#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2007, 2012 Red Hat, Inc # Michael DeHaan # Seth Vidal # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: virt short_description: Manages virtual machines supported by libvirt description: - Manages virtual machines supported by I(libvirt). version_added: "0.2" options: name: description: - name of the guest VM being managed. Note that VM must be previously defined with xml. - This option is required unless I(command) is C(list_vms). state: description: - Note that there may be some lag for state requests like C(shutdown) since these refer only to VM states. After starting a guest, it may not be immediately accessible. choices: [ destroyed, paused, running, shutdown ] command: description: - In addition to state management, various non-idempotent commands are available. choices: [ create, define, destroy, freemem, get_xml, info, list_vms, nodeinfo, pause, shutdown, start, status, stop, undefine, unpause, virttype ] autostart: description: - start VM at host startup. type: bool version_added: "2.3" uri: description: - libvirt connection uri. default: qemu:///system xml: description: - XML document used with the define command. - Must be raw XML content using C(lookup). XML cannot be reference to a file. requirements: - python >= 2.6 - libvirt-python author: - Ansible Core Team - Michael DeHaan - Seth Vidal ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # a playbook task line: - virt: name: alpha state: running # /usr/bin/ansible invocations # ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=status" # ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=get_xml" # ansible host -m virt -a "name=alpha command=create uri=lxc:///" --- # a playbook example of defining and launching an LXC guest tasks: - name: define vm virt: name: foo command: define xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'container-template.xml.j2') }}" uri: 'lxc:///' - name: start vm virt: name: foo state: running uri: 'lxc:///' ''' RETURN = ''' # for list_vms command list_vms: description: The list of vms defined on the remote system type: dictionary returned: success sample: [ "build.example.org", "dev.example.org" ] # for status command status: description: The status of the VM, among running, crashed, paused and shutdown type: string sample: "success" returned: success ''' import traceback try: import libvirt except ImportError: HAS_VIRT = False else: HAS_VIRT = True from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native VIRT_FAILED = 1 VIRT_SUCCESS = 0 VIRT_UNAVAILABLE = 2 ALL_COMMANDS = [] VM_COMMANDS = ['create', 'define', 'destroy', 'get_xml', 'pause', 'shutdown', 'status', 'start', 'stop', 'undefine', 'unpause'] HOST_COMMANDS = ['freemem', 'info', 'list_vms', 'nodeinfo', 'virttype'] ALL_COMMANDS.extend(VM_COMMANDS) ALL_COMMANDS.extend(HOST_COMMANDS) VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP = { 0: 'running', 1: 'running', 2: 'running', 3: 'paused', 4: 'shutdown', 5: 'shutdown', 6: 'crashed', } class VMNotFound(Exception): pass class LibvirtConnection(object): def __init__(self, uri, module): self.module = module cmd = "uname -r" rc, stdout, stderr = self.module.run_command(cmd) if "xen" in stdout: conn = libvirt.open(None) elif "esx" in uri: auth = [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_NOECHOPROMPT], [], None] conn = libvirt.openAuth(uri, auth) else: conn = libvirt.open(uri) if not conn: raise Exception("hypervisor connection failure") self.conn = conn def find_vm(self, vmid): """ Extra bonus feature: vmid = -1 returns a list of everything """ conn = self.conn vms = [] # this block of code borrowed from virt-manager: # get working domain's name ids = conn.listDomainsID() for id in ids: vm = conn.lookupByID(id) vms.append(vm) # get defined domain names = conn.listDefinedDomains() for name in names: vm = conn.lookupByName(name) vms.append(vm) if vmid == -1: return vms for vm in vms: if vm.name() == vmid: return vm raise VMNotFound("virtual machine %s not found" % vmid) def shutdown(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).shutdown() def pause(self, vmid): return self.suspend(vmid) def unpause(self, vmid): return self.resume(vmid) def suspend(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).suspend() def resume(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).resume() def create(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).create() def destroy(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).destroy() def undefine(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).undefine() def get_status2(self, vm): state = vm.info()[0] return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state, "unknown") def get_status(self, vmid): state = self.find_vm(vmid).info()[0] return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state, "unknown") def nodeinfo(self): return self.conn.getInfo() def get_type(self): return self.conn.getType() def get_xml(self, vmid): vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid) return vm.XMLDesc(0) def get_maxVcpus(self, vmid): vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid) return vm.maxVcpus() def get_maxMemory(self, vmid): vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid) return vm.maxMemory() def getFreeMemory(self): return self.conn.getFreeMemory() def get_autostart(self, vmid): vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid) return vm.autostart() def set_autostart(self, vmid, val): vm = self.conn.lookupByName(vmid) return vm.setAutostart(val) def define_from_xml(self, xml): return self.conn.defineXML(xml) class Virt(object): def __init__(self, uri, module): self.module = module self.uri = uri def __get_conn(self): self.conn = LibvirtConnection(self.uri, self.module) return self.conn def get_vm(self, vmid): self.__get_conn() return self.conn.find_vm(vmid) def state(self): vms = self.list_vms() state = [] for vm in vms: state_blurb = self.conn.get_status(vm) state.append("%s %s" % (vm, state_blurb)) return state def info(self): vms = self.list_vms() info = dict() for vm in vms: data = self.conn.find_vm(vm).info() # libvirt returns maxMem, memory, and cpuTime as long()'s, which # xmlrpclib tries to convert to regular int's during serialization. # This throws exceptions, so convert them to strings here and # assume the other end of the xmlrpc connection can figure things # out or doesn't care. info[vm] = dict( state=VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(data[0], "unknown"), maxMem=str(data[1]), memory=str(data[2]), nrVirtCpu=data[3], cpuTime=str(data[4]), autostart=self.conn.get_autostart(vm), ) return info def nodeinfo(self): self.__get_conn() data = self.conn.nodeinfo() info = dict( cpumodel=str(data[0]), phymemory=str(data[1]), cpus=str(data[2]), cpumhz=str(data[3]), numanodes=str(data[4]), sockets=str(data[5]), cpucores=str(data[6]), cputhreads=str(data[7]) ) return info def list_vms(self, state=None): self.conn = self.__get_conn() vms = self.conn.find_vm(-1) results = [] for x in vms: try: if state: vmstate = self.conn.get_status2(x) if vmstate == state: results.append(x.name()) else: results.append(x.name()) except: pass return results def virttype(self): return self.__get_conn().get_type() def autostart(self, vmid, as_flag): self.conn = self.__get_conn() # Change autostart flag only if needed if self.conn.get_autostart(vmid) != as_flag: self.conn.set_autostart(vmid, as_flag) return True return False def freemem(self): self.conn = self.__get_conn() return self.conn.getFreeMemory() def shutdown(self, vmid): """ Make the machine with the given vmid stop running. Whatever that takes. """ self.__get_conn() self.conn.shutdown(vmid) return 0 def pause(self, vmid): """ Pause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.suspend(vmid) def unpause(self, vmid): """ Unpause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.resume(vmid) def create(self, vmid): """ Start the machine via the given vmid """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.create(vmid) def start(self, vmid): """ Start the machine via the given id/name """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.create(vmid) def destroy(self, vmid): """ Pull the virtual power from the virtual domain, giving it virtually no time to virtually shut down. """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.destroy(vmid) def undefine(self, vmid): """ Stop a domain, and then wipe it from the face of the earth. (delete disk/config file) """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.undefine(vmid) def status(self, vmid): """ Return a state suitable for server consumption. Aka, codes.py values, not XM output. """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.get_status(vmid) def get_xml(self, vmid): """ Receive a Vm id as input Return an xml describing vm config returned by a libvirt call """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.get_xml(vmid) def get_maxVcpus(self, vmid): """ Gets the max number of VCPUs on a guest """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.get_maxVcpus(vmid) def get_max_memory(self, vmid): """ Gets the max memory on a guest """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.get_MaxMemory(vmid) def define(self, xml): """ Define a guest with the given xml """ self.__get_conn() return self.conn.define_from_xml(xml) def core(module): state = module.params.get('state', None) autostart = module.params.get('autostart', None) guest = module.params.get('name', None) command = module.params.get('command', None) uri = module.params.get('uri', None) xml = module.params.get('xml', None) v = Virt(uri, module) res = dict() if state and command == 'list_vms': res = v.list_vms(state=state) if not isinstance(res, dict): res = {command: res} return VIRT_SUCCESS, res if state: if not guest: module.fail_json(msg="state change requires a guest specified") if state == 'running': if v.status(guest) is 'paused': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.unpause(guest) elif v.status(guest) is not 'running': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.start(guest) elif state == 'shutdown': if v.status(guest) is not 'shutdown': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.shutdown(guest) elif state == 'destroyed': if v.status(guest) is not 'shutdown': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.destroy(guest) elif state == 'paused': if v.status(guest) is 'running': res['changed'] = True res['msg'] = v.pause(guest) else: module.fail_json(msg="unexpected state") return VIRT_SUCCESS, res if autostart is not None and v.autostart(guest, autostart): res['changed'] = True if command: if command in VM_COMMANDS: if not guest: module.fail_json(msg="%s requires 1 argument: guest" % command) if command == 'define': if not xml: module.fail_json(msg="define requires xml argument") try: v.get_vm(guest) except VMNotFound: v.define(xml) res = {'changed': True, 'created': guest} return VIRT_SUCCESS, res res = getattr(v, command)(guest) if not isinstance(res, dict): res = {command: res} return VIRT_SUCCESS, res elif hasattr(v, command): res = getattr(v, command)() if not isinstance(res, dict): res = {command: res} return VIRT_SUCCESS, res else: module.fail_json(msg="Command %s not recognized" % command) module.fail_json(msg="expected state or command parameter to be specified") def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(type='str', aliases=['guest']), state=dict(type='str', choices=['destroyed', 'pause', 'running', 'shutdown']), autostart=dict(type='bool'), command=dict(type='str', choices=ALL_COMMANDS), uri=dict(type='str', default='qemu:///system'), xml=dict(type='str'), ), ) if not HAS_VIRT: module.fail_json(msg='The `libvirt` module is not importable. Check the requirements.') rc = VIRT_SUCCESS try: rc, result = core(module) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if rc != 0: # something went wrong emit the msg module.fail_json(rc=rc, msg=result) else: module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()