--- title: Default settings --- The default configuration is used if no other value is specified. Each option can be [overridden](/configuration/) in several ways. {{< highlight YAML "linenos=table" >}} --- ansible: # Add the name of used custom Ansible modules. Otherwise ansible-later # can't detect unknown modules and will throw an error. # Modules which are bundled with the role and placed in a './library' # directory will be auto-detected and don't need to be added to this list. custom_modules: [] # Settings for variable formatting rule (ANSIBLE0004) double-braces: max-spaces-inside: 1 min-spaces-inside: 1 # List of allowed literal bools (ANSIBLE0014) literal-bools: - "True" - "False" - "yes" - "no" # List of modules that don't need to be named (ANSIBLE0006). # You must specify each individual module name, globs or wildcards do not work! named-task: exclude: - "meta" - "debug" - "block" - "include_role" - "include_tasks" - "include_vars" - "import_role" - "import_tasks" # List of modules that are allowed to use the key=value format instead of the native YAML format (LINT0008). # You must specify each individual module name, globs or wildcards do not work! native-yaml: exclude: [] # Global logging configuration # If you would like to force colored output (e.g. non-tty) # set environment variable `PY_COLORS=1` logging: # You can enable JSON logging if a parsable output is required json: False # Possible options debug | info | warning | error | critical level: "warning" # Global settings for all defined rules rules: # Disable built-in rules if required builtin: True # List of files to exclude exclude_files: [] # Examples: # - molecule/ # - files/**/*.py # Limit checks to given rule ID's # If empty all rules will be used. filter: [] # Exclude given rule ID's from checks exclude_filter: [] # List of rule ID's that should be displayed as a warning instead of an error. By default, # no rules are marked as warnings. This list allows to degrade errors to warnings for each rule. warning_filter: - "ANSIBLE9999" - "ANSIBLE9998" # All dotfiles (including hidden folders) are excluded by default. # You can disable this setting and handle dotfiles by yourself with `exclude_files`. ignore_dotfiles: True # List of directories to load rules from (defaults to built-in) dir: [] # Block to control included yamllint rules. # See https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/rules.html yamllint: colons: max-spaces-after: 1 max-spaces-before: 0 document-start: present: True empty-lines: max: 1 max-end: 1 max-start: 0 hyphens: max-spaces-after: 1 indentation: check-multi-line-strings: False indent-sequences: True spaces: 2 {{< /highlight >}}