"""Global settings object definition.""" import os import anyconfig import pathspec from appdirs import AppDirs from jsonschema._utils import format_as_index from pkg_resources import resource_filename from ansiblelater import utils config_dir = AppDirs("ansible-later").user_config_dir default_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "config.yml") class Settings(object): """ Create an object with all necessary settings. Settings are loade from multiple locations in defined order (last wins): - default settings defined by `self._get_defaults()` - yaml config file, defaults to OS specific user config dir (https://pypi.org/project/appdirs/) - provides cli parameters """ def __init__(self, args={}, config_file=default_config_file): """ Initialize a new settings class. :param args: An optional dict of options, arguments and commands from the CLI. :param config_file: An optional path to a yaml config file. :returns: None """ self.config_file = config_file self.schema = None self.args_files = False self.args = self._set_args(args) self.config = self._get_config() self._update_filelist() def _set_args(self, args): defaults = self._get_defaults() self.config_file = args.get("config_file") or default_config_file args.pop("config_file", None) tmp_args = dict(filter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, args.items())) tmp_dict = {} for key, value in tmp_args.items(): tmp_dict = utils.add_dict_branch(tmp_dict, key.split("."), value) # Override correct log level from argparse levels = ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"] log_level = levels.index(defaults["logging"]["level"]) if tmp_dict.get("logging"): for adjustment in tmp_dict["logging"]["level"]: log_level = min(len(levels) - 1, max(log_level + adjustment, 0)) tmp_dict["logging"]["level"] = levels[log_level] if len(tmp_dict["rules"]["files"]) == 0: tmp_dict["rules"]["files"] = ["*"] else: tmp_dict["rules"]["files"] = tmp_dict["rules"]["files"] self.args_files = True return tmp_dict def _get_config(self): defaults = self._get_defaults() source_files = [] source_files.append(self.config_file) source_files.append( os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".later.yml"))) ) cli_options = self.args for config in source_files: if config and os.path.exists(config): with utils.open_file(config) as stream: s = stream.read() sdict = utils.safe_load(s) if self._validate(sdict): anyconfig.merge(defaults, sdict, ac_merge=anyconfig.MS_DICTS) defaults["logging"]["level"] = defaults["logging"]["level"].upper() if cli_options and self._validate(cli_options): anyconfig.merge(defaults, cli_options, ac_merge=anyconfig.MS_DICTS) return defaults def _get_defaults(self): rules_dir = os.path.join(resource_filename("ansiblelater", "data")) defaults = { "rules": { "standards": rules_dir, "filter": [], "exclude_filter": [], "ignore_dotfiles": True, "exclude_files": [] }, "logging": { "level": "WARNING", "json": False }, "ansible": { "custom_modules": [], "double-braces": { "min-spaces-inside": 1, "max-spaces-inside": 1, }, }, "yamllint": { "empty-lines": { "max": 1, "max-start": 0, "max-end": 1, }, "indentation": { "spaces": 2, "check-multi-line-strings": False, "indent-sequences": True, }, "hyphens": { "max-spaces-after": 1 }, "document-start": { "present": True }, "document-end": { "present": True }, "colons": { "max-spaces-before": 0, "max-spaces-after": 1 }, }, } self.schema = anyconfig.gen_schema(defaults) return defaults def _validate(self, config): try: anyconfig.validate(config, self.schema, ac_schema_safe=False) return True except Exception as e: schema_error = "Failed validating '{validator}' in schema{schema}".format( validator=e.validator, schema=format_as_index(list(e.relative_schema_path)[:-1]) ) utils.sysexit_with_message( "{schema}: {msg}".format(schema=schema_error, msg=e.message) ) def _update_filelist(self): includes = self.config["rules"]["files"] excludes = self.config["rules"]["exclude_files"] ignore_dotfiles = self.config["rules"]["ignore_dotfiles"] if ignore_dotfiles and not self.args_files: excludes.append(".*") else: del excludes[:] filelist = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): for filename in files: filelist.append(os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, filename)))) valid = [] includespec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", includes) excludespec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", excludes) for item in filelist: if includespec.match_file(item) and not excludespec.match_file(item): valid.append(item) self.config["rules"]["files"] = valid