#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2016, Timothy Vandenbrande # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: rhevm author: Timothy Vandenbrande (@TimothyVandenbrande) short_description: RHEV/oVirt automation description: - This module only supports oVirt/RHEV version 3. A newer module M(ovirt_vm) supports oVirt/RHV version 4. - Allows you to create/remove/update or powermanage virtual machines on a RHEV/oVirt platform. version_added: "2.2" requirements: - ovirtsdk options: user: description: - The user to authenticate with. default: "admin@internal" server: description: - The name/ip of your RHEV-m/oVirt instance. default: "" port: description: - The port on which the API is reacheable. default: "443" insecure_api: description: - A boolean switch to make a secure or insecure connection to the server. type: bool default: 'no' name: description: - The name of the VM. cluster: description: - The rhev/ovirt cluster in which you want you VM to start. datacenter: description: - The rhev/ovirt datacenter in which you want you VM to start. default: "Default" state: description: - This serves to create/remove/update or powermanage your VM. default: "present" choices: ['ping', 'present', 'absent', 'up', 'down', 'restarted', 'cd', 'info'] image: description: - The template to use for the VM. type: description: - To define if the VM is a server or desktop. default: server choices: [ 'server', 'desktop', 'host' ] vmhost: description: - The host you wish your VM to run on. vmcpu: description: - The number of CPUs you want in your VM. default: "2" cpu_share: description: - This parameter is used to configure the cpu share. default: "0" vmmem: description: - The amount of memory you want your VM to use (in GB). default: "1" osver: description: - The operationsystem option in RHEV/oVirt. default: "rhel_6x64" mempol: description: - The minimum amount of memory you wish to reserve for this system. default: "1" vm_ha: description: - To make your VM High Available. type: bool default: 'yes' disks: description: - This option uses complex arguments and is a list of disks with the options name, size and domain. ifaces: description: - This option uses complex arguments and is a list of interfaces with the options name and vlan. aliases: ['nics', 'interfaces'] boot_order: description: - This option uses complex arguments and is a list of items that specify the bootorder. default: ["network","hd"] del_prot: description: - This option sets the delete protection checkbox. type: bool default: yes cd_drive: description: - The CD you wish to have mounted on the VM when I(state = 'CD'). timeout: description: - The timeout you wish to define for power actions. - When I(state = 'up') - When I(state = 'down') - When I(state = 'restarted') ''' RETURN = ''' vm: description: Returns all of the VMs variables and execution. returned: always type: dict sample: '{ "boot_order": [ "hd", "network" ], "changed": true, "changes": [ "Delete Protection" ], "cluster": "C1", "cpu_share": "0", "created": false, "datacenter": "Default", "del_prot": true, "disks": [ { "domain": "ssd-san", "name": "OS", "size": 40 } ], "eth0": "00:00:5E:00:53:00", "eth1": "00:00:5E:00:53:01", "eth2": "00:00:5E:00:53:02", "exists": true, "failed": false, "ifaces": [ { "name": "eth0", "vlan": "Management" }, { "name": "eth1", "vlan": "Internal" }, { "name": "eth2", "vlan": "External" } ], "image": false, "mempol": "0", "msg": [ "VM exists", "cpu_share was already set to 0", "VM high availability was already set to True", "The boot order has already been set", "VM delete protection has been set to True", "Disk web2_Disk0_OS already exists", "The VM starting host was already set to host416" ], "name": "web2", "type": "server", "uuid": "4ba5a1be-e60b-4368-9533-920f156c817b", "vm_ha": true, "vmcpu": "4", "vmhost": "host416", "vmmem": "16" }' ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # basic get info from VM - rhevm: name: "demo" user: "{{ rhev.admin.name }}" password: "{{ rhev.admin.pass }}" server: "rhevm01" state: "info" # basic create example from image - rhevm: name: "demo" user: "{{ rhev.admin.name }}" password: "{{ rhev.admin.pass }}" server: "rhevm01" state: "present" image: "centos7_x64" cluster: "centos" # power management - rhevm: name: "uptime_server" user: "{{ rhev.admin.name }}" password: "{{ rhev.admin.pass }}" server: "rhevm01" cluster: "RH" state: "down" image: "centos7_x64" # multi disk, multi nic create example - rhevm: name: "server007" user: "{{ rhev.admin.name }}" password: "{{ rhev.admin.pass }}" server: "rhevm01" cluster: "RH" state: "present" type: "server" vmcpu: 4 vmmem: 2 ifaces: - name: "eth0" vlan: "vlan2202" - name: "eth1" vlan: "vlan36" - name: "eth2" vlan: "vlan38" - name: "eth3" vlan: "vlan2202" disks: - name: "root" size: 10 domain: "ssd-san" - name: "swap" size: 10 domain: "15kiscsi-san" - name: "opt" size: 10 domain: "15kiscsi-san" - name: "var" size: 10 domain: "10kiscsi-san" - name: "home" size: 10 domain: "sata-san" boot_order: - "network" - "hd" # add a CD to the disk cd_drive - rhevm: name: 'server007' user: "{{ rhev.admin.name }}" password: "{{ rhev.admin.pass }}" state: 'cd' cd_drive: 'rhev-tools-setup.iso' # new host deployment + host network configuration - rhevm: name: "ovirt_node007" password: "{{ rhevm.admin.pass }}" type: "host" state: present cluster: "rhevm01" ifaces: - name: em1 - name: em2 - name: p3p1 ip: '' netmask: '' - name: p3p2 ip: '' netmask: '' - name: bond0 bond: - em1 - em2 network: 'rhevm' ip: '' netmask: '' management: True - name: bond0.36 network: 'vlan36' ip: '' netmask: '' gateway: '' - name: bond0.2202 network: 'vlan2202' - name: bond0.38 network: 'vlan38' ''' import time try: from ovirtsdk.api import API from ovirtsdk.xml import params HAS_SDK = True except ImportError: HAS_SDK = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule RHEV_FAILED = 1 RHEV_SUCCESS = 0 RHEV_UNAVAILABLE = 2 RHEV_TYPE_OPTS = ['server', 'desktop', 'host'] STATE_OPTS = ['ping', 'present', 'absent', 'up', 'down', 'restart', 'cd', 'info'] global msg, changed, failed msg = [] changed = False failed = False class RHEVConn(object): 'Connection to RHEV-M' def __init__(self, module): self.module = module user = module.params.get('user') password = module.params.get('password') server = module.params.get('server') port = module.params.get('port') insecure_api = module.params.get('insecure_api') url = "https://%s:%s" % (server, port) try: api = API(url=url, username=user, password=password, insecure=str(insecure_api)) api.test() self.conn = api except: raise Exception("Failed to connect to RHEV-M.") def __del__(self): self.conn.disconnect() def createVMimage(self, name, cluster, template): try: vmparams = params.VM( name=name, cluster=self.conn.clusters.get(name=cluster), template=self.conn.templates.get(name=template), disks=params.Disks(clone=True) ) self.conn.vms.add(vmparams) setMsg("VM is created") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to create VM") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def createVM(self, name, cluster, os, actiontype): try: vmparams = params.VM( name=name, cluster=self.conn.clusters.get(name=cluster), os=params.OperatingSystem(type_=os), template=self.conn.templates.get(name="Blank"), type_=actiontype ) self.conn.vms.add(vmparams) setMsg("VM is created") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to create VM") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def createDisk(self, vmname, diskname, disksize, diskdomain, diskinterface, diskformat, diskallocationtype, diskboot): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) newdisk = params.Disk( name=diskname, size=1024 * 1024 * 1024 * int(disksize), wipe_after_delete=True, sparse=diskallocationtype, interface=diskinterface, format=diskformat, bootable=diskboot, storage_domains=params.StorageDomains( storage_domain=[self.get_domain(diskdomain)] ) ) try: VM.disks.add(newdisk) VM.update() setMsg("Successfully added disk " + diskname) setChanged() except Exception as e: setFailed() setMsg("Error attaching " + diskname + "disk, please recheck and remove any leftover configuration.") setMsg(str(e)) return False try: currentdisk = VM.disks.get(name=diskname) attempt = 1 while currentdisk.status.state != 'ok': currentdisk = VM.disks.get(name=diskname) if attempt == 100: setMsg("Error, disk %s, state %s" % (diskname, str(currentdisk.status.state))) raise Exception() else: attempt += 1 time.sleep(2) setMsg("The disk " + diskname + " is ready.") except Exception as e: setFailed() setMsg("Error getting the state of " + diskname + ".") setMsg(str(e)) return False return True def createNIC(self, vmname, nicname, vlan, interface): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) CLUSTER = self.get_cluster_byid(VM.cluster.id) DC = self.get_DC_byid(CLUSTER.data_center.id) newnic = params.NIC( name=nicname, network=DC.networks.get(name=vlan), interface=interface ) try: VM.nics.add(newnic) VM.update() setMsg("Successfully added iface " + nicname) setChanged() except Exception as e: setFailed() setMsg("Error attaching " + nicname + " iface, please recheck and remove any leftover configuration.") setMsg(str(e)) return False try: currentnic = VM.nics.get(name=nicname) attempt = 1 while currentnic.active is not True: currentnic = VM.nics.get(name=nicname) if attempt == 100: setMsg("Error, iface %s, state %s" % (nicname, str(currentnic.active))) raise Exception() else: attempt += 1 time.sleep(2) setMsg("The iface " + nicname + " is ready.") except Exception as e: setFailed() setMsg("Error getting the state of " + nicname + ".") setMsg(str(e)) return False return True def get_DC(self, dc_name): return self.conn.datacenters.get(name=dc_name) def get_DC_byid(self, dc_id): return self.conn.datacenters.get(id=dc_id) def get_VM(self, vm_name): return self.conn.vms.get(name=vm_name) def get_cluster_byid(self, cluster_id): return self.conn.clusters.get(id=cluster_id) def get_cluster(self, cluster_name): return self.conn.clusters.get(name=cluster_name) def get_domain_byid(self, dom_id): return self.conn.storagedomains.get(id=dom_id) def get_domain(self, domain_name): return self.conn.storagedomains.get(name=domain_name) def get_disk(self, disk): return self.conn.disks.get(disk) def get_network(self, dc_name, network_name): return self.get_DC(dc_name).networks.get(network_name) def get_network_byid(self, network_id): return self.conn.networks.get(id=network_id) def get_NIC(self, vm_name, nic_name): return self.get_VM(vm_name).nics.get(nic_name) def get_Host(self, host_name): return self.conn.hosts.get(name=host_name) def get_Host_byid(self, host_id): return self.conn.hosts.get(id=host_id) def set_Memory(self, name, memory): VM = self.get_VM(name) VM.memory = int(int(memory) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) try: VM.update() setMsg("The Memory has been updated.") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update memory.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def set_Memory_Policy(self, name, memory_policy): VM = self.get_VM(name) VM.memory_policy.guaranteed = int(int(memory_policy) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) try: VM.update() setMsg("The memory policy has been updated.") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update memory policy.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def set_CPU(self, name, cpu): VM = self.get_VM(name) VM.cpu.topology.cores = int(cpu) try: VM.update() setMsg("The number of CPUs has been updated.") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the number of CPUs.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def set_CPU_share(self, name, cpu_share): VM = self.get_VM(name) VM.cpu_shares = int(cpu_share) try: VM.update() setMsg("The CPU share has been updated.") setChanged() return True except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the CPU share.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False def set_Disk(self, diskname, disksize, diskinterface, diskboot): DISK = self.get_disk(diskname) setMsg("Checking disk " + diskname) if DISK.get_bootable() != diskboot: try: DISK.set_bootable(diskboot) setMsg("Updated the boot option on the disk.") setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to set the boot option on the disk.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False else: setMsg("The boot option of the disk is correct") if int(DISK.size) < (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * int(disksize)): try: DISK.size = (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * int(disksize)) setMsg("Updated the size of the disk.") setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the size of the disk.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False elif int(DISK.size) < (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * int(disksize)): setMsg("Shrinking disks is not supported") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False else: setMsg("The size of the disk is correct") if str(DISK.interface) != str(diskinterface): try: DISK.interface = diskinterface setMsg("Updated the interface of the disk.") setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the interface of the disk.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False else: setMsg("The interface of the disk is correct") return True def set_NIC(self, vmname, nicname, newname, vlan, interface): NIC = self.get_NIC(vmname, nicname) VM = self.get_VM(vmname) CLUSTER = self.get_cluster_byid(VM.cluster.id) DC = self.get_DC_byid(CLUSTER.data_center.id) NETWORK = self.get_network(str(DC.name), vlan) checkFail() if NIC.name != newname: NIC.name = newname setMsg('Updating iface name to ' + newname) setChanged() if str(NIC.network.id) != str(NETWORK.id): NIC.set_network(NETWORK) setMsg('Updating iface network to ' + vlan) setChanged() if NIC.interface != interface: NIC.interface = interface setMsg('Updating iface interface to ' + interface) setChanged() try: NIC.update() setMsg('iface has successfully been updated.') except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the iface.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def set_DeleteProtection(self, vmname, del_prot): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) VM.delete_protected = del_prot try: VM.update() setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update delete protection.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def set_BootOrder(self, vmname, boot_order): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) bootorder = [] for device in boot_order: bootorder.append(params.Boot(dev=device)) VM.os.boot = bootorder try: VM.update() setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to update the boot order.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def set_Host(self, host_name, cluster, ifaces): HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) CLUSTER = self.get_cluster(cluster) if HOST is None: setMsg("Host does not exist.") ifacelist = dict() networklist = [] manageip = '' try: for iface in ifaces: try: setMsg('creating host interface ' + iface['name']) if 'management' in iface: manageip = iface['ip'] if 'boot_protocol' not in iface: if 'ip' in iface: iface['boot_protocol'] = 'static' else: iface['boot_protocol'] = 'none' if 'ip' not in iface: iface['ip'] = '' if 'netmask' not in iface: iface['netmask'] = '' if 'gateway' not in iface: iface['gateway'] = '' if 'network' in iface: if 'bond' in iface: bond = [] for slave in iface['bond']: bond.append(ifacelist[slave]) try: tmpiface = params.Bonding( slaves=params.Slaves(host_nic=bond), options=params.Options( option=[ params.Option(name='miimon', value='100'), params.Option(name='mode', value='4') ] ) ) except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to create the bond for ' + iface['name']) setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False try: tmpnetwork = params.HostNIC( network=params.Network(name=iface['network']), name=iface['name'], boot_protocol=iface['boot_protocol'], ip=params.IP( address=iface['ip'], netmask=iface['netmask'], gateway=iface['gateway'] ), override_configuration=True, bonding=tmpiface) networklist.append(tmpnetwork) setMsg('Applying network ' + iface['name']) except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to set' + iface['name'] + ' as network interface') setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False else: tmpnetwork = params.HostNIC( network=params.Network(name=iface['network']), name=iface['name'], boot_protocol=iface['boot_protocol'], ip=params.IP( address=iface['ip'], netmask=iface['netmask'], gateway=iface['gateway'] )) networklist.append(tmpnetwork) setMsg('Applying network ' + iface['name']) else: tmpiface = params.HostNIC( name=iface['name'], network=params.Network(), boot_protocol=iface['boot_protocol'], ip=params.IP( address=iface['ip'], netmask=iface['netmask'], gateway=iface['gateway'] )) ifacelist[iface['name']] = tmpiface except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to set ' + iface['name']) setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to set networks') setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False if manageip == '': setMsg('No management network is defined') setFailed() return False try: HOST = params.Host(name=host_name, address=manageip, cluster=CLUSTER, ssh=params.SSH(authentication_method='publickey')) if self.conn.hosts.add(HOST): setChanged() HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) state = HOST.status.state while (state != 'non_operational' and state != 'up'): HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) state = HOST.status.state time.sleep(1) if state == 'non_responsive': setMsg('Failed to add host to RHEVM') setFailed() return False setMsg('status host: up') time.sleep(5) HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) state = HOST.status.state setMsg('State before setting to maintenance: ' + str(state)) HOST.deactivate() while state != 'maintenance': HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) state = HOST.status.state time.sleep(1) setMsg('status host: maintenance') try: HOST.nics.setupnetworks(params.Action( force=True, check_connectivity=False, host_nics=params.HostNics(host_nic=networklist) )) setMsg('nics are set') except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to apply networkconfig') setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False try: HOST.commitnetconfig() setMsg('Network config is saved') except Exception as e: setMsg('Failed to save networkconfig') setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False except Exception as e: if 'The Host name is already in use' in str(e): setMsg("Host already exists") else: setMsg("Failed to add host") setFailed() setMsg(str(e)) return False HOST.activate() while state != 'up': HOST = self.get_Host(host_name) state = HOST.status.state time.sleep(1) if state == 'non_responsive': setMsg('Failed to apply networkconfig.') setFailed() return False setMsg('status host: up') else: setMsg("Host exists.") return True def del_NIC(self, vmname, nicname): return self.get_NIC(vmname, nicname).delete() def remove_VM(self, vmname): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) try: VM.delete() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to remove VM.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def start_VM(self, vmname, timeout): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) try: VM.start() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to start VM.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return self.wait_VM(vmname, "up", timeout) def wait_VM(self, vmname, state, timeout): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) while VM.status.state != state: VM = self.get_VM(vmname) time.sleep(10) if timeout is not False: timeout -= 10 if timeout <= 0: setMsg("Timeout expired") setFailed() return False return True def stop_VM(self, vmname, timeout): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) try: VM.stop() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to stop VM.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return self.wait_VM(vmname, "down", timeout) def set_CD(self, vmname, cd_drive): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) try: if str(VM.status.state) == 'down': cdrom = params.CdRom(file=cd_drive) VM.cdroms.add(cdrom) setMsg("Attached the image.") setChanged() else: cdrom = VM.cdroms.get(id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") cdrom.set_file(cd_drive) cdrom.update(current=True) setMsg("Attached the image.") setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to attach image.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def set_VM_Host(self, vmname, vmhost): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) HOST = self.get_Host(vmhost) try: VM.placement_policy.host = HOST VM.update() setMsg("Set startup host to " + vmhost) setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to set startup host.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def migrate_VM(self, vmname, vmhost): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) HOST = self.get_Host_byid(VM.host.id) if str(HOST.name) != vmhost: try: VM.migrate( action=params.Action( host=params.Host( name=vmhost, ) ), ) setChanged() setMsg("VM migrated to " + vmhost) except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to set startup host.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True def remove_CD(self, vmname): VM = self.get_VM(vmname) try: VM.cdroms.get(id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000").delete() setMsg("Removed the image.") setChanged() except Exception as e: setMsg("Failed to remove the image.") setMsg(str(e)) setFailed() return False return True class RHEV(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module def __get_conn(self): self.conn = RHEVConn(self.module) return self.conn def test(self): self.__get_conn() return "OK" def getVM(self, name): self.__get_conn() VM = self.conn.get_VM(name) if VM: vminfo = dict() vminfo['uuid'] = VM.id vminfo['name'] = VM.name vminfo['status'] = VM.status.state vminfo['cpu_cores'] = VM.cpu.topology.cores vminfo['cpu_sockets'] = VM.cpu.topology.sockets vminfo['cpu_shares'] = VM.cpu_shares vminfo['memory'] = (int(VM.memory) // 1024 // 1024 // 1024) vminfo['mem_pol'] = (int(VM.memory_policy.guaranteed) // 1024 // 1024 // 1024) vminfo['os'] = VM.get_os().type_ vminfo['del_prot'] = VM.delete_protected try: vminfo['host'] = str(self.conn.get_Host_byid(str(VM.host.id)).name) except Exception: vminfo['host'] = None vminfo['boot_order'] = [] for boot_dev in VM.os.get_boot(): vminfo['boot_order'].append(str(boot_dev.dev)) vminfo['disks'] = [] for DISK in VM.disks.list(): disk = dict() disk['name'] = DISK.name disk['size'] = (int(DISK.size) // 1024 // 1024 // 1024) disk['domain'] = str((self.conn.get_domain_byid(DISK.get_storage_domains().get_storage_domain()[0].id)).name) disk['interface'] = DISK.interface vminfo['disks'].append(disk) vminfo['ifaces'] = [] for NIC in VM.nics.list(): iface = dict() iface['name'] = str(NIC.name) iface['vlan'] = str(self.conn.get_network_byid(NIC.get_network().id).name) iface['interface'] = NIC.interface iface['mac'] = NIC.mac.address vminfo['ifaces'].append(iface) vminfo[str(NIC.name)] = NIC.mac.address CLUSTER = self.conn.get_cluster_byid(VM.cluster.id) if CLUSTER: vminfo['cluster'] = CLUSTER.name else: vminfo = False return vminfo def createVMimage(self, name, cluster, template, disks): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.createVMimage(name, cluster, template, disks) def createVM(self, name, cluster, os, actiontype): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.createVM(name, cluster, os, actiontype) def setMemory(self, name, memory): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_Memory(name, memory) def setMemoryPolicy(self, name, memory_policy): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_Memory_Policy(name, memory_policy) def setCPU(self, name, cpu): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_CPU(name, cpu) def setCPUShare(self, name, cpu_share): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_CPU_share(name, cpu_share) def setDisks(self, name, disks): self.__get_conn() counter = 0 bootselect = False for disk in disks: if 'bootable' in disk: if disk['bootable'] is True: bootselect = True for disk in disks: diskname = name + "_Disk" + str(counter) + "_" + disk.get('name', '').replace('/', '_') disksize = disk.get('size', 1) diskdomain = disk.get('domain', None) if diskdomain is None: setMsg("`domain` is a required disk key.") setFailed() return False diskinterface = disk.get('interface', 'virtio') diskformat = disk.get('format', 'raw') diskallocationtype = disk.get('thin', False) diskboot = disk.get('bootable', False) if bootselect is False and counter == 0: diskboot = True DISK = self.conn.get_disk(diskname) if DISK is None: self.conn.createDisk(name, diskname, disksize, diskdomain, diskinterface, diskformat, diskallocationtype, diskboot) else: self.conn.set_Disk(diskname, disksize, diskinterface, diskboot) checkFail() counter += 1 return True def setNetworks(self, vmname, ifaces): self.__get_conn() VM = self.conn.get_VM(vmname) counter = 0 length = len(ifaces) for NIC in VM.nics.list(): if counter < length: iface = ifaces[counter] name = iface.get('name', None) if name is None: setMsg("`name` is a required iface key.") setFailed() elif str(name) != str(NIC.name): setMsg("ifaces are in the wrong order, rebuilding everything.") for NIC in VM.nics.list(): self.conn.del_NIC(vmname, NIC.name) self.setNetworks(vmname, ifaces) checkFail() return True vlan = iface.get('vlan', None) if vlan is None: setMsg("`vlan` is a required iface key.") setFailed() checkFail() interface = iface.get('interface', 'virtio') self.conn.set_NIC(vmname, str(NIC.name), name, vlan, interface) else: self.conn.del_NIC(vmname, NIC.name) counter += 1 checkFail() while counter < length: iface = ifaces[counter] name = iface.get('name', None) if name is None: setMsg("`name` is a required iface key.") setFailed() vlan = iface.get('vlan', None) if vlan is None: setMsg("`vlan` is a required iface key.") setFailed() if failed is True: return False interface = iface.get('interface', 'virtio') self.conn.createNIC(vmname, name, vlan, interface) counter += 1 checkFail() return True def setDeleteProtection(self, vmname, del_prot): self.__get_conn() VM = self.conn.get_VM(vmname) if bool(VM.delete_protected) != bool(del_prot): self.conn.set_DeleteProtection(vmname, del_prot) checkFail() setMsg("`delete protection` has been updated.") else: setMsg("`delete protection` already has the right value.") return True def setBootOrder(self, vmname, boot_order): self.__get_conn() VM = self.conn.get_VM(vmname) bootorder = [] for boot_dev in VM.os.get_boot(): bootorder.append(str(boot_dev.dev)) if boot_order != bootorder: self.conn.set_BootOrder(vmname, boot_order) setMsg('The boot order has been set') else: setMsg('The boot order has already been set') return True def removeVM(self, vmname): self.__get_conn() self.setPower(vmname, "down", 300) return self.conn.remove_VM(vmname) def setPower(self, vmname, state, timeout): self.__get_conn() VM = self.conn.get_VM(vmname) if VM is None: setMsg("VM does not exist.") setFailed() return False if state == VM.status.state: setMsg("VM state was already " + state) else: if state == "up": setMsg("VM is going to start") self.conn.start_VM(vmname, timeout) setChanged() elif state == "down": setMsg("VM is going to stop") self.conn.stop_VM(vmname, timeout) setChanged() elif state == "restarted": self.setPower(vmname, "down", timeout) checkFail() self.setPower(vmname, "up", timeout) checkFail() setMsg("the vm state is set to " + state) return True def setCD(self, vmname, cd_drive): self.__get_conn() if cd_drive: return self.conn.set_CD(vmname, cd_drive) else: return self.conn.remove_CD(vmname) def setVMHost(self, vmname, vmhost): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_VM_Host(vmname, vmhost) # pylint: disable=unreachable VM = self.conn.get_VM(vmname) HOST = self.conn.get_Host(vmhost) if VM.placement_policy.host is None: self.conn.set_VM_Host(vmname, vmhost) elif str(VM.placement_policy.host.id) != str(HOST.id): self.conn.set_VM_Host(vmname, vmhost) else: setMsg("VM's startup host was already set to " + vmhost) checkFail() if str(VM.status.state) == "up": self.conn.migrate_VM(vmname, vmhost) checkFail() return True def setHost(self, hostname, cluster, ifaces): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.set_Host(hostname, cluster, ifaces) def checkFail(): if failed: module.fail_json(msg=msg) else: return True def setFailed(): global failed failed = True def setChanged(): global changed changed = True def setMsg(message): global failed msg.append(message) def core(module): r = RHEV(module) state = module.params.get('state', 'present') if state == 'ping': r.test() return RHEV_SUCCESS, {"ping": "pong"} elif state == 'info': name = module.params.get('name') if not name: setMsg("`name` is a required argument.") return RHEV_FAILED, msg vminfo = r.getVM(name) return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg, 'vm': vminfo} elif state == 'present': created = False name = module.params.get('name') if not name: setMsg("`name` is a required argument.") return RHEV_FAILED, msg actiontype = module.params.get('type') if actiontype == 'server' or actiontype == 'desktop': vminfo = r.getVM(name) if vminfo: setMsg('VM exists') else: # Create VM cluster = module.params.get('cluster') if cluster is None: setMsg("cluster is a required argument.") setFailed() template = module.params.get('image') if template: disks = module.params.get('disks') if disks is None: setMsg("disks is a required argument.") setFailed() checkFail() if r.createVMimage(name, cluster, template, disks) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, vminfo else: os = module.params.get('osver') if os is None: setMsg("osver is a required argument.") setFailed() checkFail() if r.createVM(name, cluster, os, actiontype) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, vminfo created = True # Set MEMORY and MEMORY POLICY vminfo = r.getVM(name) memory = module.params.get('vmmem') if memory is not None: memory_policy = module.params.get('mempol') if int(memory_policy) == 0: memory_policy = memory mem_pol_nok = True if int(vminfo['mem_pol']) == int(memory_policy): setMsg("Memory is correct") mem_pol_nok = False mem_nok = True if int(vminfo['memory']) == int(memory): setMsg("Memory is correct") mem_nok = False if memory_policy > memory: setMsg('memory_policy cannot have a higher value than memory.') return RHEV_FAILED, msg if mem_nok and mem_pol_nok: if int(memory_policy) > int(vminfo['memory']): r.setMemory(vminfo['name'], memory) r.setMemoryPolicy(vminfo['name'], memory_policy) else: r.setMemoryPolicy(vminfo['name'], memory_policy) r.setMemory(vminfo['name'], memory) elif mem_nok: r.setMemory(vminfo['name'], memory) elif mem_pol_nok: r.setMemoryPolicy(vminfo['name'], memory_policy) checkFail() # Set CPU cpu = module.params.get('vmcpu') if int(vminfo['cpu_cores']) == int(cpu): setMsg("Number of CPUs is correct") else: if r.setCPU(vminfo['name'], cpu) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set CPU SHARE cpu_share = module.params.get('cpu_share') if cpu_share is not None: if int(vminfo['cpu_shares']) == int(cpu_share): setMsg("CPU share is correct.") else: if r.setCPUShare(vminfo['name'], cpu_share) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set DISKS disks = module.params.get('disks') if disks is not None: if r.setDisks(vminfo['name'], disks) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set NETWORKS ifaces = module.params.get('ifaces', None) if ifaces is not None: if r.setNetworks(vminfo['name'], ifaces) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set Delete Protection del_prot = module.params.get('del_prot') if r.setDeleteProtection(vminfo['name'], del_prot) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set Boot Order boot_order = module.params.get('boot_order') if r.setBootOrder(vminfo['name'], boot_order) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Set VM Host vmhost = module.params.get('vmhost') if vmhost is not False and vmhost is not "False": if r.setVMHost(vminfo['name'], vmhost) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg vminfo = r.getVM(name) vminfo['created'] = created return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg, 'vm': vminfo} if actiontype == 'host': cluster = module.params.get('cluster') if cluster is None: setMsg("cluster is a required argument.") setFailed() ifaces = module.params.get('ifaces') if ifaces is None: setMsg("ifaces is a required argument.") setFailed() if r.setHost(name, cluster, ifaces) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg} elif state == 'absent': name = module.params.get('name') if not name: setMsg("`name` is a required argument.") return RHEV_FAILED, msg actiontype = module.params.get('type') if actiontype == 'server' or actiontype == 'desktop': vminfo = r.getVM(name) if vminfo: setMsg('VM exists') # Set Delete Protection del_prot = module.params.get('del_prot') if r.setDeleteProtection(vminfo['name'], del_prot) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg # Remove VM if r.removeVM(vminfo['name']) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg setMsg('VM has been removed.') vminfo['state'] = 'DELETED' else: setMsg('VM was already removed.') return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg, 'vm': vminfo} elif state == 'up' or state == 'down' or state == 'restarted': name = module.params.get('name') if not name: setMsg("`name` is a required argument.") return RHEV_FAILED, msg timeout = module.params.get('timeout') if r.setPower(name, state, timeout) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg vminfo = r.getVM(name) return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg, 'vm': vminfo} elif state == 'cd': name = module.params.get('name') cd_drive = module.params.get('cd_drive') if r.setCD(name, cd_drive) is False: return RHEV_FAILED, msg return RHEV_SUCCESS, {'changed': changed, 'msg': msg} def main(): global module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default='present', choices=['ping', 'present', 'absent', 'up', 'down', 'restarted', 'cd', 'info']), user=dict(default="admin@internal"), password=dict(required=True, no_log=True), server=dict(default=""), port=dict(default="443"), insecure_api=dict(default=False, type='bool'), name=dict(), image=dict(default=False), datacenter=dict(default="Default"), type=dict(default="server", choices=['server', 'desktop', 'host']), cluster=dict(default=''), vmhost=dict(default=False), vmcpu=dict(default="2"), vmmem=dict(default="1"), disks=dict(), osver=dict(default="rhel_6x64"), ifaces=dict(aliases=['nics', 'interfaces']), timeout=dict(default=False), mempol=dict(default="1"), vm_ha=dict(default=True), cpu_share=dict(default="0"), boot_order=dict(default=["network", "hd"]), del_prot=dict(default=True, type="bool"), cd_drive=dict(default=False) ), ) if not HAS_SDK: module.fail_json( msg='The `ovirtsdk` module is not importable. Check the requirements.' ) rc = RHEV_SUCCESS try: rc, result = core(module) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if rc != 0: # something went wrong emit the msg module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=result) else: module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()