# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # test_index.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php from io import BytesIO import os from stat import ( S_ISLNK, ST_MODE ) import tempfile from unittest import skipIf from git import ( IndexFile, Repo, BlobFilter, UnmergedEntriesError, Tree, Object, Diff, GitCommandError, CheckoutError, ) from git.compat import string_types, is_win, PY3 from git.exc import ( HookExecutionError, InvalidGitRepositoryError ) from git.index.fun import hook_path from git.index.typ import ( BaseIndexEntry, IndexEntry ) from git.objects import Blob from git.test.lib import ( TestBase, fixture_path, fixture, with_rw_repo ) from git.test.lib import with_rw_directory from git.util import Actor, rmtree from git.util import HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS, hex_to_bin from gitdb.base import IStream import os.path as osp from git.cmd import Git HOOKS_SHEBANG = "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n" @skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS, "TODO: fix hooks execution on Windows: #703") def _make_hook(git_dir, name, content, make_exec=True): """A helper to create a hook""" hp = hook_path(name, git_dir) hpd = osp.dirname(hp) if not osp.isdir(hpd): os.mkdir(hpd) with open(hp, "wt") as fp: fp.write(HOOKS_SHEBANG + content) if make_exec: os.chmod(hp, 0o744) return hp class TestIndex(TestBase): def __init__(self, *args): super(TestIndex, self).__init__(*args) self._reset_progress() def _assert_fprogress(self, entries): self.assertEqual(len(entries), len(self._fprogress_map)) for path, call_count in self._fprogress_map.items(): # @UnusedVariable self.assertEqual(call_count, 2) # END for each item in progress map self._reset_progress() def _fprogress(self, path, done, item): self._fprogress_map.setdefault(path, 0) curval = self._fprogress_map[path] if curval == 0: assert not done if curval == 1: assert done self._fprogress_map[path] = curval + 1 def _fprogress_add(self, path, done, item): """Called as progress func - we keep track of the proper call order""" assert item is not None self._fprogress(path, done, item) def _reset_progress(self): # maps paths to the count of calls self._fprogress_map = {} def _assert_entries(self, entries): for entry in entries: assert isinstance(entry, BaseIndexEntry) assert not osp.isabs(entry.path) assert "\\" not in entry.path # END for each entry def test_index_file_base(self): # read from file index = IndexFile(self.rorepo, fixture_path("index")) assert index.entries assert index.version > 0 # test entry entry = next(iter(index.entries.values())) for attr in ("path", "ctime", "mtime", "dev", "inode", "mode", "uid", "gid", "size", "binsha", "hexsha", "stage"): getattr(entry, attr) # END for each method # test update entries = index.entries assert isinstance(index.update(), IndexFile) assert entries is not index.entries # test stage index_merge = IndexFile(self.rorepo, fixture_path("index_merge")) self.assertEqual(len(index_merge.entries), 106) assert len([e for e in index_merge.entries.values() if e.stage != 0]) # write the data - it must match the original tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp() index_merge.write(tmpfile) with open(tmpfile, 'rb') as fp: self.assertEqual(fp.read(), fixture("index_merge")) os.remove(tmpfile) def _cmp_tree_index(self, tree, index): # fail unless both objects contain the same paths and blobs if isinstance(tree, str): tree = self.rorepo.commit(tree).tree blist = [] for blob in tree.traverse(predicate=lambda e, d: e.type == "blob", branch_first=False): assert (blob.path, 0) in index.entries blist.append(blob) # END for each blob in tree if len(blist) != len(index.entries): iset = {k[0] for k in index.entries.keys()} bset = {b.path for b in blist} raise AssertionError("CMP Failed: Missing entries in index: %s, missing in tree: %s" % (bset - iset, iset - bset)) # END assertion message @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_index_lock_handling(self, rw_repo): def add_bad_blob(): rw_repo.index.add([Blob(rw_repo, b'f' * 20, 'bad-permissions', 'foo')]) try: ## 1st fail on purpose adding into index. add_bad_blob() except Exception as ex: msg_py3 = "required argument is not an integer" msg_py2 = "cannot convert argument to integer" assert msg_py2 in str(ex) or msg_py3 in str(ex) ## 2nd time should not fail due to stray lock file try: add_bad_blob() except Exception as ex: assert "index.lock' could not be obtained" not in str(ex) @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_index_file_from_tree(self, rw_repo): common_ancestor_sha = "5117c9c8a4d3af19a9958677e45cda9269de1541" cur_sha = "4b43ca7ff72d5f535134241e7c797ddc9c7a3573" other_sha = "39f85c4358b7346fee22169da9cad93901ea9eb9" # simple index from tree base_index = IndexFile.from_tree(rw_repo, common_ancestor_sha) assert base_index.entries self._cmp_tree_index(common_ancestor_sha, base_index) # merge two trees - its like a fast-forward two_way_index = IndexFile.from_tree(rw_repo, common_ancestor_sha, cur_sha) assert two_way_index.entries self._cmp_tree_index(cur_sha, two_way_index) # merge three trees - here we have a merge conflict three_way_index = IndexFile.from_tree(rw_repo, common_ancestor_sha, cur_sha, other_sha) assert len([e for e in three_way_index.entries.values() if e.stage != 0]) # ITERATE BLOBS merge_required = lambda t: t[0] != 0 merge_blobs = list(three_way_index.iter_blobs(merge_required)) assert merge_blobs assert merge_blobs[0][0] in (1, 2, 3) assert isinstance(merge_blobs[0][1], Blob) # test BlobFilter prefix = 'lib/git' for stage, blob in base_index.iter_blobs(BlobFilter([prefix])): # @UnusedVariable assert blob.path.startswith(prefix) # writing a tree should fail with an unmerged index self.failUnlessRaises(UnmergedEntriesError, three_way_index.write_tree) # removed unmerged entries unmerged_blob_map = three_way_index.unmerged_blobs() assert unmerged_blob_map # pick the first blob at the first stage we find and use it as resolved version three_way_index.resolve_blobs(l[0][1] for l in unmerged_blob_map.values()) tree = three_way_index.write_tree() assert isinstance(tree, Tree) num_blobs = 0 for blob in tree.traverse(predicate=lambda item, d: item.type == "blob"): assert (blob.path, 0) in three_way_index.entries num_blobs += 1 # END for each blob self.assertEqual(num_blobs, len(three_way_index.entries)) @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_index_merge_tree(self, rw_repo): # A bit out of place, but we need a different repo for this: self.assertNotEqual(self.rorepo, rw_repo) self.assertEqual(len({self.rorepo, self.rorepo, rw_repo, rw_repo}), 2) # SINGLE TREE MERGE # current index is at the (virtual) cur_commit next_commit = "4c39f9da792792d4e73fc3a5effde66576ae128c" parent_commit = rw_repo.head.commit.parents[0] manifest_key = IndexFile.entry_key('MANIFEST.in', 0) manifest_entry = rw_repo.index.entries[manifest_key] rw_repo.index.merge_tree(next_commit) # only one change should be recorded assert manifest_entry.binsha != rw_repo.index.entries[manifest_key].binsha rw_repo.index.reset(rw_repo.head) self.assertEqual(rw_repo.index.entries[manifest_key].binsha, manifest_entry.binsha) # FAKE MERGE ############# # Add a change with a NULL sha that should conflict with next_commit. We # pretend there was a change, but we do not even bother adding a proper # sha for it ( which makes things faster of course ) manifest_fake_entry = BaseIndexEntry((manifest_entry[0], b"\0" * 20, 0, manifest_entry[3])) # try write flag self._assert_entries(rw_repo.index.add([manifest_fake_entry], write=False)) # add actually resolves the null-hex-sha for us as a feature, but we can # edit the index manually assert rw_repo.index.entries[manifest_key].binsha != Object.NULL_BIN_SHA # must operate on the same index for this ! Its a bit problematic as # it might confuse people index = rw_repo.index index.entries[manifest_key] = IndexEntry.from_base(manifest_fake_entry) index.write() self.assertEqual(rw_repo.index.entries[manifest_key].hexsha, Diff.NULL_HEX_SHA) # write an unchanged index ( just for the fun of it ) rw_repo.index.write() # a three way merge would result in a conflict and fails as the command will # not overwrite any entries in our index and hence leave them unmerged. This is # mainly a protection feature as the current index is not yet in a tree self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, index.merge_tree, next_commit, base=parent_commit) # the only way to get the merged entries is to safe the current index away into a tree, # which is like a temporary commit for us. This fails as well as the NULL sha deos not # have a corresponding object # NOTE: missing_ok is not a kwarg anymore, missing_ok is always true # self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, index.write_tree) # if missing objects are okay, this would work though ( they are always okay now ) # As we can't read back the tree with NULL_SHA, we rather set it to something else index.entries[manifest_key] = IndexEntry(manifest_entry[:1] + (hex_to_bin('f' * 40),) + manifest_entry[2:]) tree = index.write_tree() # now make a proper three way merge with unmerged entries unmerged_tree = IndexFile.from_tree(rw_repo, parent_commit, tree, next_commit) unmerged_blobs = unmerged_tree.unmerged_blobs() self.assertEqual(len(unmerged_blobs), 1) self.assertEqual(list(unmerged_blobs.keys())[0], manifest_key[0]) @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_index_file_diffing(self, rw_repo): # default Index instance points to our index index = IndexFile(rw_repo) assert index.path is not None assert len(index.entries) # write the file back index.write() # could sha it, or check stats # test diff # resetting the head will leave the index in a different state, and the # diff will yield a few changes cur_head_commit = rw_repo.head.reference.commit rw_repo.head.reset('HEAD~6', index=True, working_tree=False) # diff against same index is 0 diff = index.diff() self.assertEqual(len(diff), 0) # against HEAD as string, must be the same as it matches index diff = index.diff('HEAD') self.assertEqual(len(diff), 0) # against previous head, there must be a difference diff = index.diff(cur_head_commit) assert len(diff) # we reverse the result adiff = index.diff(str(cur_head_commit), R=True) odiff = index.diff(cur_head_commit, R=False) # now its not reversed anymore assert adiff != odiff self.assertEqual(odiff, diff) # both unreversed diffs against HEAD # against working copy - its still at cur_commit wdiff = index.diff(None) assert wdiff != adiff assert wdiff != odiff # against something unusual self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, index.diff, int) # adjust the index to match an old revision cur_branch = rw_repo.active_branch cur_commit = cur_branch.commit rev_head_parent = 'HEAD~1' assert index.reset(rev_head_parent) is index self.assertEqual(cur_branch, rw_repo.active_branch) self.assertEqual(cur_commit, rw_repo.head.commit) # there must be differences towards the working tree which is in the 'future' assert index.diff(None) # reset the working copy as well to current head,to pull 'back' as well new_data = b"will be reverted" file_path = osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, "CHANGES") with open(file_path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(new_data) index.reset(rev_head_parent, working_tree=True) assert not index.diff(None) self.assertEqual(cur_branch, rw_repo.active_branch) self.assertEqual(cur_commit, rw_repo.head.commit) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: assert fp.read() != new_data # test full checkout test_file = osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, "CHANGES") with open(test_file, 'ab') as fd: fd.write(b"some data") rval = index.checkout(None, force=True, fprogress=self._fprogress) assert 'CHANGES' in list(rval) self._assert_fprogress([None]) assert osp.isfile(test_file) os.remove(test_file) rval = index.checkout(None, force=False, fprogress=self._fprogress) assert 'CHANGES' in list(rval) self._assert_fprogress([None]) assert osp.isfile(test_file) # individual file os.remove(test_file) rval = index.checkout(test_file, fprogress=self._fprogress) self.assertEqual(list(rval)[0], 'CHANGES') self._assert_fprogress([test_file]) assert osp.exists(test_file) # checking out non-existing file throws self.failUnlessRaises(CheckoutError, index.checkout, "doesnt_exist_ever.txt.that") self.failUnlessRaises(CheckoutError, index.checkout, paths=["doesnt/exist"]) # checkout file with modifications append_data = b"hello" with open(test_file, "ab") as fp: fp.write(append_data) try: index.checkout(test_file) except CheckoutError as e: self.assertEqual(len(e.failed_files), 1) self.assertEqual(e.failed_files[0], osp.basename(test_file)) self.assertEqual(len(e.failed_files), len(e.failed_reasons)) self.assertIsInstance(e.failed_reasons[0], string_types) self.assertEqual(len(e.valid_files), 0) with open(test_file, 'rb') as fd: s = fd.read() self.assertTrue(s.endswith(append_data), s) else: raise AssertionError("Exception CheckoutError not thrown") # if we force it it should work index.checkout(test_file, force=True) assert not open(test_file, 'rb').read().endswith(append_data) # checkout directory rmtree(osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, "lib")) rval = index.checkout('lib') assert len(list(rval)) > 1 def _count_existing(self, repo, files): """ Returns count of files that actually exist in the repository directory. """ existing = 0 basedir = repo.working_tree_dir for f in files: existing += osp.isfile(osp.join(basedir, f)) # END for each deleted file return existing # END num existing helper @skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS and Git.is_cygwin(), """FIXME: File "C:\\projects\\gitpython\\git\\test\\test_index.py", line 642, in test_index_mutation self.assertEqual(fd.read(), link_target) AssertionError: '!\xff\xfe/\x00e\x00t\x00c\x00/\x00t\x00h\x00a\x00t\x00\x00\x00' != '/etc/that' """) @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_index_mutation(self, rw_repo): index = rw_repo.index num_entries = len(index.entries) cur_head = rw_repo.head uname = u"Thomas Müller" umail = "sd@company.com" with rw_repo.config_writer() as writer: writer.set_value("user", "name", uname) writer.set_value("user", "email", umail) self.assertEqual(writer.get_value("user", "name"), uname) # remove all of the files, provide a wild mix of paths, BaseIndexEntries, # IndexEntries def mixed_iterator(): count = 0 for entry in index.entries.values(): type_id = count % 4 if type_id == 0: # path yield entry.path elif type_id == 1: # blob yield Blob(rw_repo, entry.binsha, entry.mode, entry.path) elif type_id == 2: # BaseIndexEntry yield BaseIndexEntry(entry[:4]) elif type_id == 3: # IndexEntry yield entry else: raise AssertionError("Invalid Type") count += 1 # END for each entry # END mixed iterator deleted_files = index.remove(mixed_iterator(), working_tree=False) assert deleted_files self.assertEqual(self._count_existing(rw_repo, deleted_files), len(deleted_files)) self.assertEqual(len(index.entries), 0) # reset the index to undo our changes index.reset() self.assertEqual(len(index.entries), num_entries) # remove with working copy deleted_files = index.remove(mixed_iterator(), working_tree=True) assert deleted_files self.assertEqual(self._count_existing(rw_repo, deleted_files), 0) # reset everything index.reset(working_tree=True) self.assertEqual(self._count_existing(rw_repo, deleted_files), len(deleted_files)) # invalid type self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, index.remove, [1]) # absolute path deleted_files = index.remove([osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, "lib")], r=True) assert len(deleted_files) > 1 self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, index.remove, ["/doesnt/exists"]) # TEST COMMITTING # commit changed index cur_commit = cur_head.commit commit_message = u"commit default head by Frèderic Çaufl€" new_commit = index.commit(commit_message, head=False) assert cur_commit != new_commit self.assertEqual(new_commit.author.name, uname) self.assertEqual(new_commit.author.email, umail) self.assertEqual(new_commit.committer.name, uname) self.assertEqual(new_commit.committer.email, umail) self.assertEqual(new_commit.message, commit_message) self.assertEqual(new_commit.parents[0], cur_commit) self.assertEqual(len(new_commit.parents), 1) self.assertEqual(cur_head.commit, cur_commit) # commit with other actor cur_commit = cur_head.commit my_author = Actor(u"Frèderic Çaufl€", "author@example.com") my_committer = Actor(u"Committing Frèderic Çaufl€", "committer@example.com") commit_actor = index.commit(commit_message, author=my_author, committer=my_committer) assert cur_commit != commit_actor self.assertEqual(commit_actor.author.name, u"Frèderic Çaufl€") self.assertEqual(commit_actor.author.email, "author@example.com") self.assertEqual(commit_actor.committer.name, u"Committing Frèderic Çaufl€") self.assertEqual(commit_actor.committer.email, "committer@example.com") self.assertEqual(commit_actor.message, commit_message) self.assertEqual(commit_actor.parents[0], cur_commit) self.assertEqual(len(new_commit.parents), 1) self.assertEqual(cur_head.commit, commit_actor) self.assertEqual(cur_head.log()[-1].actor, my_committer) # commit with author_date and commit_date cur_commit = cur_head.commit commit_message = u"commit with dates by Avinash Sajjanshetty" new_commit = index.commit(commit_message, author_date="2006-04-07T22:13:13", commit_date="2005-04-07T22:13:13") assert cur_commit != new_commit print(new_commit.authored_date, new_commit.committed_date) self.assertEqual(new_commit.message, commit_message) self.assertEqual(new_commit.authored_date, 1144447993) self.assertEqual(new_commit.committed_date, 1112911993) # same index, no parents commit_message = "index without parents" commit_no_parents = index.commit(commit_message, parent_commits=[], head=True) self.assertEqual(commit_no_parents.message, commit_message) self.assertEqual(len(commit_no_parents.parents), 0) self.assertEqual(cur_head.commit, commit_no_parents) # same index, multiple parents commit_message = "Index with multiple parents\n commit with another line" commit_multi_parent = index.commit(commit_message, parent_commits=(commit_no_parents, new_commit)) self.assertEqual(commit_multi_parent.message, commit_message) self.assertEqual(len(commit_multi_parent.parents), 2) self.assertEqual(commit_multi_parent.parents[0], commit_no_parents) self.assertEqual(commit_multi_parent.parents[1], new_commit) self.assertEqual(cur_head.commit, commit_multi_parent) # re-add all files in lib # get the lib folder back on disk, but get an index without it index.reset(new_commit.parents[0], working_tree=True).reset(new_commit, working_tree=False) lib_file_path = osp.join("lib", "git", "__init__.py") assert (lib_file_path, 0) not in index.entries assert osp.isfile(osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, lib_file_path)) # directory entries = index.add(['lib'], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) assert len(entries) > 1 # glob entries = index.reset(new_commit).add([osp.join('lib', 'git', '*.py')], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) self.assertEqual(len(entries), 14) # same file entries = index.reset(new_commit).add( [osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, 'lib', 'git', 'head.py')] * 2, fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self.assertEqual(entries[0].mode & 0o644, 0o644) # would fail, test is too primitive to handle this case # self._assert_fprogress(entries) self._reset_progress() self.assertEqual(len(entries), 2) # missing path self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, index.reset(new_commit).add, ['doesnt/exist/must/raise']) # blob from older revision overrides current index revision old_blob = new_commit.parents[0].tree.blobs[0] entries = index.reset(new_commit).add([old_blob], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) self.assertEqual(index.entries[(old_blob.path, 0)].hexsha, old_blob.hexsha) self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1) # mode 0 not allowed null_hex_sha = Diff.NULL_HEX_SHA null_bin_sha = b"\0" * 20 self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, index.reset( new_commit).add, [BaseIndexEntry((0, null_bin_sha, 0, "doesntmatter"))]) # add new file new_file_relapath = "my_new_file" self._make_file(new_file_relapath, "hello world", rw_repo) entries = index.reset(new_commit).add( [BaseIndexEntry((0o10644, null_bin_sha, 0, new_file_relapath))], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1) self.assertNotEquals(entries[0].hexsha, null_hex_sha) # add symlink if not is_win: for target in ('/etc/nonexisting', '/etc/passwd', '/etc'): basename = "my_real_symlink" link_file = osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, basename) os.symlink(target, link_file) entries = index.reset(new_commit).add([link_file], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1) self.assertTrue(S_ISLNK(entries[0].mode)) self.assertTrue(S_ISLNK(index.entries[index.entry_key("my_real_symlink", 0)].mode)) # we expect only the target to be written self.assertEqual(index.repo.odb.stream(entries[0].binsha).read().decode('ascii'), target) os.remove(link_file) # end for each target # END real symlink test # add fake symlink and assure it checks-our as symlink fake_symlink_relapath = "my_fake_symlink" link_target = "/etc/that" fake_symlink_path = self._make_file(fake_symlink_relapath, link_target, rw_repo) fake_entry = BaseIndexEntry((0o120000, null_bin_sha, 0, fake_symlink_relapath)) entries = index.reset(new_commit).add([fake_entry], fprogress=self._fprogress_add) self._assert_entries(entries) self._assert_fprogress(entries) assert entries[0].hexsha != null_hex_sha self.assertEqual(len(entries), 1) self.assertTrue(S_ISLNK(entries[0].mode)) # assure this also works with an alternate method full_index_entry = IndexEntry.from_base(BaseIndexEntry((0o120000, entries[0].binsha, 0, entries[0].path))) entry_key = index.entry_key(full_index_entry) index.reset(new_commit) assert entry_key not in index.entries index.entries[entry_key] = full_index_entry index.write() index.update() # force reread of entries new_entry = index.entries[entry_key] assert S_ISLNK(new_entry.mode) # a tree created from this should contain the symlink tree = index.write_tree() assert fake_symlink_relapath in tree index.write() # flush our changes for the checkout # checkout the fakelink, should be a link then assert not S_ISLNK(os.stat(fake_symlink_path)[ST_MODE]) os.remove(fake_symlink_path) index.checkout(fake_symlink_path) # on windows we will never get symlinks if is_win: # simlinks should contain the link as text ( which is what a # symlink actually is ) with open(fake_symlink_path, 'rt') as fd: self.assertEqual(fd.read(), link_target) else: self.assertTrue(S_ISLNK(os.lstat(fake_symlink_path)[ST_MODE])) # TEST RENAMING def assert_mv_rval(rval): for source, dest in rval: assert not osp.exists(source) and osp.exists(dest) # END for each renamed item # END move assertion utility self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, index.move, ['just_one_path']) # file onto existing file files = ['AUTHORS', 'LICENSE'] self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, index.move, files) # again, with force assert_mv_rval(index.move(files, f=True)) # files into directory - dry run paths = ['LICENSE', 'VERSION', 'doc'] rval = index.move(paths, dry_run=True) self.assertEqual(len(rval), 2) assert osp.exists(paths[0]) # again, no dry run rval = index.move(paths) assert_mv_rval(rval) # dir into dir rval = index.move(['doc', 'test']) assert_mv_rval(rval) # TEST PATH REWRITING ###################### count = [0] def rewriter(entry): rval = str(count[0]) count[0] += 1 return rval # END rewriter def make_paths(): # two existing ones, one new one yield 'CHANGES' yield 'ez_setup.py' yield index.entries[index.entry_key('README', 0)] yield index.entries[index.entry_key('.gitignore', 0)] for fid in range(3): fname = 'newfile%i' % fid with open(fname, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(b"abcd") yield Blob(rw_repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA, 0o100644, fname) # END for each new file # END path producer paths = list(make_paths()) self._assert_entries(index.add(paths, path_rewriter=rewriter)) for filenum in range(len(paths)): assert index.entry_key(str(filenum), 0) in index.entries # TEST RESET ON PATHS ###################### arela = "aa" brela = "bb" afile = self._make_file(arela, "adata", rw_repo) bfile = self._make_file(brela, "bdata", rw_repo) akey = index.entry_key(arela, 0) bkey = index.entry_key(brela, 0) keys = (akey, bkey) absfiles = (afile, bfile) files = (arela, brela) for fkey in keys: assert fkey not in index.entries index.add(files, write=True) nc = index.commit("2 files committed", head=False) for fkey in keys: assert fkey in index.entries # just the index index.reset(paths=(arela, afile)) assert akey not in index.entries assert bkey in index.entries # now with working tree - files on disk as well as entries must be recreated rw_repo.head.commit = nc for absfile in absfiles: os.remove(absfile) index.reset(working_tree=True, paths=files) for fkey in keys: assert fkey in index.entries for absfile in absfiles: assert osp.isfile(absfile) @with_rw_repo('HEAD') def test_compare_write_tree(self, rw_repo): # write all trees and compare them # its important to have a few submodules in there too max_count = 25 count = 0 for commit in rw_repo.head.commit.traverse(): if count >= max_count: break count += 1 index = rw_repo.index.reset(commit) orig_tree = commit.tree self.assertEqual(index.write_tree(), orig_tree) # END for each commit def test_index_new(self): B = self.rorepo.tree("6d9b1f4f9fa8c9f030e3207e7deacc5d5f8bba4e") H = self.rorepo.tree("25dca42bac17d511b7e2ebdd9d1d679e7626db5f") M = self.rorepo.tree("e746f96bcc29238b79118123028ca170adc4ff0f") for args in ((B,), (B, H), (B, H, M)): index = IndexFile.new(self.rorepo, *args) assert isinstance(index, IndexFile) # END for each arg tuple @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_index_bare_add(self, rw_bare_repo): # Something is wrong after cloning to a bare repo, reading the # property rw_bare_repo.working_tree_dir will return '/tmp' # instead of throwing the Exception we are expecting. This is # a quick hack to make this test fail when expected. assert rw_bare_repo.working_tree_dir is None assert rw_bare_repo.bare contents = b'This is a BytesIO file' filesize = len(contents) fileobj = BytesIO(contents) filename = 'my-imaginary-file' istream = rw_bare_repo.odb.store( IStream(Blob.type, filesize, fileobj)) entry = BaseIndexEntry((0o100644, istream.binsha, 0, filename)) try: rw_bare_repo.index.add([entry]) except AssertionError: self.fail("Adding to the index of a bare repo is not allowed.") # Adding using a path should still require a non-bare repository. asserted = False path = osp.join('git', 'test', 'test_index.py') try: rw_bare_repo.index.add([path]) except InvalidGitRepositoryError: asserted = True assert asserted, "Adding using a filename is not correctly asserted." @skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS and not PY3, r""" FIXME: File "C:\projects\gitpython\git\util.py", line 125, in to_native_path_linux return path.replace('\\', '/') UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)""") @with_rw_directory def test_add_utf8P_path(self, rw_dir): # NOTE: fp is not a Unicode object in python 2 (which is the source of the problem) fp = osp.join(rw_dir, 'ø.txt') with open(fp, 'wb') as fs: fs.write(u'content of ø'.encode('utf-8')) r = Repo.init(rw_dir) r.index.add([fp]) r.index.commit('Added orig and prestable') @with_rw_directory def test_add_a_file_with_wildcard_chars(self, rw_dir): # see issue #407 fp = osp.join(rw_dir, '[.exe') with open(fp, "wb") as f: f.write(b'something') r = Repo.init(rw_dir) r.index.add([fp]) r.index.commit('Added [.exe') def test__to_relative_path_at_root(self): root = osp.abspath(os.sep) class Mocked(object): bare = False git_dir = root working_tree_dir = root repo = Mocked() path = os.path.join(root, 'file') index = IndexFile(repo) rel = index._to_relative_path(path) self.assertEqual(rel, os.path.relpath(path, root)) @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_pre_commit_hook_success(self, rw_repo): index = rw_repo.index _make_hook( index.repo.git_dir, 'pre-commit', "exit 0" ) index.commit("This should not fail") @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_pre_commit_hook_fail(self, rw_repo): index = rw_repo.index hp = _make_hook( index.repo.git_dir, 'pre-commit', "echo stdout; echo stderr 1>&2; exit 1" ) try: index.commit("This should fail") except HookExecutionError as err: if is_win: self.assertIsInstance(err.status, OSError) self.assertEqual(err.command, [hp]) self.assertEqual(err.stdout, '') self.assertEqual(err.stderr, '') assert str(err) else: self.assertEqual(err.status, 1) self.assertEqual(err.command, [hp]) self.assertEqual(err.stdout, "\n stdout: 'stdout\n'") self.assertEqual(err.stderr, "\n stderr: 'stderr\n'") assert str(err) else: raise AssertionError("Should have caught a HookExecutionError") @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_commit_msg_hook_success(self, rw_repo): commit_message = u"commit default head by Frèderic Çaufl€" from_hook_message = u"from commit-msg" index = rw_repo.index _make_hook( index.repo.git_dir, 'commit-msg', 'echo -n " {}" >> "$1"'.format(from_hook_message) ) new_commit = index.commit(commit_message) self.assertEqual(new_commit.message, u"{} {}".format(commit_message, from_hook_message)) @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_commit_msg_hook_fail(self, rw_repo): index = rw_repo.index hp = _make_hook( index.repo.git_dir, 'commit-msg', "echo stdout; echo stderr 1>&2; exit 1" ) try: index.commit("This should fail") except HookExecutionError as err: if is_win: self.assertIsInstance(err.status, OSError) self.assertEqual(err.command, [hp]) self.assertEqual(err.stdout, '') self.assertEqual(err.stderr, '') assert str(err) else: self.assertEqual(err.status, 1) self.assertEqual(err.command, [hp]) self.assertEqual(err.stdout, "\n stdout: 'stdout\n'") self.assertEqual(err.stderr, "\n stderr: 'stderr\n'") assert str(err) else: raise AssertionError("Should have cought a HookExecutionError")