# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Will Thames # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import glob import imp import os import codecs import inspect import six import ansible.parsing.mod_args from ansible import constants from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from .exceptions import LaterError, LaterAnsibleError try: # Try to import the Ansible 2 module first, it's the future-proof one from ansible.parsing.splitter import split_args except ImportError: # Fallback on the Ansible 1.9 module from ansible.module_utils.splitter import split_args import yaml from yaml.composer import Composer from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader from ansible.template import Templar from ansible.parsing.mod_args import ModuleArgsParser from ansible.parsing.yaml.constructor import AnsibleConstructor from ansible.parsing.yaml.loader import AnsibleLoader from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError # ansible-later doesn't need/want to know about encrypted secrets, but it needs # Ansible 2.3+ allows encrypted secrets within yaml files, so we pass a string # as the password to enable such yaml files to be opened and parsed successfully. DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD = 'x' def parse_yaml_from_file(filepath): dl = DataLoader() if hasattr(dl, 'set_vault_password'): dl.set_vault_password(DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD) return dl.load_from_file(filepath) def path_dwim(basedir, given): dl = DataLoader() dl.set_basedir(basedir) return dl.path_dwim(given) def ansible_template(basedir, varname, templatevars, **kwargs): dl = DataLoader() dl.set_basedir(basedir) templar = Templar(dl, variables=templatevars) return templar.template(varname, **kwargs) try: from ansible.plugins import module_loader except ImportError: from ansible.plugins.loader import module_loader LINE_NUMBER_KEY = '__line__' FILENAME_KEY = '__file__' VALID_KEYS = [ 'name', 'action', 'when', 'async', 'poll', 'notify', 'first_available_file', 'include', 'import_playbook', 'tags', 'register', 'ignore_errors', 'delegate_to', 'local_action', 'transport', 'remote_user', 'sudo', 'sudo_user', 'sudo_pass', 'when', 'connection', 'environment', 'args', 'always_run', 'any_errors_fatal', 'changed_when', 'failed_when', 'check_mode', 'delay', 'retries', 'until', 'su', 'su_user', 'su_pass', 'no_log', 'run_once', 'become', 'become_user', 'become_method', FILENAME_KEY, ] BLOCK_NAME_TO_ACTION_TYPE_MAP = { 'tasks': 'task', 'handlers': 'handler', 'pre_tasks': 'task', 'post_tasks': 'task', 'block': 'meta', 'rescue': 'meta', 'always': 'meta', } def load_plugins(directory): result = [] fh = None for pluginfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '[A-Za-z]*.py')): pluginname = os.path.basename(pluginfile.replace('.py', '')) try: fh, filename, desc = imp.find_module(pluginname, [directory]) mod = imp.load_module(pluginname, fh, filename, desc) obj = getattr(mod, pluginname)() result.append(obj) finally: if fh: fh.close() return result def tokenize(line): tokens = line.lstrip().split(" ") if tokens[0] == '-': tokens = tokens[1:] if tokens[0] == 'action:' or tokens[0] == 'local_action:': tokens = tokens[1:] command = tokens[0].replace(":", "") args = list() kwargs = dict() nonkvfound = False for arg in tokens[1:]: if "=" in arg and not nonkvfound: kv = arg.split("=", 1) kwargs[kv[0]] = kv[1] else: nonkvfound = True args.append(arg) return (command, args, kwargs) def _playbook_items(pb_data): if isinstance(pb_data, dict): return pb_data.items() elif not pb_data: return [] else: return [item for play in pb_data for item in play.items()] def find_children(playbook, playbook_dir): if not os.path.exists(playbook[0]): return [] if playbook[1] == 'role': playbook_ds = {'roles': [{'role': playbook[0]}]} else: try: playbook_ds = parse_yaml_from_file(playbook[0]) except AnsibleError as e: raise SystemExit(str(e)) results = [] basedir = os.path.dirname(playbook[0]) items = _playbook_items(playbook_ds) for item in items: for child in play_children(basedir, item, playbook[1], playbook_dir): if "$" in child['path'] or "{{" in child['path']: continue valid_tokens = list() for token in split_args(child['path']): if '=' in token: break valid_tokens.append(token) path = ' '.join(valid_tokens) results.append({ 'path': path_dwim(basedir, path), 'type': child['type'] }) return results def template(basedir, value, vars, fail_on_undefined=False, **kwargs): try: value = ansible_template(os.path.abspath(basedir), value, vars, **dict(kwargs, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined)) # Hack to skip the following exception when using to_json filter on a variable. # I guess the filter doesn't like empty vars... except (AnsibleError, ValueError): # templating failed, so just keep value as is. pass return value def play_children(basedir, item, parent_type, playbook_dir): delegate_map = { 'tasks': _taskshandlers_children, 'pre_tasks': _taskshandlers_children, 'post_tasks': _taskshandlers_children, 'block': _taskshandlers_children, 'include': _include_children, 'import_playbook': _include_children, 'roles': _roles_children, 'dependencies': _roles_children, 'handlers': _taskshandlers_children, } (k, v) = item play_library = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(basedir), 'library') _load_library_if_exists(play_library) if k in delegate_map: if v: v = template(os.path.abspath(basedir), v, dict(playbook_dir=os.path.abspath(basedir)), fail_on_undefined=False) return delegate_map[k](basedir, k, v, parent_type) return [] def _include_children(basedir, k, v, parent_type): # handle include: filename.yml tags=blah (command, args, kwargs) = tokenize("{0}: {1}".format(k, v)) result = path_dwim(basedir, args[0]) if not os.path.exists(result) and not basedir.endswith('tasks'): result = path_dwim(os.path.join(basedir, '..', 'tasks'), v) return [{'path': result, 'type': parent_type}] def _taskshandlers_children(basedir, k, v, parent_type): results = [] for th in v: if 'include' in th: append_children(th['include'], basedir, k, parent_type, results) elif 'include_tasks' in th: append_children(th['include_tasks'], basedir, k, parent_type, results) elif 'import_playbook' in th: append_children(th['import_playbook'], basedir, k, parent_type, results) elif 'import_tasks' in th: append_children(th['import_tasks'], basedir, k, parent_type, results) elif 'import_role' in th: results.extend(_roles_children(basedir, k, [th['import_role'].get('name')], parent_type, main=th['import_role'].get('tasks_from', 'main'))) elif 'include_role' in th: results.extend(_roles_children(basedir, k, [th['include_role'].get('name')], parent_type, main=th['include_role'].get('tasks_from', 'main'))) elif 'block' in th: results.extend(_taskshandlers_children(basedir, k, th['block'], parent_type)) if 'rescue' in th: results.extend(_taskshandlers_children(basedir, k, th['rescue'], parent_type)) if 'always' in th: results.extend(_taskshandlers_children(basedir, k, th['always'], parent_type)) return results def append_children(taskhandler, basedir, k, parent_type, results): # when taskshandlers_children is called for playbooks, the # actual type of the included tasks is the section containing the # include, e.g. tasks, pre_tasks, or handlers. if parent_type == 'playbook': playbook_section = k else: playbook_section = parent_type results.append({ 'path': path_dwim(basedir, taskhandler), 'type': playbook_section }) def _roles_children(basedir, k, v, parent_type, main='main'): results = [] for role in v: if isinstance(role, dict): if 'role' in role or 'name' in role: if 'tags' not in role or 'skip_ansible_later' not in role['tags']: results.extend(_look_for_role_files(basedir, role.get('role', role.get('name')), main=main)) else: raise SystemExit('role dict {0} does not contain a "role" ' 'or "name" key'.format(role)) else: results.extend(_look_for_role_files(basedir, role, main=main)) return results def _load_library_if_exists(path): if os.path.exists(path): module_loader.add_directory(path) def _rolepath(basedir, role): role_path = None possible_paths = [ # if included from a playbook path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join('roles', role)), path_dwim(basedir, role), # if included from roles/[role]/meta/main.yml path_dwim( basedir, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', 'roles', role) ), path_dwim(basedir, os.path.join('..', '..', role)) ] if constants.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH: search_locations = constants.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH if isinstance(search_locations, six.string_types): search_locations = search_locations.split(os.pathsep) for loc in search_locations: loc = os.path.expanduser(loc) possible_paths.append(path_dwim(loc, role)) for path_option in possible_paths: if os.path.isdir(path_option): role_path = path_option break if role_path: _load_library_if_exists(os.path.join(role_path, 'library')) return role_path def _look_for_role_files(basedir, role, main='main'): role_path = _rolepath(basedir, role) if not role_path: return [] results = [] for th in ['tasks', 'handlers', 'meta']: for ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): thpath = os.path.join(role_path, th, main + ext) if os.path.exists(thpath): results.append({'path': thpath, 'type': th}) break return results def rolename(filepath): idx = filepath.find('roles/') if idx < 0: return '' role = filepath[idx + 6:] role = role[:role.find('/')] return role def _kv_to_dict(v): (command, args, kwargs) = tokenize(v) return (dict(__ansible_module__=command, __ansible_arguments__=args, **kwargs)) def normalize_task(task, filename, custom_modules=[]): '''Ensures tasks have an action key and strings are converted to python objects''' ansible_action_type = task.get('__ansible_action_type__', 'task') if '__ansible_action_type__' in task: del(task['__ansible_action_type__']) normalized = dict() # TODO: Workaround for custom modules builtin = list(ansible.parsing.mod_args.BUILTIN_TASKS) builtin = list(set(builtin + custom_modules)) ansible.parsing.mod_args.BUILTIN_TASKS = frozenset(builtin) mod_arg_parser = ModuleArgsParser(task) try: action, arguments, normalized['delegate_to'] = mod_arg_parser.parse() except AnsibleParserError as e: raise LaterAnsibleError("syntax error", e) # denormalize shell -> command conversion if '_uses_shell' in arguments: action = 'shell' del(arguments['_uses_shell']) for (k, v) in list(task.items()): if k in ('action', 'local_action', 'args', 'delegate_to') or k == action: # we don't want to re-assign these values, which were # determined by the ModuleArgsParser() above continue else: normalized[k] = v normalized['action'] = dict(__ansible_module__=action) if '_raw_params' in arguments: normalized['action']['__ansible_arguments__'] = arguments['_raw_params'].split(' ') del(arguments['_raw_params']) else: normalized['action']['__ansible_arguments__'] = list() normalized['action'].update(arguments) normalized[FILENAME_KEY] = filename normalized['__ansible_action_type__'] = ansible_action_type return normalized def action_tasks(yaml, file): tasks = list() if file['filetype'] in ['tasks', 'handlers']: tasks = add_action_type(yaml, file['filetype']) else: tasks.extend(extract_from_list(yaml, ['tasks', 'handlers', 'pre_tasks', 'post_tasks'])) # Add sub-elements of block/rescue/always to tasks list tasks.extend(extract_from_list(tasks, ['block', 'rescue', 'always'])) # Remove block/rescue/always elements from tasks list block_rescue_always = ('block', 'rescue', 'always') tasks[:] = [task for task in tasks if all(k not in task for k in block_rescue_always)] return [task for task in tasks if set( ['include', 'include_tasks', 'import_playbook', 'import_tasks']).isdisjoint(task.keys())] def task_to_str(task): name = task.get("name") if name: return name action = task.get("action") args = " ".join([u"{0}={1}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in action.items() if k not in ["__ansible_module__", "__ansible_arguments__"] ] + action.get("__ansible_arguments__")) return u"{0} {1}".format(action["__ansible_module__"], args) def extract_from_list(blocks, candidates): results = list() for block in blocks: for candidate in candidates: if isinstance(block, dict) and candidate in block: if isinstance(block[candidate], list): results.extend(add_action_type(block[candidate], candidate)) elif block[candidate] is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Key '%s' defined, but bad value: '%s'" % (candidate, str(block[candidate]))) return results def add_action_type(actions, action_type): results = list() for action in actions: action['__ansible_action_type__'] = BLOCK_NAME_TO_ACTION_TYPE_MAP[action_type] results.append(action) return results def parse_yaml_linenumbers(data, filename): """Parses yaml as ansible.utils.parse_yaml but with linenumbers. The line numbers are stored in each node's LINE_NUMBER_KEY key. """ def compose_node(parent, index): # the line number where the previous token has ended (plus empty lines) line = loader.line node = Composer.compose_node(loader, parent, index) node.__line__ = line + 1 return node def construct_mapping(node, deep=False): mapping = AnsibleConstructor.construct_mapping(loader, node, deep=deep) if hasattr(node, '__line__'): mapping[LINE_NUMBER_KEY] = node.__line__ else: mapping[LINE_NUMBER_KEY] = mapping._line_number mapping[FILENAME_KEY] = filename return mapping try: kwargs = {} if 'vault_password' in inspect.getargspec(AnsibleLoader.__init__).args: kwargs['vault_password'] = DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD loader = AnsibleLoader(data, **kwargs) loader.compose_node = compose_node loader.construct_mapping = construct_mapping data = loader.get_single_data() except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as e: raise LaterError("syntax error", e) return data def normalized_yaml(file, options): lines = [] removes = [] try: with codecs.open(file, mode='rb', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = list(enumerate(f.readlines(), start=1)) for i, line in lines: if line.strip().startswith("#"): removes.append((i, line)) # remove document starter also if options.get("remove_markers") and line.strip() == "---": removes.append((i, line)) # remove empty lines if options.get("remove_empty") and not line.strip(): removes.append((i, line)) for line in removes: lines.remove(line) except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as e: raise LaterError("syntax error", e) return lines