#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: rax short_description: create / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud description: - creates / deletes a Rackspace Public Cloud instance and optionally waits for it to be 'running'. version_added: "1.2" options: auto_increment: description: - Whether or not to increment a single number with the name of the created servers. Only applicable when used with the I(group) attribute or meta key. type: bool default: 'yes' version_added: 1.5 boot_from_volume: description: - Whether or not to boot the instance from a Cloud Block Storage volume. If C(yes) and I(image) is specified a new volume will be created at boot time. I(boot_volume_size) is required with I(image) to create a new volume at boot time. type: bool default: 'no' version_added: 1.9 boot_volume: description: - Cloud Block Storage ID or Name to use as the boot volume of the instance version_added: 1.9 boot_volume_size: description: - Size of the volume to create in Gigabytes. This is only required with I(image) and I(boot_from_volume). default: 100 version_added: 1.9 boot_volume_terminate: description: - Whether the I(boot_volume) or newly created volume from I(image) will be terminated when the server is terminated type: bool default: 'no' version_added: 1.9 config_drive: description: - Attach read-only configuration drive to server as label config-2 type: bool default: 'no' version_added: 1.7 count: description: - number of instances to launch default: 1 version_added: 1.4 count_offset: description: - number count to start at default: 1 version_added: 1.4 disk_config: description: - Disk partitioning strategy choices: - auto - manual version_added: '1.4' default: auto exact_count: description: - Explicitly ensure an exact count of instances, used with state=active/present. If specified as C(yes) and I(count) is less than the servers matched, servers will be deleted to match the count. If the number of matched servers is fewer than specified in I(count) additional servers will be added. type: bool default: 'no' version_added: 1.4 extra_client_args: description: - A hash of key/value pairs to be used when creating the cloudservers client. This is considered an advanced option, use it wisely and with caution. version_added: 1.6 extra_create_args: description: - A hash of key/value pairs to be used when creating a new server. This is considered an advanced option, use it wisely and with caution. version_added: 1.6 files: description: - Files to insert into the instance. remotefilename:localcontent flavor: description: - flavor to use for the instance group: description: - host group to assign to server, is also used for idempotent operations to ensure a specific number of instances version_added: 1.4 image: description: - image to use for the instance. Can be an C(id), C(human_id) or C(name). With I(boot_from_volume), a Cloud Block Storage volume will be created with this image instance_ids: description: - list of instance ids, currently only used when state='absent' to remove instances version_added: 1.4 key_name: description: - key pair to use on the instance aliases: - keypair meta: description: - A hash of metadata to associate with the instance name: description: - Name to give the instance networks: description: - The network to attach to the instances. If specified, you must include ALL networks including the public and private interfaces. Can be C(id) or C(label). default: - public - private version_added: 1.4 state: description: - Indicate desired state of the resource choices: - present - absent default: present user_data: description: - Data to be uploaded to the servers config drive. This option implies I(config_drive). Can be a file path or a string version_added: 1.7 wait: description: - wait for the instance to be in state 'running' before returning type: bool default: 'no' wait_timeout: description: - how long before wait gives up, in seconds default: 300 author: - "Jesse Keating (@omgjlk)" - "Matt Martz (@sivel)" notes: - I(exact_count) can be "destructive" if the number of running servers in the I(group) is larger than that specified in I(count). In such a case, the I(state) is effectively set to C(absent) and the extra servers are deleted. In the case of deletion, the returned data structure will have C(action) set to C(delete), and the oldest servers in the group will be deleted. extends_documentation_fragment: rackspace.openstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Build a Cloud Server gather_facts: False tasks: - name: Server build request local_action: module: rax credentials: ~/.raxpub name: rax-test1 flavor: 5 image: b11d9567-e412-4255-96b9-bd63ab23bcfe key_name: my_rackspace_key files: /root/test.txt: /home/localuser/test.txt wait: yes state: present networks: - private - public register: rax - name: Build an exact count of cloud servers with incremented names hosts: local gather_facts: False tasks: - name: Server build requests local_action: module: rax credentials: ~/.raxpub name: test%03d.example.org flavor: performance1-1 image: ubuntu-1204-lts-precise-pangolin state: present count: 10 count_offset: 10 exact_count: yes group: test wait: yes register: rax ''' import json import os import re import time try: import pyrax HAS_PYRAX = True except ImportError: HAS_PYRAX = False from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.rax import (FINAL_STATUSES, rax_argument_spec, rax_find_bootable_volume, rax_find_image, rax_find_network, rax_find_volume, rax_required_together, rax_to_dict, setup_rax_module) from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import xrange from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types def rax_find_server_image(module, server, image, boot_volume): if not image and boot_volume: vol = rax_find_bootable_volume(module, pyrax, server, exit=False) if not vol: return None volume_image_metadata = vol.volume_image_metadata vol_image_id = volume_image_metadata.get('image_id') if vol_image_id: server_image = rax_find_image(module, pyrax, vol_image_id, exit=False) if server_image: server.image = dict(id=server_image) # Match image IDs taking care of boot from volume if image and not server.image: vol = rax_find_bootable_volume(module, pyrax, server) volume_image_metadata = vol.volume_image_metadata vol_image_id = volume_image_metadata.get('image_id') if not vol_image_id: return None server_image = rax_find_image(module, pyrax, vol_image_id, exit=False) if image != server_image: return None server.image = dict(id=server_image) elif image and server.image['id'] != image: return None return server.image def create(module, names=None, flavor=None, image=None, meta=None, key_name=None, files=None, wait=True, wait_timeout=300, disk_config=None, group=None, nics=None, extra_create_args=None, user_data=None, config_drive=False, existing=None, block_device_mapping_v2=None): names = [] if names is None else names meta = {} if meta is None else meta files = {} if files is None else files nics = [] if nics is None else nics extra_create_args = {} if extra_create_args is None else extra_create_args existing = [] if existing is None else existing block_device_mapping_v2 = [] if block_device_mapping_v2 is None else block_device_mapping_v2 cs = pyrax.cloudservers changed = False if user_data: config_drive = True if user_data and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(user_data)): try: user_data = os.path.expanduser(user_data) f = open(user_data) user_data = f.read() f.close() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to load %s' % user_data) # Handle the file contents for rpath in files.keys(): lpath = os.path.expanduser(files[rpath]) try: fileobj = open(lpath, 'r') files[rpath] = fileobj.read() fileobj.close() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to load %s' % lpath) try: servers = [] bdmv2 = block_device_mapping_v2 for name in names: servers.append(cs.servers.create(name=name, image=image, flavor=flavor, meta=meta, key_name=key_name, files=files, nics=nics, disk_config=disk_config, config_drive=config_drive, userdata=user_data, block_device_mapping_v2=bdmv2, **extra_create_args)) except Exception as e: if e.message: msg = str(e.message) else: msg = repr(e) module.fail_json(msg=msg) else: changed = True if wait: end_time = time.time() + wait_timeout infinite = wait_timeout == 0 while infinite or time.time() < end_time: for server in servers: try: server.get() except: server.status = 'ERROR' if not filter(lambda s: s.status not in FINAL_STATUSES, servers): break time.sleep(5) success = [] error = [] timeout = [] for server in servers: try: server.get() except: server.status = 'ERROR' instance = rax_to_dict(server, 'server') if server.status == 'ACTIVE' or not wait: success.append(instance) elif server.status == 'ERROR': error.append(instance) elif wait: timeout.append(instance) untouched = [rax_to_dict(s, 'server') for s in existing] instances = success + untouched results = { 'changed': changed, 'action': 'create', 'instances': instances, 'success': success, 'error': error, 'timeout': timeout, 'instance_ids': { 'instances': [i['id'] for i in instances], 'success': [i['id'] for i in success], 'error': [i['id'] for i in error], 'timeout': [i['id'] for i in timeout] } } if timeout: results['msg'] = 'Timeout waiting for all servers to build' elif error: results['msg'] = 'Failed to build all servers' if 'msg' in results: module.fail_json(**results) else: module.exit_json(**results) def delete(module, instance_ids=None, wait=True, wait_timeout=300, kept=None): instance_ids = [] if instance_ids is None else instance_ids kept = [] if kept is None else kept cs = pyrax.cloudservers changed = False instances = {} servers = [] for instance_id in instance_ids: servers.append(cs.servers.get(instance_id)) for server in servers: try: server.delete() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) else: changed = True instance = rax_to_dict(server, 'server') instances[instance['id']] = instance # If requested, wait for server deletion if wait: end_time = time.time() + wait_timeout infinite = wait_timeout == 0 while infinite or time.time() < end_time: for server in servers: instance_id = server.id try: server.get() except: instances[instance_id]['status'] = 'DELETED' instances[instance_id]['rax_status'] = 'DELETED' if not filter(lambda s: s['status'] not in ('', 'DELETED', 'ERROR'), instances.values()): break time.sleep(5) timeout = filter(lambda s: s['status'] not in ('', 'DELETED', 'ERROR'), instances.values()) error = filter(lambda s: s['status'] in ('ERROR'), instances.values()) success = filter(lambda s: s['status'] in ('', 'DELETED'), instances.values()) instances = [rax_to_dict(s, 'server') for s in kept] results = { 'changed': changed, 'action': 'delete', 'instances': instances, 'success': success, 'error': error, 'timeout': timeout, 'instance_ids': { 'instances': [i['id'] for i in instances], 'success': [i['id'] for i in success], 'error': [i['id'] for i in error], 'timeout': [i['id'] for i in timeout] } } if timeout: results['msg'] = 'Timeout waiting for all servers to delete' elif error: results['msg'] = 'Failed to delete all servers' if 'msg' in results: module.fail_json(**results) else: module.exit_json(**results) def cloudservers(module, state=None, name=None, flavor=None, image=None, meta=None, key_name=None, files=None, wait=True, wait_timeout=300, disk_config=None, count=1, group=None, instance_ids=None, exact_count=False, networks=None, count_offset=0, auto_increment=False, extra_create_args=None, user_data=None, config_drive=False, boot_from_volume=False, boot_volume=None, boot_volume_size=None, boot_volume_terminate=False): meta = {} if meta is None else meta files = {} if files is None else files instance_ids = [] if instance_ids is None else instance_ids networks = [] if networks is None else networks extra_create_args = {} if extra_create_args is None else extra_create_args cs = pyrax.cloudservers cnw = pyrax.cloud_networks if not cnw: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to instantiate client. This ' 'typically indicates an invalid region or an ' 'incorrectly capitalized region name.') if state == 'present' or (state == 'absent' and instance_ids is None): if not boot_from_volume and not boot_volume and not image: module.fail_json(msg='image is required for the "rax" module') for arg, value in dict(name=name, flavor=flavor).items(): if not value: module.fail_json(msg='%s is required for the "rax" module' % arg) if boot_from_volume and not image and not boot_volume: module.fail_json(msg='image or boot_volume are required for the ' '"rax" with boot_from_volume') if boot_from_volume and image and not boot_volume_size: module.fail_json(msg='boot_volume_size is required for the "rax" ' 'module with boot_from_volume and image') if boot_from_volume and image and boot_volume: image = None servers = [] # Add the group meta key if group and 'group' not in meta: meta['group'] = group elif 'group' in meta and group is None: group = meta['group'] # Normalize and ensure all metadata values are strings for k, v in meta.items(): if isinstance(v, list): meta[k] = ','.join(['%s' % i for i in v]) elif isinstance(v, dict): meta[k] = json.dumps(v) elif not isinstance(v, string_types): meta[k] = '%s' % v # When using state=absent with group, the absent block won't match the # names properly. Use the exact_count functionality to decrease the count # to the desired level was_absent = False if group is not None and state == 'absent': exact_count = True state = 'present' was_absent = True if image: image = rax_find_image(module, pyrax, image) nics = [] if networks: for network in networks: nics.extend(rax_find_network(module, pyrax, network)) # act on the state if state == 'present': # Idempotent ensurance of a specific count of servers if exact_count is not False: # See if we can find servers that match our options if group is None: module.fail_json(msg='"group" must be provided when using ' '"exact_count"') if auto_increment: numbers = set() # See if the name is a printf like string, if not append # %d to the end try: name % 0 except TypeError as e: if e.message.startswith('not all'): name = '%s%%d' % name else: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) # regex pattern to match printf formatting pattern = re.sub(r'%\d*[sd]', r'(\d+)', name) for server in cs.servers.list(): # Ignore DELETED servers if server.status == 'DELETED': continue if server.metadata.get('group') == group: servers.append(server) match = re.search(pattern, server.name) if match: number = int(match.group(1)) numbers.add(number) number_range = xrange(count_offset, count_offset + count) available_numbers = list(set(number_range) .difference(numbers)) else: # Not auto incrementing for server in cs.servers.list(): # Ignore DELETED servers if server.status == 'DELETED': continue if server.metadata.get('group') == group: servers.append(server) # available_numbers not needed here, we inspect auto_increment # again later # If state was absent but the count was changed, # assume we only wanted to remove that number of instances if was_absent: diff = len(servers) - count if diff < 0: count = 0 else: count = diff if len(servers) > count: # We have more servers than we need, set state='absent' # and delete the extras, this should delete the oldest state = 'absent' kept = servers[:count] del servers[:count] instance_ids = [] for server in servers: instance_ids.append(server.id) delete(module, instance_ids=instance_ids, wait=wait, wait_timeout=wait_timeout, kept=kept) elif len(servers) < count: # we have fewer servers than we need if auto_increment: # auto incrementing server numbers names = [] name_slice = count - len(servers) numbers_to_use = available_numbers[:name_slice] for number in numbers_to_use: names.append(name % number) else: # We are not auto incrementing server numbers, # create a list of 'name' that matches how many we need names = [name] * (count - len(servers)) else: # we have the right number of servers, just return info # about all of the matched servers instances = [] instance_ids = [] for server in servers: instances.append(rax_to_dict(server, 'server')) instance_ids.append(server.id) module.exit_json(changed=False, action=None, instances=instances, success=[], error=[], timeout=[], instance_ids={'instances': instance_ids, 'success': [], 'error': [], 'timeout': []}) else: # not called with exact_count=True if group is not None: if auto_increment: # we are auto incrementing server numbers, but not with # exact_count numbers = set() # See if the name is a printf like string, if not append # %d to the end try: name % 0 except TypeError as e: if e.message.startswith('not all'): name = '%s%%d' % name else: module.fail_json(msg=e.message) # regex pattern to match printf formatting pattern = re.sub(r'%\d*[sd]', r'(\d+)', name) for server in cs.servers.list(): # Ignore DELETED servers if server.status == 'DELETED': continue if server.metadata.get('group') == group: servers.append(server) match = re.search(pattern, server.name) if match: number = int(match.group(1)) numbers.add(number) number_range = xrange(count_offset, count_offset + count + len(numbers)) available_numbers = list(set(number_range) .difference(numbers)) names = [] numbers_to_use = available_numbers[:count] for number in numbers_to_use: names.append(name % number) else: # Not auto incrementing names = [name] * count else: # No group was specified, and not using exact_count # Perform more simplistic matching search_opts = { 'name': '^%s$' % name, 'flavor': flavor } servers = [] for server in cs.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts): # Ignore DELETED servers if server.status == 'DELETED': continue if not rax_find_server_image(module, server, image, boot_volume): continue # Ignore servers with non matching metadata if server.metadata != meta: continue servers.append(server) if len(servers) >= count: # We have more servers than were requested, don't do # anything. Not running with exact_count=True, so we assume # more is OK instances = [] for server in servers: instances.append(rax_to_dict(server, 'server')) instance_ids = [i['id'] for i in instances] module.exit_json(changed=False, action=None, instances=instances, success=[], error=[], timeout=[], instance_ids={'instances': instance_ids, 'success': [], 'error': [], 'timeout': []}) # We need more servers to reach out target, create names for # them, we aren't performing auto_increment here names = [name] * (count - len(servers)) block_device_mapping_v2 = [] if boot_from_volume: mapping = { 'boot_index': '0', 'delete_on_termination': boot_volume_terminate, 'destination_type': 'volume', } if image: mapping.update({ 'uuid': image, 'source_type': 'image', 'volume_size': boot_volume_size, }) image = None elif boot_volume: volume = rax_find_volume(module, pyrax, boot_volume) mapping.update({ 'uuid': pyrax.utils.get_id(volume), 'source_type': 'volume', }) block_device_mapping_v2.append(mapping) create(module, names=names, flavor=flavor, image=image, meta=meta, key_name=key_name, files=files, wait=wait, wait_timeout=wait_timeout, disk_config=disk_config, group=group, nics=nics, extra_create_args=extra_create_args, user_data=user_data, config_drive=config_drive, existing=servers, block_device_mapping_v2=block_device_mapping_v2) elif state == 'absent': if instance_ids is None: # We weren't given an explicit list of server IDs to delete # Let's match instead search_opts = { 'name': '^%s$' % name, 'flavor': flavor } for server in cs.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts): # Ignore DELETED servers if server.status == 'DELETED': continue if not rax_find_server_image(module, server, image, boot_volume): continue # Ignore servers with non matching metadata if meta != server.metadata: continue servers.append(server) # Build a list of server IDs to delete instance_ids = [] for server in servers: if len(instance_ids) < count: instance_ids.append(server.id) else: break if not instance_ids: # No server IDs were matched for deletion, or no IDs were # explicitly provided, just exit and don't do anything module.exit_json(changed=False, action=None, instances=[], success=[], error=[], timeout=[], instance_ids={'instances': [], 'success': [], 'error': [], 'timeout': []}) delete(module, instance_ids=instance_ids, wait=wait, wait_timeout=wait_timeout) def main(): argument_spec = rax_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( auto_increment=dict(default=True, type='bool'), boot_from_volume=dict(default=False, type='bool'), boot_volume=dict(type='str'), boot_volume_size=dict(type='int', default=100), boot_volume_terminate=dict(type='bool', default=False), config_drive=dict(default=False, type='bool'), count=dict(default=1, type='int'), count_offset=dict(default=1, type='int'), disk_config=dict(choices=['auto', 'manual']), exact_count=dict(default=False, type='bool'), extra_client_args=dict(type='dict', default={}), extra_create_args=dict(type='dict', default={}), files=dict(type='dict', default={}), flavor=dict(), group=dict(), image=dict(), instance_ids=dict(type='list'), key_name=dict(aliases=['keypair']), meta=dict(type='dict', default={}), name=dict(), networks=dict(type='list', default=['public', 'private']), service=dict(), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), user_data=dict(no_log=True), wait=dict(default=False, type='bool'), wait_timeout=dict(default=300), ) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=rax_required_together(), ) if not HAS_PYRAX: module.fail_json(msg='pyrax is required for this module') service = module.params.get('service') if service is not None: module.fail_json(msg='The "service" attribute has been deprecated, ' 'please remove "service: cloudservers" from your ' 'playbook pertaining to the "rax" module') auto_increment = module.params.get('auto_increment') boot_from_volume = module.params.get('boot_from_volume') boot_volume = module.params.get('boot_volume') boot_volume_size = module.params.get('boot_volume_size') boot_volume_terminate = module.params.get('boot_volume_terminate') config_drive = module.params.get('config_drive') count = module.params.get('count') count_offset = module.params.get('count_offset') disk_config = module.params.get('disk_config') if disk_config: disk_config = disk_config.upper() exact_count = module.params.get('exact_count', False) extra_client_args = module.params.get('extra_client_args') extra_create_args = module.params.get('extra_create_args') files = module.params.get('files') flavor = module.params.get('flavor') group = module.params.get('group') image = module.params.get('image') instance_ids = module.params.get('instance_ids') key_name = module.params.get('key_name') meta = module.params.get('meta') name = module.params.get('name') networks = module.params.get('networks') state = module.params.get('state') user_data = module.params.get('user_data') wait = module.params.get('wait') wait_timeout = int(module.params.get('wait_timeout')) setup_rax_module(module, pyrax) if extra_client_args: pyrax.cloudservers = pyrax.connect_to_cloudservers( region=pyrax.cloudservers.client.region_name, **extra_client_args) client = pyrax.cloudservers.client if 'bypass_url' in extra_client_args: client.management_url = extra_client_args['bypass_url'] if pyrax.cloudservers is None: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to instantiate client. This ' 'typically indicates an invalid region or an ' 'incorrectly capitalized region name.') cloudservers(module, state=state, name=name, flavor=flavor, image=image, meta=meta, key_name=key_name, files=files, wait=wait, wait_timeout=wait_timeout, disk_config=disk_config, count=count, group=group, instance_ids=instance_ids, exact_count=exact_count, networks=networks, count_offset=count_offset, auto_increment=auto_increment, extra_create_args=extra_create_args, user_data=user_data, config_drive=config_drive, boot_from_volume=boot_from_volume, boot_volume=boot_volume, boot_volume_size=boot_volume_size, boot_volume_terminate=boot_volume_terminate) if __name__ == '__main__': main()