line number in the file self.line_number = 0 #: Current logical line self.logical_line = "" #: Maximum line length as configured by the user self.max_line_length = options.max_line_length #: Maximum docstring / comment line length as configured by the user self.max_doc_length = options.max_doc_length #: Whether the current physical line is multiline self.multiline = False #: Whether or not we're observing NoQA self.noqa = False #: Previous level of indentation self.previous_indent_level = 0 #: Previous logical line self.previous_logical = "" #: Previous unindented (i.e. top-level) logical line self.previous_unindented_logical_line = "" #: Current set of tokens self.tokens = [] #: Total number of lines in the file self.total_lines = len(self.lines) #: Verbosity level of Flake8 self.verbose = options.verbose #: Statistics dictionary self.statistics = {"logical lines": 0} self._file_tokens = None @property def file_tokens(self): """Return the complete set of tokens for a file. Accessing this attribute *may* raise an InvalidSyntax exception. :raises: flake8.exceptions.InvalidSyntax """ if self._file_tokens is None: line_iter = iter(self.lines) try: self._file_tokens = list( tokenize.generate_tokens(lambda: next(line_iter)) ) except tokenize.TokenError as exc: raise exceptions.InvalidSyntax(exception=exc) return self._file_tokens @contextlib.contextmanager def inside_multiline(self, line_number): """Context-manager to toggle the multiline attribute.""" self.line_number = line_number self.multiline = True yield self.multiline = False def reset_blank_before(self): """Reset the blank_before attribute to zero.""" self.blank_before = 0 def delete_first_token(self): """Delete the first token in the list of tokens.""" del self.tokens[0] def visited_new_blank_line(self): """Note that we visited a new blank line.""" self.blank_lines += 1 def update_state(self, mapping): """Update the indent level based on the logical line mapping.""" (start_row, start_col) = mapping[0][1] start_line = self.lines[start_row - 1] self.indent_level = expand_indent(start_line[:start_col]) if self.blank_before < self.blank_lines: self.blank_before = self.blank_lines def update_checker_state_for(self, plugin): """Update the checker_state attribute for the plugin.""" if "checker_state" in plugin["parameters"]: self.checker_state = self._checker_states.setdefault( plugin["name"], {} ) def next_logical_line(self): """Record the previous logical line. This also resets the tokens list and the blank_lines count. """ if self.logical_line: self.previous_indent_level = self.indent_level self.previous_logical = self.logical_line if not self.indent_level: self.previous_unindented_logical_line = self.logical_line self.blank_lines = 0 self.tokens = [] self.noqa = False def build_logical_line_tokens(self): """Build the mapping, comments, and logical line lists.""" logical = [] comments = [] length = 0 previous_row = previous_column = mapping = None for token_type, text, start, end, line in self.tokens: if token_type in SKIP_TOKENS: continue if not mapping: mapping = [(0, start)] if token_type == tokenize.COMMENT: comments.append(text) continue if token_type == tokenize.STRING: text = mutate_string(text) if previous_row: (start_row, start_column) = start if previous_row != start_row: row_index = previous_row - 1 column_index = previous_column - 1 previous_text = self.lines[row_index][column_index] if previous_text == "," or ( previous_text not in "{[(" and text not in "}])" ): text = " " + text elif previous_column != start_column: text = line[previous_column:start_column] + text logical.append(text) length += len(text) mapping.append((length, end)) (previous_row, previous_column) = end return comments, logical, mapping def build_ast(self): """Build an abstract syntax tree from the list of lines.""" return compile("".join(self.lines), "", "exec", PyCF_ONLY_AST) def build_logical_line(self): """Build a logical line from the current tokens list.""" comments, logical, mapping_list = self.build_logical_line_tokens() joined_comments = "".join(comments) self.logical_line = "".join(logical) if defaults.NOQA_INLINE_REGEXP.search(joined_comments): self.noqa = True self.statistics["logical lines"] += 1 return joined_comments, self.logical_line, mapping_list def split_line(self, token): """Split a physical line's line based on new-lines. This also auto-increments the line number for the caller. """ for line in token[1].split("\n")[:-1]: yield line self.line_number += 1 def keyword_arguments_for(self, parameters, arguments=None): """Generate the keyword arguments for a list of parameters.""" if arguments is None: arguments = {} for param, required in parameters.items(): if param in arguments: continue try: arguments[param] = getattr(self, param) except AttributeError as exc: if required: LOG.exception(exc) raise else: LOG.warning( 'Plugin requested optional parameter "%s" ' "but this is not an available parameter.", param, ) return arguments def check_physical_error(self, error_code, line): """Update attributes based on error code and line.""" if error_code == "E101": self.indent_char = line[0] def generate_tokens(self): """Tokenize the file and yield the tokens. :raises flake8.exceptions.InvalidSyntax: If a :class:`tokenize.TokenError` is raised while generating tokens. """ try: for token in tokenize.generate_tokens(self.next_line): if token[2][0] > self.total_lines: break self.tokens.append(token) yield token except (tokenize.TokenError, SyntaxError) as exc: raise exceptions.InvalidSyntax(exception=exc) def line_for(self, line_number): """Retrieve the physical line at the specified line number.""" adjusted_line_number = line_number - 1 # NOTE(sigmavirus24): Some plugins choose to report errors for empty # files on Line 1. In those cases, we shouldn't bother trying to # retrieve a physical line (since none exist). if 0 <= adjusted_line_number < len(self.lines): return self.lines[adjusted_line_number] return None def next_line(self): """Get the next line from the list.""" if self.line_number >= self.total_lines: return "" line = self.lines[self.line_number] self.line_number += 1 if self.indent_char is None and line[:1] in defaults.WHITESPACE: self.indent_char = line[0] return line def read_lines(self): # type: () -> List[str] """Read the lines for this file checker.""" if self.filename is None or self.filename == "-": self.filename = self.options.stdin_display_name or "stdin" lines = self.read_lines_from_stdin() else: lines = self.read_lines_from_filename() return lines def _readlines_py2(self): # type: () -> List[str] with open(self.filename, "rU") as fd: return fd.readlines() def _readlines_py3(self): # type: () -> List[str] try: with tokenize.open(self.filename) as fd: return fd.readlines() except (SyntaxError, UnicodeError): # If we can't detect the codec with tokenize.detect_encoding, or # the detected encoding is incorrect, just fallback to latin-1. with open(self.filename, encoding="latin-1") as fd: return fd.readlines() def read_lines_from_filename(self): # type: () -> List[str] """Read the lines for a file.""" if (2, 6) <= sys.version_info < (3, 0): readlines = self._readlines_py2 elif (3, 0) <= sys.version_info < (4, 0): readlines = self._readlines_py3 return readlines() def read_lines_from_stdin(self): # type: () -> List[str] """Read the lines from standard in.""" return utils.stdin_get_value().splitlines(True) def should_ignore_file(self): # type: () -> bool """Check if ``flake8: noqa`` is in the file to be ignored. :returns: True if a line matches :attr:`defaults.NOQA_FILE`, otherwise False :rtype: bool """ if any(defaults.NOQA_FILE.match(line) for line in self.lines): return True elif any(defaults.NOQA_FILE.search(line) for line in self.lines): LOG.warning( "Detected `flake8: noqa` on line with code. To ignore an " "error on a line use `noqa` instead." ) return False else: return False def strip_utf_bom(self): # type: () -> None """Strip the UTF bom from the lines of the file.""" if not self.lines: # If we have nothing to analyze quit early return first_byte = ord(self.lines[0][0]) if first_byte not in (0xEF, 0xFEFF): return # If the first byte of the file is a UTF-8 BOM, strip it if first_byte == 0xFEFF: self.lines[0] = self.lines[0][1:] elif self.lines[0][:3] == "\xEF\xBB\xBF": self.lines[0] = self.lines[0][3:] def is_eol_token(token): """Check if the token is an end-of-line token.""" return token[0] in NEWLINE or token[4][token[3][1] :].lstrip() == "\\\n" def is_multiline_string(token): """Check if this is a multiline string.""" return token[0] == tokenize.STRING and "\n" in token[1] def token_is_newline(token): """Check if the token type is a newline token type.""" return token[0] in NEWLINE def count_parentheses(current_parentheses_count, token_text): """Count the number of parentheses.""" current_parentheses_count = current_parentheses_count or 0 if token_text in "([{": return current_parentheses_count + 1 elif token_text in "}])": return current_parentheses_count - 1 return current_parentheses_count def log_token(log, token): """Log a token to a provided logging object.""" if token[2][0] == token[3][0]: pos = "[%s:%s]" % (token[2][1] or "", token[3][1]) else: pos = "l.%s" % token[3][0] log.log( flake8._EXTRA_VERBOSE, "l.%s\t%s\t%s\t%r" % (token[2][0], pos, tokenize.tok_name[token[0]], token[1]), ) # NOTE(sigmavirus24): This was taken wholesale from # https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle def expand_indent(line): r"""Return the amount of indentation. Tabs are expanded to the next multiple of 8. >>> expand_indent(' ') 4 >>> expand_indent('\t') 8 >>> expand_indent(' \t') 8 >>> expand_indent(' \t') 16 """ if "\t" not in line: return len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) result = 0 for char in line: if char == "\t": result = result // 8 * 8 + 8 elif char == " ": result += 1 else: break return result # NOTE(sigmavirus24): This was taken wholesale from # https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle. The in-line comments were edited to be # more descriptive. def mutate_string(text): """Replace contents with 'xxx' to prevent syntax matching. >>> mute_string('"abc"') '"xxx"' >>> mute_string("'''abc'''") "'''xxx'''" >>> mute_string("r'abc'") "r'xxx'" """ # NOTE(sigmavirus24): If there are string modifiers (e.g., b, u, r) # use the last "character" to determine if we're using single or double # quotes and then find the first instance of it start = text.index(text[-1]) + 1 end = len(text) - 1 # Check for triple-quoted strings if text[-3:] in ('"""', "'''"): start += 2 end -= 2 return text[:start] + "x" * (end - start) + text[end:]