from functools import partial from testfixtures.compat import ClassType from testfixtures.resolve import resolve, not_there from testfixtures.utils import wrap, extend_docstring import warnings def not_same_descriptor(x, y, descriptor): return isinstance(x, descriptor) and not isinstance(y, descriptor) class Replacer: """ These are used to manage the mocking out of objects so that units of code can be tested without having to rely on their normal dependencies. """ def __init__(self): self.originals = {} def _replace(self, container, name, method, value, strict=True): if value is not_there: if method == 'a': try: delattr(container, name) except AttributeError: pass if method == 'i': try: del container[name] except KeyError: pass else: if method == 'a': setattr(container, name, value) if method == 'i': container[name] = value def __call__(self, target, replacement, strict=True): """ Replace the specified target with the supplied replacement. """ container, method, attribute, t_obj = resolve(target) if method is None: raise ValueError('target must contain at least one dot!') if t_obj is not_there and strict: raise AttributeError('Original %r not found' % attribute) replacement_to_use = replacement if isinstance(container, (type, ClassType)): if not_same_descriptor(t_obj, replacement, classmethod): replacement_to_use = classmethod(replacement) elif not_same_descriptor(t_obj, replacement, staticmethod): replacement_to_use = staticmethod(replacement) self._replace(container, attribute, method, replacement_to_use, strict) if target not in self.originals: self.originals[target] = t_obj return replacement def replace(self, target, replacement, strict=True): """ Replace the specified target with the supplied replacement. """ self(target, replacement, strict) def restore(self): """ Restore all the original objects that have been replaced by calls to the :meth:`replace` method of this :class:`Replacer`. """ for target, original in tuple(self.originals.items()): container, method, attribute, found = resolve(target) self._replace(container, attribute, method, original, strict=False) del self.originals[target] def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.restore() def __del__(self): if self.originals: # no idea why coverage misses the following statement # it's covered by test_replace.TestReplace.test_replacer_del warnings.warn( # pragma: no cover 'Replacer deleted without being restored, ' 'originals left: %r' % self.originals ) def replace(target, replacement, strict=True): """ A decorator to replace a target object for the duration of a test function. """ r = Replacer() return wrap(partial(r.__call__, target, replacement, strict), r.restore) class Replace(object): """ A context manager that uses a :class:`Replacer` to replace a single target. """ def __init__(self, target, replacement, strict=True): = target self.replacement = replacement self.strict = strict self._replacer = Replacer() def __enter__(self): return self._replacer(, self.replacement, self.strict) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._replacer.restore() replace_params_doc = """ :param target: A string containing the dotted-path to the object to be replaced. This path may specify a module in a package, an attribute of a module, or any attribute of something contained within a module. :param replacement: The object to use as a replacement. :param strict: When `True`, an exception will be raised if an attempt is made to replace an object that does not exist. """ # add the param docs, so we only have one copy of them! extend_docstring(replace_params_doc, [Replacer.__call__, Replacer.replace, replace, Replace])