# commit.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php from gitdb import IStream from git.util import ( hex_to_bin, Actor, Iterable, Stats, finalize_process ) from git.diff import Diffable from .tree import Tree from . import base from .util import ( Traversable, Serializable, parse_date, altz_to_utctz_str, parse_actor_and_date, from_timestamp, ) from git.compat import text_type from time import ( time, daylight, altzone, timezone, localtime ) import os from io import BytesIO import logging log = logging.getLogger('git.objects.commit') log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) __all__ = ('Commit', ) class Commit(base.Object, Iterable, Diffable, Traversable, Serializable): """Wraps a git Commit object. This class will act lazily on some of its attributes and will query the value on demand only if it involves calling the git binary.""" # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # read when creating new commits env_author_date = "GIT_AUTHOR_DATE" env_committer_date = "GIT_COMMITTER_DATE" # CONFIGURATION KEYS conf_encoding = 'i18n.commitencoding' # INVARIANTS default_encoding = "UTF-8" # object configuration type = "commit" __slots__ = ("tree", "author", "authored_date", "author_tz_offset", "committer", "committed_date", "committer_tz_offset", "message", "parents", "encoding", "gpgsig") _id_attribute_ = "hexsha" def __init__(self, repo, binsha, tree=None, author=None, authored_date=None, author_tz_offset=None, committer=None, committed_date=None, committer_tz_offset=None, message=None, parents=None, encoding=None, gpgsig=None): """Instantiate a new Commit. All keyword arguments taking None as default will be implicitly set on first query. :param binsha: 20 byte sha1 :param parents: tuple( Commit, ... ) is a tuple of commit ids or actual Commits :param tree: Tree Tree object :param author: Actor is the author string ( will be implicitly converted into an Actor object ) :param authored_date: int_seconds_since_epoch is the authored DateTime - use time.gmtime() to convert it into a different format :param author_tz_offset: int_seconds_west_of_utc is the timezone that the authored_date is in :param committer: Actor is the committer string :param committed_date: int_seconds_since_epoch is the committed DateTime - use time.gmtime() to convert it into a different format :param committer_tz_offset: int_seconds_west_of_utc is the timezone that the committed_date is in :param message: string is the commit message :param encoding: string encoding of the message, defaults to UTF-8 :param parents: List or tuple of Commit objects which are our parent(s) in the commit dependency graph :return: git.Commit :note: Timezone information is in the same format and in the same sign as what time.altzone returns. The sign is inverted compared to git's UTC timezone.""" super(Commit, self).__init__(repo, binsha) if tree is not None: assert isinstance(tree, Tree), "Tree needs to be a Tree instance, was %s" % type(tree) if tree is not None: self.tree = tree if author is not None: self.author = author if authored_date is not None: self.authored_date = authored_date if author_tz_offset is not None: self.author_tz_offset = author_tz_offset if committer is not None: self.committer = committer if committed_date is not None: self.committed_date = committed_date if committer_tz_offset is not None: self.committer_tz_offset = committer_tz_offset if message is not None: self.message = message if parents is not None: self.parents = parents if encoding is not None: self.encoding = encoding if gpgsig is not None: self.gpgsig = gpgsig @classmethod def _get_intermediate_items(cls, commit): return commit.parents def _set_cache_(self, attr): if attr in Commit.__slots__: # read the data in a chunk, its faster - then provide a file wrapper binsha, typename, self.size, stream = self.repo.odb.stream(self.binsha) # @UnusedVariable self._deserialize(BytesIO(stream.read())) else: super(Commit, self)._set_cache_(attr) # END handle attrs @property def authored_datetime(self): return from_timestamp(self.authored_date, self.author_tz_offset) @property def committed_datetime(self): return from_timestamp(self.committed_date, self.committer_tz_offset) @property def summary(self): """:return: First line of the commit message""" return self.message.split('\n', 1)[0] def count(self, paths='', **kwargs): """Count the number of commits reachable from this commit :param paths: is an optional path or a list of paths restricting the return value to commits actually containing the paths :param kwargs: Additional options to be passed to git-rev-list. They must not alter the output style of the command, or parsing will yield incorrect results :return: int defining the number of reachable commits""" # yes, it makes a difference whether empty paths are given or not in our case # as the empty paths version will ignore merge commits for some reason. if paths: return len(self.repo.git.rev_list(self.hexsha, '--', paths, **kwargs).splitlines()) else: return len(self.repo.git.rev_list(self.hexsha, **kwargs).splitlines()) @property def name_rev(self): """ :return: String describing the commits hex sha based on the closest Reference. Mostly useful for UI purposes""" return self.repo.git.name_rev(self) @classmethod def iter_items(cls, repo, rev, paths='', **kwargs): """Find all commits matching the given criteria. :param repo: is the Repo :param rev: revision specifier, see git-rev-parse for viable options :param paths: is an optional path or list of paths, if set only Commits that include the path or paths will be considered :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments to git rev-list where ``max_count`` is the maximum number of commits to fetch ``skip`` is the number of commits to skip ``since`` all commits since i.e. '1970-01-01' :return: iterator yielding Commit items""" if 'pretty' in kwargs: raise ValueError("--pretty cannot be used as parsing expects single sha's only") # END handle pretty # use -- in any case, to prevent possibility of ambiguous arguments # see https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/issues/264 args = ['--'] if paths: args.extend((paths, )) # END if paths proc = repo.git.rev_list(rev, args, as_process=True, **kwargs) return cls._iter_from_process_or_stream(repo, proc) def iter_parents(self, paths='', **kwargs): """Iterate _all_ parents of this commit. :param paths: Optional path or list of paths limiting the Commits to those that contain at least one of the paths :param kwargs: All arguments allowed by git-rev-list :return: Iterator yielding Commit objects which are parents of self """ # skip ourselves skip = kwargs.get("skip", 1) if skip == 0: # skip ourselves skip = 1 kwargs['skip'] = skip return self.iter_items(self.repo, self, paths, **kwargs) @property def stats(self): """Create a git stat from changes between this commit and its first parent or from all changes done if this is the very first commit. :return: git.Stats""" if not self.parents: text = self.repo.git.diff_tree(self.hexsha, '--', numstat=True, root=True) text2 = "" for line in text.splitlines()[1:]: (insertions, deletions, filename) = line.split("\t") text2 += "%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (insertions, deletions, filename) text = text2 else: text = self.repo.git.diff(self.parents[0].hexsha, self.hexsha, '--', numstat=True) return Stats._list_from_string(self.repo, text) @classmethod def _iter_from_process_or_stream(cls, repo, proc_or_stream): """Parse out commit information into a list of Commit objects We expect one-line per commit, and parse the actual commit information directly from our lighting fast object database :param proc: git-rev-list process instance - one sha per line :return: iterator returning Commit objects""" stream = proc_or_stream if not hasattr(stream, 'readline'): stream = proc_or_stream.stdout readline = stream.readline while True: line = readline() if not line: break hexsha = line.strip() if len(hexsha) > 40: # split additional information, as returned by bisect for instance hexsha, _ = line.split(None, 1) # END handle extra info assert len(hexsha) == 40, "Invalid line: %s" % hexsha yield Commit(repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha)) # END for each line in stream # TODO: Review this - it seems process handling got a bit out of control # due to many developers trying to fix the open file handles issue if hasattr(proc_or_stream, 'wait'): finalize_process(proc_or_stream) @classmethod def create_from_tree(cls, repo, tree, message, parent_commits=None, head=False, author=None, committer=None, author_date=None, commit_date=None): """Commit the given tree, creating a commit object. :param repo: Repo object the commit should be part of :param tree: Tree object or hex or bin sha the tree of the new commit :param message: Commit message. It may be an empty string if no message is provided. It will be converted to a string in any case. :param parent_commits: Optional Commit objects to use as parents for the new commit. If empty list, the commit will have no parents at all and become a root commit. If None , the current head commit will be the parent of the new commit object :param head: If True, the HEAD will be advanced to the new commit automatically. Else the HEAD will remain pointing on the previous commit. This could lead to undesired results when diffing files. :param author: The name of the author, optional. If unset, the repository configuration is used to obtain this value. :param committer: The name of the committer, optional. If unset, the repository configuration is used to obtain this value. :param author_date: The timestamp for the author field :param commit_date: The timestamp for the committer field :return: Commit object representing the new commit :note: Additional information about the committer and Author are taken from the environment or from the git configuration, see git-commit-tree for more information""" if parent_commits is None: try: parent_commits = [repo.head.commit] except ValueError: # empty repositories have no head commit parent_commits = [] # END handle parent commits else: for p in parent_commits: if not isinstance(p, cls): raise ValueError("Parent commit '%r' must be of type %s" % (p, cls)) # end check parent commit types # END if parent commits are unset # retrieve all additional information, create a commit object, and # serialize it # Generally: # * Environment variables override configuration values # * Sensible defaults are set according to the git documentation # COMMITER AND AUTHOR INFO cr = repo.config_reader() env = os.environ committer = committer or Actor.committer(cr) author = author or Actor.author(cr) # PARSE THE DATES unix_time = int(time()) is_dst = daylight and localtime().tm_isdst > 0 offset = altzone if is_dst else timezone author_date_str = env.get(cls.env_author_date, '') if author_date: author_time, author_offset = parse_date(author_date) elif author_date_str: author_time, author_offset = parse_date(author_date_str) else: author_time, author_offset = unix_time, offset # END set author time committer_date_str = env.get(cls.env_committer_date, '') if commit_date: committer_time, committer_offset = parse_date(commit_date) elif committer_date_str: committer_time, committer_offset = parse_date(committer_date_str) else: committer_time, committer_offset = unix_time, offset # END set committer time # assume utf8 encoding enc_section, enc_option = cls.conf_encoding.split('.') conf_encoding = cr.get_value(enc_section, enc_option, cls.default_encoding) # if the tree is no object, make sure we create one - otherwise # the created commit object is invalid if isinstance(tree, str): tree = repo.tree(tree) # END tree conversion # CREATE NEW COMMIT new_commit = cls(repo, cls.NULL_BIN_SHA, tree, author, author_time, author_offset, committer, committer_time, committer_offset, message, parent_commits, conf_encoding) stream = BytesIO() new_commit._serialize(stream) streamlen = stream.tell() stream.seek(0) istream = repo.odb.store(IStream(cls.type, streamlen, stream)) new_commit.binsha = istream.binsha if head: # need late import here, importing git at the very beginning throws # as well ... import git.refs try: repo.head.set_commit(new_commit, logmsg=message) except ValueError: # head is not yet set to the ref our HEAD points to # Happens on first commit master = git.refs.Head.create(repo, repo.head.ref, new_commit, logmsg="commit (initial): %s" % message) repo.head.set_reference(master, logmsg='commit: Switching to %s' % master) # END handle empty repositories # END advance head handling return new_commit #{ Serializable Implementation def _serialize(self, stream): write = stream.write write(("tree %s\n" % self.tree).encode('ascii')) for p in self.parents: write(("parent %s\n" % p).encode('ascii')) a = self.author aname = a.name c = self.committer fmt = "%s %s <%s> %s %s\n" write((fmt % ("author", aname, a.email, self.authored_date, altz_to_utctz_str(self.author_tz_offset))).encode(self.encoding)) # encode committer aname = c.name write((fmt % ("committer", aname, c.email, self.committed_date, altz_to_utctz_str(self.committer_tz_offset))).encode(self.encoding)) if self.encoding != self.default_encoding: write(("encoding %s\n" % self.encoding).encode('ascii')) try: if self.__getattribute__('gpgsig') is not None: write(b"gpgsig") for sigline in self.gpgsig.rstrip("\n").split("\n"): write((" " + sigline + "\n").encode('ascii')) except AttributeError: pass write(b"\n") # write plain bytes, be sure its encoded according to our encoding if isinstance(self.message, text_type): write(self.message.encode(self.encoding)) else: write(self.message) # END handle encoding return self def _deserialize(self, stream): """:param from_rev_list: if true, the stream format is coming from the rev-list command Otherwise it is assumed to be a plain data stream from our object""" readline = stream.readline self.tree = Tree(self.repo, hex_to_bin(readline().split()[1]), Tree.tree_id << 12, '') self.parents = [] next_line = None while True: parent_line = readline() if not parent_line.startswith(b'parent'): next_line = parent_line break # END abort reading parents self.parents.append(type(self)(self.repo, hex_to_bin(parent_line.split()[-1].decode('ascii')))) # END for each parent line self.parents = tuple(self.parents) # we don't know actual author encoding before we have parsed it, so keep the lines around author_line = next_line committer_line = readline() # we might run into one or more mergetag blocks, skip those for now next_line = readline() while next_line.startswith(b'mergetag '): next_line = readline() while next_line.startswith(b' '): next_line = readline() # end skip mergetags # now we can have the encoding line, or an empty line followed by the optional # message. self.encoding = self.default_encoding self.gpgsig = None # read headers enc = next_line buf = enc.strip() while buf: if buf[0:10] == b"encoding ": self.encoding = buf[buf.find(' ') + 1:].decode('ascii') elif buf[0:7] == b"gpgsig ": sig = buf[buf.find(b' ') + 1:] + b"\n" is_next_header = False while True: sigbuf = readline() if not sigbuf: break if sigbuf[0:1] != b" ": buf = sigbuf.strip() is_next_header = True break sig += sigbuf[1:] # end read all signature self.gpgsig = sig.rstrip(b"\n").decode('ascii') if is_next_header: continue buf = readline().strip() # decode the authors name try: self.author, self.authored_date, self.author_tz_offset = \ parse_actor_and_date(author_line.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')) except UnicodeDecodeError: log.error("Failed to decode author line '%s' using encoding %s", author_line, self.encoding, exc_info=True) try: self.committer, self.committed_date, self.committer_tz_offset = \ parse_actor_and_date(committer_line.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')) except UnicodeDecodeError: log.error("Failed to decode committer line '%s' using encoding %s", committer_line, self.encoding, exc_info=True) # END handle author's encoding # a stream from our data simply gives us the plain message # The end of our message stream is marked with a newline that we strip self.message = stream.read() try: self.message = self.message.decode(self.encoding, 'replace') except UnicodeDecodeError: log.error("Failed to decode message '%s' using encoding %s", self.message, self.encoding, exc_info=True) # END exception handling return self #} END serializable implementation