# (c) 2018 Red Hat Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ --- author: Ansible Networking Team connection: httpapi short_description: Use httpapi to run command on network appliances description: - This connection plugin provides a connection to remote devices over a HTTP(S)-based api. version_added: "2.6" options: host: description: - Specifies the remote device FQDN or IP address to establish the HTTP(S) connection to. default: inventory_hostname vars: - name: ansible_host port: type: int description: - Specifies the port on the remote device to listening for connections when establishing the HTTP(S) connection. When unspecified, will pick 80 or 443 based on the value of use_ssl ini: - section: defaults key: remote_port env: - name: ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT vars: - name: ansible_httpapi_port network_os: description: - Configures the device platform network operating system. This value is used to load the correct httpapi and cliconf plugins to communicate with the remote device vars: - name: ansible_network_os remote_user: description: - The username used to authenticate to the remote device when the API connection is first established. If the remote_user is not specified, the connection will use the username of the logged in user. - Can be configured form the CLI via the C(--user) or C(-u) options ini: - section: defaults key: remote_user env: - name: ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER vars: - name: ansible_user password: description: - Secret used to authenticate vars: - name: ansible_password - name: ansible_httpapi_pass use_ssl: type: boolean description: - Whether to connect using SSL (HTTPS) or not (HTTP) default: False vars: - name: ansible_httpapi_use_ssl validate_certs: type: boolean version_added: '2.7' description: - Whether to validate SSL certificates default: True vars: - name: ansible_httpapi_validate_certs timeout: type: int description: - Sets the connection time, in seconds, for the communicating with the remote device. This timeout is used as the default timeout value for commands when issuing a command to the network CLI. If the command does not return in timeout seconds, the an error is generated. default: 120 become: type: boolean description: - The become option will instruct the CLI session to attempt privilege escalation on platforms that support it. Normally this means transitioning from user mode to C(enable) mode in the CLI session. If become is set to True and the remote device does not support privilege escalation or the privilege has already been elevated, then this option is silently ignored - Can be configured form the CLI via the C(--become) or C(-b) options default: False ini: section: privilege_escalation key: become env: - name: ANSIBLE_BECOME vars: - name: ansible_become become_method: description: - This option allows the become method to be specified in for handling privilege escalation. Typically the become_method value is set to C(enable) but could be defined as other values. default: sudo ini: section: privilege_escalation key: become_method env: - name: ANSIBLE_BECOME_METHOD vars: - name: ansible_become_method persistent_connect_timeout: type: int description: - Configures, in seconds, the amount of time to wait when trying to initially establish a persistent connection. If this value expires before the connection to the remote device is completed, the connection will fail default: 30 ini: - section: persistent_connection key: connect_timeout env: - name: ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT vars: - name: ansible_connect_timeout persistent_command_timeout: type: int description: - Configures, in seconds, the amount of time to wait for a command to return from the remote device. If this timer is exceeded before the command returns, the connection plugin will raise an exception and close default: 10 ini: - section: persistent_connection key: command_timeout env: - name: ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT """ from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes from ansible.module_utils.six import PY3, BytesIO from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import cPickle from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext from ansible.plugins.loader import cliconf_loader, httpapi_loader from ansible.plugins.connection import NetworkConnectionBase try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() class Connection(NetworkConnectionBase): '''Network API connection''' transport = 'httpapi' has_pipelining = True def __init__(self, play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs): super(Connection, self).__init__(play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs) self._url = None self._auth = None if not self._network_os: raise AnsibleConnectionFailure( 'Unable to automatically determine host network os. Please ' 'manually configure ansible_network_os value for this host' ) display.display('network_os is set to %s' % self._network_os, log_only=True) def update_play_context(self, pc_data): """Updates the play context information for the connection""" pc_data = to_bytes(pc_data) if PY3: pc_data = cPickle.loads(pc_data, encoding='bytes') else: pc_data = cPickle.loads(pc_data) play_context = PlayContext() play_context.deserialize(pc_data) messages = ['updating play_context for connection'] if self._play_context.become ^ play_context.become: self.set_become(play_context) if play_context.become is True: messages.append('authorizing connection') else: messages.append('deauthorizing connection') self._play_context = play_context return messages def _connect(self): if not self.connected: protocol = 'https' if self.get_option('use_ssl') else 'http' host = self.get_option('host') port = self.get_option('port') or (443 if protocol == 'https' else 80) self._url = '%s://%s:%s' % (protocol, host, port) httpapi = httpapi_loader.get(self._network_os, self) if httpapi: display.vvvv('loaded API plugin for network_os %s' % self._network_os, host=host) self._implementation_plugins.append(httpapi) else: raise AnsibleConnectionFailure('unable to load API plugin for network_os %s' % self._network_os) cliconf = cliconf_loader.get(self._network_os, self) if cliconf: display.vvvv('loaded cliconf plugin for network_os %s' % self._network_os, host=host) self._implementation_plugins.append(cliconf) else: display.vvvv('unable to load cliconf for network_os %s' % self._network_os) super(Connection, self)._connect() httpapi.set_become(self._play_context) httpapi.login(self.get_option('remote_user'), self.get_option('password')) self._connected = True def close(self): ''' Close the active session to the device ''' # only close the connection if its connected. if self._connected: display.vvvv("closing http(s) connection to device", host=self._play_context.remote_addr) self.logout() super(Connection, self).close() def send(self, path, data, **kwargs): ''' Sends the command to the device over api ''' url_kwargs = dict( timeout=self.get_option('timeout'), validate_certs=self.get_option('validate_certs'), headers={}, ) url_kwargs.update(kwargs) if self._auth: # Avoid modifying passed-in headers headers = dict(kwargs.get('headers', {})) headers.update(self._auth) url_kwargs['headers'] = headers else: url_kwargs['url_username'] = self.get_option('remote_user') url_kwargs['url_password'] = self.get_option('password') try: response = open_url(self._url + path, data=data, **url_kwargs) except HTTPError as exc: is_handled = self.handle_httperror(exc) if is_handled is True: return self.send(path, data, **kwargs) elif is_handled is False: raise AnsibleConnectionFailure('Could not connect to {0}: {1}'.format(self._url + path, exc.reason)) else: raise except URLError as exc: raise AnsibleConnectionFailure('Could not connect to {0}: {1}'.format(self._url + path, exc.reason)) response_buffer = BytesIO() response_buffer.write(response.read()) # Try to assign a new auth token if one is given self._auth = self.update_auth(response, response_buffer) or self._auth return response, response_buffer