from collections import defaultdict import atexit import logging import warnings from pprint import pformat from testfixtures.comparison import compare from testfixtures.utils import wrap class LogCapture(logging.Handler): """ These are used to capture entries logged to the Python logging framework and make assertions about what was logged. :param names: A string (or tuple of strings) containing the dotted name(s) of loggers to capture. By default, the root logger is captured. :param install: If `True`, the :class:`LogCapture` will be installed as part of its instantiation. :param propagate: If specified, any captured loggers will have their `propagate` attribute set to the supplied value. This can be used to prevent propagation from a child logger to a parent logger that has configured handlers. :param attributes: The sequence of attribute names to return for each record or a callable that extracts a row from a record. If a sequence of attribute names, those attributes will be taken from the :class:`~logging.LogRecord`. If an attribute is callable, the value used will be the result of calling it. If an attribute is missing, ``None`` will be used in its place. If a callable, it will be called with the :class:`~logging.LogRecord` and the value returned will be used as the row.. :param recursive_check: If ``True``, log messages will be compared recursively by :meth:`LogCapture.check`. """ instances = set() atexit_setup = False installed = False def __init__(self, names=None, install=True, level=1, propagate=None, attributes=('name', 'levelname', 'getMessage'), recursive_check=False): logging.Handler.__init__(self) if not isinstance(names, tuple): names = (names, ) self.names = names self.level = level self.propagate = propagate self.attributes = attributes self.recursive_check = recursive_check self.old = defaultdict(dict) self.clear() if install: self.install() @classmethod def atexit(cls): if cls.instances: warnings.warn( 'LogCapture instances not uninstalled by shutdown, ' 'loggers captured:\n' '%s' % ('\n'.join((str(i.names) for i in cls.instances))) ) def clear(self): "Clear any entries that have been captured." self.records = [] def emit(self, record): self.records.append(record) def install(self): """ Install this :class:`LogHandler` into the Python logging framework for the named loggers. This will remove any existing handlers for those loggers and drop their level to that specified on this :class:`LogCapture` in order to capture all logging. """ for name in self.names: logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.old['levels'][name] = logger.level self.old['handlers'][name] = logger.handlers self.old['disabled'][name] = logger.disabled self.old['progagate'][name] = logger.propagate logger.setLevel(self.level) logger.handlers = [self] logger.disabled = False if self.propagate is not None: logger.propagate = self.propagate self.instances.add(self) if not self.__class__.atexit_setup: atexit.register(self.atexit) self.__class__.atexit_setup = True def uninstall(self): """ Un-install this :class:`LogHandler` from the Python logging framework for the named loggers. This will re-instate any existing handlers for those loggers that were removed during installation and restore their level that prior to installation. """ if self in self.instances: for name in self.names: logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(self.old['levels'][name]) logger.handlers = self.old['handlers'][name] logger.disabled = self.old['disabled'][name] logger.propagate = self.old['progagate'][name] self.instances.remove(self) @classmethod def uninstall_all(cls): "This will uninstall all existing :class:`LogHandler` objects." for i in tuple(cls.instances): i.uninstall() def _actual_row(self, record): for a in self.attributes: value = getattr(record, a, None) if callable(value): value = value() yield value def actual(self): """ The sequence of actual records logged, having had their attributes extracted as specified by the ``attributes`` parameter to the :class:`LogCapture` constructor. This can be useful for making more complex assertions about logged records. The actual records logged can also be inspected by using the :attr:`records` attribute. """ actual = [] for r in self.records: if callable(self.attributes): actual.append(self.attributes(r)) else: result = tuple(self._actual_row(r)) if len(result) == 1: actual.append(result[0]) else: actual.append(result) return actual def __str__(self): if not self.records: return 'No logging captured' return '\n'.join(["%s %s\n %s" % r for r in self.actual()]) def check(self, *expected): """ This will compare the captured entries with the expected entries provided and raise an :class:`AssertionError` if they do not match. :param expected: A sequence of entries of the structure specified by the ``attributes`` passed to the constructor. """ return compare( expected, actual=self.actual(), recursive=self.recursive_check ) def check_present(self, *expected, **kw): """ This will check if the captured entries contain all of the expected entries provided and raise an :class:`AssertionError` if not. This will ignore entries that have been captured but that do not match those in ``expected``. :param expected: A sequence of entries of the structure specified by the ``attributes`` passed to the constructor. :param order_matters: A keyword-only parameter that controls whether the order of the captured entries is required to match those of the expected entries. Defaults to ``True``. """ order_matters = kw.pop('order_matters', True) assert not kw, 'order_matters is the only keyword parameter' actual = self.actual() if order_matters: matched_indices = [0] matched = [] for entry in expected: try: index = actual.index(entry, matched_indices[-1]) except ValueError: if len(matched_indices) > 1: matched_indices.pop() matched.pop() break else: matched_indices.append(index+1) matched.append(entry) else: return compare(expected, actual=matched+actual[matched_indices[-1]:], recursive=self.recursive_check) else: expected = list(expected) matched = [] unmatched = [] for entry in actual: try: index = expected.index(entry) except ValueError: unmatched.append(entry) else: matched.append(expected.pop(index)) if not expected: break if expected: raise AssertionError(( 'entries not as expected:\n\n' 'expected and found:\n%s\n\n' 'expected but not found:\n%s\n\n' 'other entries:\n%s' ) % (pformat(matched), pformat(expected), pformat(unmatched))) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.uninstall() class LogCaptureForDecorator(LogCapture): def install(self): LogCapture.install(self) self.clear() return self def log_capture(*names, **kw): """ A decorator for making a :class:`LogCapture` installed an available for the duration of a test function. :param names: An optional sequence of names specifying the loggers to be captured. If not specified, the root logger will be captured. Keyword parameters other than ``install`` may also be supplied and will be passed on to the :class:`LogCapture` constructor. """ l = LogCaptureForDecorator(names or None, install=False, **kw) return wrap(l.install, l.uninstall)