Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: pytest-cov Version: 2.6.1 Summary: Pytest plugin for measuring coverage. Home-page: Author: Marc Schlaich Author-email: License: MIT Keywords: cover,coverage,pytest,py.test,distributed,parallel Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Framework :: Pytest Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX Classifier: Operating System :: Unix Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing Classifier: Topic :: Utilities Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.* Requires-Dist: pytest (>=3.6) Requires-Dist: coverage (>=4.4) ======== Overview ======== .. start-badges .. list-table:: :stub-columns: 1 * - docs - |docs| * - tests - | |travis| |appveyor| |requires| * - package - | |version| |conda-forge| |wheel| |supported-versions| |supported-implementations| | |commits-since| .. |docs| image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status .. |travis| image:: :alt: Travis-CI Build Status :target: .. |appveyor| image:: :alt: AppVeyor Build Status :target: .. |requires| image:: :alt: Requirements Status :target: .. |version| image:: :alt: PyPI Package latest release :target: .. |conda-forge| image:: :target: .. |commits-since| image:: :alt: Commits since latest release :target: .. |wheel| image:: :alt: PyPI Wheel :target: .. |supported-versions| image:: :alt: Supported versions :target: .. |supported-implementations| image:: :alt: Supported implementations :target: .. end-badges This plugin produces coverage reports. Compared to just using ``coverage run`` this plugin does some extras: * Subprocess support: you can fork or run stuff in a subprocess and will get covered without any fuss. * Xdist support: you can use all of pytest-xdist's features and still get coverage. * Consistent pytest behavior. If you run ``coverage run -m pytest`` you will have slightly different ``sys.path`` (CWD will be in it, unlike when running ``pytest``). All features offered by the coverage package should work, either through pytest-cov's command line options or through coverage's config file. * Free software: MIT license Installation ============ Install with pip:: pip install pytest-cov For distributed testing support install pytest-xdist:: pip install pytest-xdist Upgrading from ancient pytest-cov --------------------------------- `pytest-cov 2.0` is using a new ``.pth`` file (``pytest-cov.pth``). You may want to manually remove the older ``init_cov_core.pth`` from site-packages as it's not automatically removed. Uninstalling ------------ Uninstall with pip:: pip uninstall pytest-cov Under certain scenarios a stray ``.pth`` file may be left around in site-packages. * `pytest-cov 2.0` may leave a ``pytest-cov.pth`` if you installed without wheels (``easy_install``, `` install`` etc). * `pytest-cov 1.8 or older` will leave a ``init_cov_core.pth``. Usage ===== :: pytest --cov=myproj tests/ Would produce a report like:: -------------------- coverage: ... --------------------- Name Stmts Miss Cover ---------------------------------------- myproj/__init__ 2 0 100% myproj/myproj 257 13 94% myproj/feature4286 94 7 92% ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 353 20 94% Documentation ============= Coverage Data File ================== The data file is erased at the beginning of testing to ensure clean data for each test run. If you need to combine the coverage of several test runs you can use the ``--cov-append`` option to append this coverage data to coverage data from previous test runs. The data file is left at the end of testing so that it is possible to use normal coverage tools to examine it. Limitations =========== For distributed testing the slaves must have the pytest-cov package installed. This is needed since the plugin must be registered through setuptools for pytest to start the plugin on the slave. For subprocess measurement environment variables must make it from the main process to the subprocess. The python used by the subprocess must have pytest-cov installed. The subprocess must do normal site initialisation so that the environment variables can be detected and coverage started. Acknowledgements ================ Whilst this plugin has been built fresh from the ground up it has been influenced by the work done on pytest-coverage (Ross Lawley, James Mills, Holger Krekel) and nose-cover (Jason Pellerin) which are other coverage plugins. Ned Batchelder for coverage and its ability to combine the coverage results of parallel runs. Holger Krekel for pytest with its distributed testing support. Jason Pellerin for nose. Michael Foord for unittest2. No doubt others have contributed to these tools as well. Changelog ========= 2.6.1 (2019-01-07) ------------------ * Added support for Pytest 4.1. Contributed by Daniel Hahler and Семён Марьясин in `#253 `_ and `#230 `_. * Various test and docs fixes. Contributed by Daniel Hahler in `#224 `_ and `#223 `_. * Fixed the "Module already imported" issue (`#211 `_). Contributed by Daniel Hahler in `#228 `_. 2.6.0 (2018-09-03) ------------------ * Dropped support for Python < 3.4, Pytest < 3.5 and Coverage < 4.4. * Fixed some documentation formatting. Contributed by Jean Jordaan and Julian. * Added an example with ``addopts`` in documentation. Contributed by Samuel Giffard in `#195 `_. * Fixed ``TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable`` in certain xdist configurations. Contributed by Jeremy Bowman in `#213 `_. * Added a ``no_cover`` marker and fixture. Fixes `#78 `_. * Fixed broken ``no_cover`` check when running doctests. Contributed by Terence Honles in `#200 `_. * Fixed various issues with path normalization in reports (when combining coverage data from parallel mode). Fixes `#130 `_. Contributed by Ryan Hiebert & Ionel Cristian Mărieș in `#178 `_. * Report generation failures don't raise exceptions anymore. A warning will be logged instead. Fixes `#161 `_. * Fixed multiprocessing issue on Windows (empty env vars are not passed). Fixes `#165 `_. 2.5.1 (2017-05-11) ------------------ * Fixed xdist breakage (regression in ``2.5.0``). Fixes `#157 `_. * Allow setting custom ``data_file`` name in ``.coveragerc``. Fixes `#145 `_. Contributed by Jannis Leidel & Ionel Cristian Mărieș in `#156 `_. 2.5.0 (2017-05-09) ------------------ * Always show a summary when ``--cov-fail-under`` is used. Contributed by Francis Niu in `PR#141 `_. * Added ``--cov-branch`` option. Fixes `#85 `_. * Improve exception handling in subprocess setup. Fixes `#144 `_. * Fixed handling when ``--cov`` is used multiple times. Fixes `#151 `_. 2.4.0 (2016-10-10) ------------------ * Added a "disarm" option: ``--no-cov``. It will disable coverage measurements. Contributed by Zoltan Kozma in `PR#135 `_. **WARNING: Do not put this in your configuration files, it's meant to be an one-off for situations where you want to disable coverage from command line.** * Fixed broken exception handling on ``.pth`` file. See `#136 `_. 2.3.1 (2016-08-07) ------------------ * Fixed regression causing spurious errors when xdist was used. See `#124 `_. * Fixed DeprecationWarning about incorrect `addoption` use. Contributed by Florian Bruhin in `PR#127 `_. * Fixed deprecated use of funcarg fixture API. Contributed by Daniel Hahler in `PR#125 `_. 2.3.0 (2016-07-05) ------------------ * Add support for specifying output location for html, xml, and annotate report. Contributed by Patrick Lannigan in `PR#113 `_. * Fix bug hiding test failure when cov-fail-under failed. * For coverage >= 4.0, match the default behaviour of `coverage report` and error if coverage fails to find the source instead of just printing a warning. Contributed by David Szotten in `PR#116 `_. * Fixed bug occurred when bare ``--cov`` parameter was used with xdist. Contributed by Michael Elovskikh in `PR#120 `_. * Add support for ``skip_covered`` and added ``--cov-report=term-skip-covered`` command line options. Contributed by Saurabh Kumar in `PR#115 `_. 2.2.1 (2016-01-30) ------------------ * Fixed incorrect merging of coverage data when xdist was used and coverage was ``>= 4.0``. 2.2.0 (2015-10-04) ------------------ * Added support for changing working directory in tests. Previously changing working directory would disable coverage measurements in suprocesses. * Fixed broken handling for ``--cov-report=annotate``. 2.1.0 (2015-08-23) ------------------ * Added support for `coverage 4.0b2`. * Added the ``--cov-append`` command line options. Contributed by Christian Ledermann in `PR#80 `_. 2.0.0 (2015-07-28) ------------------ * Added ``--cov-fail-under``, akin to the new ``fail_under`` option in `coverage-4.0` (automatically activated if there's a ``[report] fail_under = ...`` in ``.coveragerc``). * Changed ``--cov-report=term`` to automatically upgrade to ``--cov-report=term-missing`` if there's ``[run] show_missing = True`` in ``.coveragerc``. * Changed ``--cov`` so it can be used with no path argument (in wich case the source settings from ``.coveragerc`` will be used instead). * Fixed `.pth` installation to work in all cases (install, easy_install, wheels, develop etc). * Fixed `.pth` uninstallation to work for wheel installs. * Support for coverage 4.0. * Data file suffixing changed to use coverage's ``data_suffix=True`` option (instead of the custom suffixing). * Avoid warning about missing coverage data (just like ``coverage.control.process_startup``). * Fixed a race condition when running with xdist (all the workers tried to combine the files). It's possible that this issue is not present in `pytest-cov 1.8.X`. 1.8.2 (2014-11-06) ------------------ * N/A