#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: gce version_added: "1.4" short_description: create or terminate GCE instances description: - Creates or terminates Google Compute Engine (GCE) instances. See U(https://cloud.google.com/compute) for an overview. Full install/configuration instructions for the gce* modules can be found in the comments of ansible/test/gce_tests.py. options: image: description: - image string to use for the instance (default will follow latest stable debian image) default: "debian-8" image_family: description: - image family from which to select the image. The most recent non-deprecated image in the family will be used. version_added: "2.4" external_projects: description: - A list of other projects (accessible with the provisioning credentials) to be searched for the image. version_added: "2.4" instance_names: description: - a comma-separated list of instance names to create or destroy machine_type: description: - machine type to use for the instance, use 'n1-standard-1' by default default: "n1-standard-1" metadata: description: - a hash/dictionary of custom data for the instance; '{"key":"value", ...}' service_account_email: version_added: "1.5.1" description: - service account email service_account_permissions: version_added: "2.0" description: - service account permissions (see U(https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/instances/create), --scopes section for detailed information) choices: [ "bigquery", "cloud-platform", "compute-ro", "compute-rw", "useraccounts-ro", "useraccounts-rw", "datastore", "logging-write", "monitoring", "sql-admin", "storage-full", "storage-ro", "storage-rw", "taskqueue", "userinfo-email" ] pem_file: version_added: "1.5.1" description: - path to the pem file associated with the service account email This option is deprecated. Use 'credentials_file'. credentials_file: version_added: "2.1.0" description: - path to the JSON file associated with the service account email project_id: version_added: "1.5.1" description: - your GCE project ID name: description: - either a name of a single instance or when used with 'num_instances', the base name of a cluster of nodes aliases: ['base_name'] num_instances: description: - can be used with 'name', specifies the number of nodes to provision using 'name' as a base name version_added: "2.3" network: description: - name of the network, 'default' will be used if not specified default: "default" subnetwork: description: - name of the subnetwork in which the instance should be created version_added: "2.2" persistent_boot_disk: description: - if set, create the instance with a persistent boot disk type: bool default: 'no' disks: description: - a list of persistent disks to attach to the instance; a string value gives the name of the disk; alternatively, a dictionary value can define 'name' and 'mode' ('READ_ONLY' or 'READ_WRITE'). The first entry will be the boot disk (which must be READ_WRITE). version_added: "1.7" state: description: - desired state of the resource default: "present" choices: ["active", "present", "absent", "deleted", "started", "stopped", "terminated"] tags: description: - a comma-separated list of tags to associate with the instance zone: description: - the GCE zone to use. The list of available zones is at U(https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/regions-zones#available). required: true default: "us-central1-a" ip_forward: version_added: "1.9" description: - set to C(yes) if the instance can forward ip packets (useful for gateways) type: bool default: 'no' external_ip: version_added: "1.9" description: - type of external ip, ephemeral by default; alternatively, a fixed gce ip or ip name can be given. Specify 'none' if no external ip is desired. default: "ephemeral" disk_auto_delete: version_added: "1.9" description: - if set boot disk will be removed after instance destruction type: bool default: 'yes' preemptible: version_added: "2.1" description: - if set to C(yes), instances will be preemptible and time-limited. (requires libcloud >= 0.20.0) type: bool default: 'no' disk_size: description: - The size of the boot disk created for this instance (in GB) default: 10 version_added: "2.3" requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "apache-libcloud >= 0.13.3, >= 0.17.0 if using JSON credentials, >= 0.20.0 if using preemptible option" notes: - Either I(instance_names) or I(name) is required. - JSON credentials strongly preferred. author: "Eric Johnson (@erjohnso) , Tom Melendez (@supertom) " ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Basic provisioning example. Create a single Debian 8 instance in the # us-central1-a Zone of the n1-standard-1 machine type. # Create multiple instances by specifying multiple names, separated by # commas in the instance_names field # (e.g. my-test-instance1,my-test-instance2) - gce: instance_names: my-test-instance1 zone: us-central1-a machine_type: n1-standard-1 image: debian-8 state: present service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com" credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json" project_id: "your-project-name" disk_size: 32 # Create a single instance of an image from the "my-base-image" image family # in the us-central1-a Zone of the n1-standard-1 machine type. # This image family is in the "my-other-project" GCP project. - gce: instance_names: my-test-instance1 zone: us-central1-a machine_type: n1-standard-1 image_family: my-base-image external_projects: - my-other-project state: present service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com" credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json" project_id: "your-project-name" disk_size: 32 # Create a single Debian 8 instance in the us-central1-a Zone # Use existing disks, custom network/subnetwork, set service account permissions # add tags and metadata. - gce: instance_names: my-test-instance zone: us-central1-a machine_type: n1-standard-1 state: present metadata: '{"db":"postgres", "group":"qa", "id":500}' tags: - http-server - my-other-tag disks: - name: disk-2 mode: READ_WRITE - name: disk-3 mode: READ_ONLY disk_auto_delete: false network: foobar-network subnetwork: foobar-subnetwork-1 preemptible: true ip_forward: true service_account_permissions: - storage-full - taskqueue - bigquery - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com" credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json" project_id: "your-project-name" --- # Example Playbook - name: Compute Engine Instance Examples hosts: localhost vars: service_account_email: "your-sa@your-project-name.iam.gserviceaccount.com" credentials_file: "/path/to/your-key.json" project_id: "your-project-name" tasks: - name: create multiple instances # Basic provisioning example. Create multiple Debian 8 instances in the # us-central1-a Zone of n1-standard-1 machine type. gce: instance_names: test1,test2,test3 zone: us-central1-a machine_type: n1-standard-1 image: debian-8 state: present service_account_email: "{{ service_account_email }}" credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}" project_id: "{{ project_id }}" metadata : '{ "startup-script" : "apt-get update" }' register: gce - name: Save host data add_host: hostname: "{{ item.public_ip }}" groupname: gce_instances_ips with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}" - name: Wait for SSH for instances wait_for: delay: 1 host: "{{ item.public_ip }}" port: 22 state: started timeout: 30 with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}" - name: Configure Hosts hosts: gce_instances_ips become: yes become_method: sudo roles: - my-role-one - my-role-two tags: - config - name: delete test-instances # Basic termination of instance. gce: service_account_email: "{{ service_account_email }}" credentials_file: "{{ credentials_file }}" project_id: "{{ project_id }}" instance_names: "{{ gce.instance_names }}" zone: us-central1-a state: absent tags: - delete ''' import socket import logging try: from ast import literal_eval HAS_PYTHON26 = True except ImportError: HAS_PYTHON26 = False try: import libcloud from libcloud.compute.types import Provider from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver from libcloud.common.google import GoogleBaseError, QuotaExceededError, \ ResourceExistsError, ResourceInUseError, ResourceNotFoundError from libcloud.compute.drivers.gce import GCEAddress _ = Provider.GCE HAS_LIBCLOUD = True except ImportError: HAS_LIBCLOUD = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.gce import gce_connect, unexpected_error_msg from ansible.module_utils.gcp import get_valid_location from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import reduce def get_instance_info(inst): """Retrieves instance information from an instance object and returns it as a dictionary. """ metadata = {} if 'metadata' in inst.extra and 'items' in inst.extra['metadata']: for md in inst.extra['metadata']['items']: metadata[md['key']] = md['value'] try: netname = inst.extra['networkInterfaces'][0]['network'].split('/')[-1] except: netname = None try: subnetname = inst.extra['networkInterfaces'][0]['subnetwork'].split('/')[-1] except: subnetname = None if 'disks' in inst.extra: disk_names = [disk_info['source'].split('/')[-1] for disk_info in sorted(inst.extra['disks'], key=lambda disk_info: disk_info['index'])] else: disk_names = [] if len(inst.public_ips) == 0: public_ip = None else: public_ip = inst.public_ips[0] return ({ 'image': inst.image is not None and inst.image.split('/')[-1] or None, 'disks': disk_names, 'machine_type': inst.size, 'metadata': metadata, 'name': inst.name, 'network': netname, 'subnetwork': subnetname, 'private_ip': inst.private_ips[0], 'public_ip': public_ip, 'status': ('status' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['status'] or None, 'tags': ('tags' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['tags'] or [], 'zone': ('zone' in inst.extra) and inst.extra['zone'].name or None, }) def create_instances(module, gce, instance_names, number, lc_zone): """Creates new instances. Attributes other than instance_names are picked up from 'module' module : AnsibleModule object gce: authenticated GCE libcloud driver instance_names: python list of instance names to create number: number of instances to create lc_zone: GCEZone object Returns: A list of dictionaries with instance information about the instances that were launched. """ image = module.params.get('image') image_family = module.params.get('image_family') external_projects = module.params.get('external_projects') machine_type = module.params.get('machine_type') metadata = module.params.get('metadata') network = module.params.get('network') subnetwork = module.params.get('subnetwork') persistent_boot_disk = module.params.get('persistent_boot_disk') disks = module.params.get('disks') tags = module.params.get('tags') ip_forward = module.params.get('ip_forward') external_ip = module.params.get('external_ip') disk_auto_delete = module.params.get('disk_auto_delete') preemptible = module.params.get('preemptible') disk_size = module.params.get('disk_size') service_account_permissions = module.params.get('service_account_permissions') if external_ip == "none": instance_external_ip = None elif external_ip != "ephemeral": instance_external_ip = external_ip try: # check if instance_external_ip is an ip or a name try: socket.inet_aton(instance_external_ip) instance_external_ip = GCEAddress(id='unknown', name='unknown', address=instance_external_ip, region='unknown', driver=gce) except socket.error: instance_external_ip = gce.ex_get_address(instance_external_ip) except GoogleBaseError as e: module.fail_json(msg='Unexpected error attempting to get a static ip %s, error: %s' % (external_ip, e.value)) else: instance_external_ip = external_ip new_instances = [] changed = False lc_disks = [] disk_modes = [] for i, disk in enumerate(disks or []): if isinstance(disk, dict): lc_disks.append(gce.ex_get_volume(disk['name'], lc_zone)) disk_modes.append(disk['mode']) else: lc_disks.append(gce.ex_get_volume(disk, lc_zone)) # boot disk is implicitly READ_WRITE disk_modes.append('READ_ONLY' if i > 0 else 'READ_WRITE') lc_network = gce.ex_get_network(network) lc_machine_type = gce.ex_get_size(machine_type, lc_zone) # Try to convert the user's metadata value into the format expected # by GCE. First try to ensure user has proper quoting of a # dictionary-like syntax using 'literal_eval', then convert the python # dict into a python list of 'key' / 'value' dicts. Should end up # with: # [ {'key': key1, 'value': value1}, {'key': key2, 'value': value2}, ...] if metadata: if isinstance(metadata, dict): md = metadata else: try: md = literal_eval(str(metadata)) if not isinstance(md, dict): raise ValueError('metadata must be a dict') except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(msg='bad metadata: %s' % str(e)) except SyntaxError as e: module.fail_json(msg='bad metadata syntax') if hasattr(libcloud, '__version__') and libcloud.__version__ < '0.15': items = [] for k, v in md.items(): items.append({"key": k, "value": v}) metadata = {'items': items} else: metadata = md lc_image = LazyDiskImage(module, gce, image, lc_disks, family=image_family, projects=external_projects) ex_sa_perms = [] bad_perms = [] if service_account_permissions: for perm in service_account_permissions: if perm not in gce.SA_SCOPES_MAP and not perm.startswith('https://www.googleapis.com/auth'): bad_perms.append(perm) if len(bad_perms) > 0: module.fail_json(msg='bad permissions: %s' % str(bad_perms)) ex_sa_perms.append({'email': "default"}) ex_sa_perms[0]['scopes'] = service_account_permissions # These variables all have default values but check just in case if not lc_network or not lc_machine_type or not lc_zone: module.fail_json(msg='Missing required create instance variable', changed=False) gce_args = dict( location=lc_zone, ex_network=network, ex_tags=tags, ex_metadata=metadata, ex_can_ip_forward=ip_forward, external_ip=instance_external_ip, ex_disk_auto_delete=disk_auto_delete, ex_service_accounts=ex_sa_perms ) if preemptible is not None: gce_args['ex_preemptible'] = preemptible if subnetwork is not None: gce_args['ex_subnetwork'] = subnetwork if isinstance(instance_names, str) and not number: instance_names = [instance_names] if isinstance(instance_names, str) and number: instance_responses = gce.ex_create_multiple_nodes(instance_names, lc_machine_type, lc_image(), number, **gce_args) for resp in instance_responses: n = resp if isinstance(resp, libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEFailedNode): try: n = gce.ex_get_node(n.name, lc_zone) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass else: # Assure that at least one node has been created to set changed=True changed = True new_instances.append(n) else: for instance in instance_names: pd = None if lc_disks: pd = lc_disks[0] elif persistent_boot_disk: try: pd = gce.ex_get_volume("%s" % instance, lc_zone) except ResourceNotFoundError: pd = gce.create_volume(disk_size, "%s" % instance, image=lc_image()) gce_args['ex_boot_disk'] = pd inst = None try: inst = gce.ex_get_node(instance, lc_zone) except ResourceNotFoundError: inst = gce.create_node( instance, lc_machine_type, lc_image(), **gce_args ) changed = True except GoogleBaseError as e: module.fail_json(msg='Unexpected error attempting to create ' + 'instance %s, error: %s' % (instance, e.value)) if inst: new_instances.append(inst) for inst in new_instances: for i, lc_disk in enumerate(lc_disks): # Check whether the disk is already attached if (len(inst.extra['disks']) > i): attached_disk = inst.extra['disks'][i] if attached_disk['source'] != lc_disk.extra['selfLink']: module.fail_json( msg=("Disk at index %d does not match: requested=%s found=%s" % ( i, lc_disk.extra['selfLink'], attached_disk['source']))) elif attached_disk['mode'] != disk_modes[i]: module.fail_json( msg=("Disk at index %d is in the wrong mode: requested=%s found=%s" % ( i, disk_modes[i], attached_disk['mode']))) else: continue gce.attach_volume(inst, lc_disk, ex_mode=disk_modes[i]) # Work around libcloud bug: attached volumes don't get added # to the instance metadata. get_instance_info() only cares about # source and index. if len(inst.extra['disks']) != i + 1: inst.extra['disks'].append( {'source': lc_disk.extra['selfLink'], 'index': i}) instance_names = [] instance_json_data = [] for inst in new_instances: d = get_instance_info(inst) instance_names.append(d['name']) instance_json_data.append(d) return (changed, instance_json_data, instance_names) def change_instance_state(module, gce, instance_names, number, zone, state): """Changes the state of a list of instances. For example, change from started to stopped, or started to absent. module: Ansible module object gce: authenticated GCE connection object instance_names: a list of instance names to terminate zone: GCEZone object where the instances reside prior to termination state: 'state' parameter passed into module as argument Returns a dictionary of instance names that were changed. """ changed = False nodes = [] state_instance_names = [] if isinstance(instance_names, str) and number: node_names = ['%s-%03d' % (instance_names, i) for i in range(number)] elif isinstance(instance_names, str) and not number: node_names = [instance_names] else: node_names = instance_names for name in node_names: inst = None try: inst = gce.ex_get_node(name, zone) except ResourceNotFoundError: state_instance_names.append(name) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=unexpected_error_msg(e), changed=False) else: nodes.append(inst) state_instance_names.append(name) if state in ['absent', 'deleted'] and number: changed_nodes = gce.ex_destroy_multiple_nodes(nodes) or [False] changed = reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, changed_nodes) else: for node in nodes: if state in ['absent', 'deleted']: gce.destroy_node(node) changed = True elif state == 'started' and node.state == libcloud.compute.types.NodeState.STOPPED: gce.ex_start_node(node) changed = True elif state in ['stopped', 'terminated'] and node.state == libcloud.compute.types.NodeState.RUNNING: gce.ex_stop_node(node) changed = True return (changed, state_instance_names) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( image=dict(default='debian-8'), image_family=dict(), external_projects=dict(type='list'), instance_names=dict(), machine_type=dict(default='n1-standard-1'), metadata=dict(), name=dict(aliases=['base_name']), num_instances=dict(type='int'), network=dict(default='default'), subnetwork=dict(), persistent_boot_disk=dict(type='bool', default=False), disks=dict(type='list'), state=dict(choices=['active', 'present', 'absent', 'deleted', 'started', 'stopped', 'terminated'], default='present'), tags=dict(type='list'), zone=dict(default='us-central1-a'), service_account_email=dict(), service_account_permissions=dict(type='list'), pem_file=dict(type='path'), credentials_file=dict(type='path'), project_id=dict(), ip_forward=dict(type='bool', default=False), external_ip=dict(default='ephemeral'), disk_auto_delete=dict(type='bool', default=True), disk_size=dict(type='int', default=10), preemptible=dict(type='bool', default=None), ), mutually_exclusive=[('instance_names', 'name')] ) if not HAS_PYTHON26: module.fail_json(msg="GCE module requires python's 'ast' module, python v2.6+") if not HAS_LIBCLOUD: module.fail_json(msg='libcloud with GCE support (0.17.0+) required for this module') gce = gce_connect(module) image = module.params.get('image') image_family = module.params.get('image_family') external_projects = module.params.get('external_projects') instance_names = module.params.get('instance_names') name = module.params.get('name') number = module.params.get('num_instances') subnetwork = module.params.get('subnetwork') state = module.params.get('state') zone = module.params.get('zone') preemptible = module.params.get('preemptible') changed = False inames = None if isinstance(instance_names, list): inames = instance_names elif isinstance(instance_names, str): inames = instance_names.split(',') if name: inames = name if not inames: module.fail_json(msg='Must specify a "name" or "instance_names"', changed=False) if not zone: module.fail_json(msg='Must specify a "zone"', changed=False) lc_zone = get_valid_location(module, gce, zone) if preemptible is not None and hasattr(libcloud, '__version__') and libcloud.__version__ < '0.20': module.fail_json(msg="Apache Libcloud 0.20.0+ is required to use 'preemptible' option", changed=False) if subnetwork is not None and not hasattr(gce, 'ex_get_subnetwork'): module.fail_json(msg="Apache Libcloud 1.0.0+ is required to use 'subnetwork' option", changed=False) json_output = {'zone': zone} if state in ['absent', 'deleted', 'started', 'stopped', 'terminated']: json_output['state'] = state (changed, state_instance_names) = change_instance_state( module, gce, inames, number, lc_zone, state) # based on what user specified, return the same variable, although # value could be different if an instance could not be destroyed if instance_names or name and number: json_output['instance_names'] = state_instance_names elif name: json_output['name'] = name elif state in ['active', 'present']: json_output['state'] = 'present' (changed, instance_data, instance_name_list) = create_instances( module, gce, inames, number, lc_zone) json_output['instance_data'] = instance_data if instance_names: json_output['instance_names'] = instance_name_list elif name: json_output['name'] = name json_output['changed'] = changed module.exit_json(**json_output) class LazyDiskImage: """ Object for lazy instantiation of disk image gce.ex_get_image is a very expensive call, so we want to avoid calling it as much as possible. """ def __init__(self, module, gce, name, has_pd, family=None, projects=None): self.image = None self.was_called = False self.gce = gce self.name = name self.has_pd = has_pd self.module = module self.family = family self.projects = projects def __call__(self): if not self.was_called: self.was_called = True if not self.has_pd: if self.family: self.image = self.gce.ex_get_image_from_family(self.family, ex_project_list=self.projects) else: self.image = self.gce.ex_get_image(self.name, ex_project_list=self.projects) if not self.image: self.module.fail_json(msg='image or disks missing for create instance', changed=False) return self.image if __name__ == '__main__': main()