"""Checks related to ansible task files.""" import re from collections import defaultdict from ansiblelater.command.candidates import Error from ansiblelater.command.candidates import Result from ansiblelater.utils.rulehelper import get_normalized_tasks from ansiblelater.utils.rulehelper import get_normalized_yaml def check_line_between_tasks(candidate, settings): options = defaultdict(dict) options.update(remove_empty=False) options.update(remove_markers=False) lines, line_errors = get_normalized_yaml(candidate, settings, options) tasks, task_errors = get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings) description = "missing task separation (required: 1 empty line)" task_regex = re.compile(r"-\sname:(.*)") prevline = "#file_start_marker" allowed_prevline = ["---", "tasks:", "pre_tasks:", "post_tasks:", "block:"] errors = task_errors + line_errors if not errors: for i, line in lines: match = task_regex.search(line) if match and prevline: name = match.group(1).strip() if not any(task.get("name") == name for task in tasks): continue if not any(item in prevline for item in allowed_prevline): errors.append(Error(i, description)) prevline = line.strip() return Result(candidate.path, errors)