# Original code written by the authors of ansible-lint import functools from ansiblelater.rule import RuleBase SORTER_TASKS = ( "name", # "__module__", # "action", # "args", None, # <-- None include all modules that not using action and * # "when", # "notify", # "tags", "block", "rescue", "always", ) class CheckKeyOrder(RuleBase): rid = "ANS129" description = "Check optimized key order" helptext = "{type} key order can be improved to `{sorted_keys}`" types = ["playbook", "task", "handler"] def check(self, candidate, settings): errors = [] tasks, err = self.get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings) if err: return self.Result(candidate.path, err) for task in tasks: is_sorted, keys = self._sort_keys(task.get("__raw_task__")) if not is_sorted: errors.append( self.Error( task["__line__"], self.helptext.format(type="task", sorted_keys=", ".join(keys)), ) ) if candidate.kind == "playbook": tasks, err = self.get_tasks(candidate, settings) if err: return self.Result(candidate.path, err) for task in tasks: is_sorted, keys = self._sort_keys(task) if not is_sorted: errors.append( self.Error( task["__line__"], self.helptext.format(type="play", sorted_keys=", ".join(keys)), ) ) return self.Result(candidate.path, errors) @staticmethod def _sort_keys(task): if not task: return True, [] keys = [str(key) for key in task if not key.startswith("_")] sorted_keys = sorted(keys, key=functools.cmp_to_key(_task_property_sorter)) return (keys == sorted_keys), sorted_keys def _task_property_sorter(property1, property2): """Sort task properties based on SORTER.""" v_1 = _get_property_sort_index(property1) v_2 = _get_property_sort_index(property2) return (v_1 > v_2) - (v_1 < v_2) @staticmethod def _get_property_sort_index(name: str) -> int: """Return the index of the property in the sorter.""" a_index = -1 for i, v in enumerate(SORTER_TASKS): if v == name: return i if v is None: a_index = i return a_index