# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from collections import defaultdict import platform from ansible.module_utils.facts import timeout class CycleFoundInFactDeps(Exception): '''Indicates there is a cycle in fact collector deps If collector-B requires collector-A, and collector-A requires collector-B, that is a cycle. In that case, there is no ordering that will satisfy B before A and A and before B. That will cause this error to be raised. ''' pass class UnresolvedFactDep(ValueError): pass class CollectorNotFoundError(KeyError): pass class BaseFactCollector: _fact_ids = set() _platform = 'Generic' name = None required_facts = set() def __init__(self, collectors=None, namespace=None): '''Base class for things that collect facts. 'collectors' is an optional list of other FactCollectors for composing.''' self.collectors = collectors or [] # self.namespace is a object with a 'transform' method that transforms # the name to indicate the namespace (ie, adds a prefix or suffix). self.namespace = namespace self.fact_ids = set([self.name]) self.fact_ids.update(self._fact_ids) @classmethod def platform_match(cls, platform_info): if platform_info.get('system', None) == cls._platform: return cls return None def _transform_name(self, key_name): if self.namespace: return self.namespace.transform(key_name) return key_name def _transform_dict_keys(self, fact_dict): '''update a dicts keys to use new names as transformed by self._transform_name''' for old_key in list(fact_dict.keys()): new_key = self._transform_name(old_key) # pop the item by old_key and replace it using new_key fact_dict[new_key] = fact_dict.pop(old_key) return fact_dict # TODO/MAYBE: rename to 'collect' and add 'collect_without_namespace' def collect_with_namespace(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): # collect, then transform the key names if needed facts_dict = self.collect(module=module, collected_facts=collected_facts) if self.namespace: facts_dict = self._transform_dict_keys(facts_dict) return facts_dict def collect(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): '''do the fact collection 'collected_facts' is a object (a dict, likely) that holds all previously facts. This is intended to be used if a FactCollector needs to reference another fact (for ex, the system arch) and should not be modified (usually). Returns a dict of facts. ''' facts_dict = {} return facts_dict def get_collector_names(valid_subsets=None, minimal_gather_subset=None, gather_subset=None, aliases_map=None, platform_info=None): '''return a set of FactCollector names based on gather_subset spec. gather_subset is a spec describing which facts to gather. valid_subsets is a frozenset of potential matches for gather_subset ('all', 'network') etc minimal_gather_subsets is a frozenset of matches to always use, even for gather_subset='!all' ''' # Retrieve module parameters gather_subset = gather_subset or ['all'] # the list of everything that 'all' expands to valid_subsets = valid_subsets or frozenset() # if provided, minimal_gather_subset is always added, even after all negations minimal_gather_subset = minimal_gather_subset or frozenset() aliases_map = aliases_map or defaultdict(set) # Retrieve all facts elements additional_subsets = set() exclude_subsets = set() # total always starts with the min set, then # adds of the additions in gather_subset, then # excludes all of the excludes, then add any explicitly # requested subsets. gather_subset_with_min = ['min'] gather_subset_with_min.extend(gather_subset) # subsets we mention in gather_subset explicitly, except for 'all'/'min' explicitly_added = set() for subset in gather_subset_with_min: subset_id = subset if subset_id == 'min': additional_subsets.update(minimal_gather_subset) continue if subset_id == 'all': additional_subsets.update(valid_subsets) continue if subset_id.startswith('!'): subset = subset[1:] if subset == 'min': exclude_subsets.update(minimal_gather_subset) continue if subset == 'all': exclude_subsets.update(valid_subsets - minimal_gather_subset) continue exclude = True else: exclude = False if exclude: # include 'devices', 'dmi' etc for '!hardware' exclude_subsets.update(aliases_map.get(subset, set())) exclude_subsets.add(subset) else: # NOTE: this only considers adding an unknown gather subsetup an error. Asking to # exclude an unknown gather subset is ignored. if subset_id not in valid_subsets: raise TypeError("Bad subset '%s' given to Ansible. gather_subset options allowed: all, %s" % (subset, ", ".join(sorted(valid_subsets)))) explicitly_added.add(subset) additional_subsets.add(subset) if not additional_subsets: additional_subsets.update(valid_subsets) additional_subsets.difference_update(exclude_subsets - explicitly_added) return additional_subsets def find_collectors_for_platform(all_collector_classes, compat_platforms): found_collectors = set() found_collectors_names = set() # start from specific platform, then try generic for compat_platform in compat_platforms: platform_match = None for all_collector_class in all_collector_classes: # ask the class if it is compatible with the platform info platform_match = all_collector_class.platform_match(compat_platform) if not platform_match: continue primary_name = all_collector_class.name if primary_name not in found_collectors_names: found_collectors.add(all_collector_class) found_collectors_names.add(all_collector_class.name) return found_collectors def build_fact_id_to_collector_map(collectors_for_platform): fact_id_to_collector_map = defaultdict(list) aliases_map = defaultdict(set) for collector_class in collectors_for_platform: primary_name = collector_class.name fact_id_to_collector_map[primary_name].append(collector_class) for fact_id in collector_class._fact_ids: fact_id_to_collector_map[fact_id].append(collector_class) aliases_map[primary_name].add(fact_id) return fact_id_to_collector_map, aliases_map def select_collector_classes(collector_names, all_fact_subsets): seen_collector_classes = set() selected_collector_classes = [] for collector_name in collector_names: collector_classes = all_fact_subsets.get(collector_name, []) for collector_class in collector_classes: if collector_class not in seen_collector_classes: selected_collector_classes.append(collector_class) seen_collector_classes.add(collector_class) return selected_collector_classes def _get_requires_by_collector_name(collector_name, all_fact_subsets): required_facts = set() try: collector_classes = all_fact_subsets[collector_name] except KeyError: raise CollectorNotFoundError('Fact collector "%s" not found' % collector_name) for collector_class in collector_classes: required_facts.update(collector_class.required_facts) return required_facts def find_unresolved_requires(collector_names, all_fact_subsets): '''Find any collector names that have unresolved requires Returns a list of collector names that correspond to collector classes whose .requires_facts() are not in collector_names. ''' unresolved = set() for collector_name in collector_names: required_facts = _get_requires_by_collector_name(collector_name, all_fact_subsets) for required_fact in required_facts: if required_fact not in collector_names: unresolved.add(required_fact) return unresolved def resolve_requires(unresolved_requires, all_fact_subsets): new_names = set() failed = [] for unresolved in unresolved_requires: if unresolved in all_fact_subsets: new_names.add(unresolved) else: failed.append(unresolved) if failed: raise UnresolvedFactDep('unresolved fact dep %s' % ','.join(failed)) return new_names def build_dep_data(collector_names, all_fact_subsets): dep_map = defaultdict(set) for collector_name in collector_names: collector_deps = set() for collector in all_fact_subsets[collector_name]: for dep in collector.required_facts: collector_deps.add(dep) dep_map[collector_name] = collector_deps return dep_map def tsort(dep_map): sorted_list = [] unsorted_map = dep_map.copy() while unsorted_map: acyclic = False for node, edges in list(unsorted_map.items()): for edge in edges: if edge in unsorted_map: break else: acyclic = True del unsorted_map[node] sorted_list.append((node, edges)) if not acyclic: raise CycleFoundInFactDeps('Unable to tsort deps, there was a cycle in the graph. sorted=%s' % sorted_list) return sorted_list def _solve_deps(collector_names, all_fact_subsets): unresolved = collector_names.copy() solutions = collector_names.copy() while True: unresolved = find_unresolved_requires(solutions, all_fact_subsets) if unresolved == set(): break new_names = resolve_requires(unresolved, all_fact_subsets) solutions.update(new_names) return solutions def collector_classes_from_gather_subset(all_collector_classes=None, valid_subsets=None, minimal_gather_subset=None, gather_subset=None, gather_timeout=None, platform_info=None): '''return a list of collector classes that match the args''' # use gather_name etc to get the list of collectors all_collector_classes = all_collector_classes or [] minimal_gather_subset = minimal_gather_subset or frozenset() platform_info = platform_info or {'system': platform.system()} gather_timeout = gather_timeout or timeout.DEFAULT_GATHER_TIMEOUT # tweak the modules GATHER_TIMEOUT timeout.GATHER_TIMEOUT = gather_timeout valid_subsets = valid_subsets or frozenset() # maps alias names like 'hardware' to the list of names that are part of hardware # like 'devices' and 'dmi' aliases_map = defaultdict(set) compat_platforms = [platform_info, {'system': 'Generic'}] collectors_for_platform = find_collectors_for_platform(all_collector_classes, compat_platforms) # all_facts_subsets maps the subset name ('hardware') to the class that provides it. # TODO: name collisions here? are there facts with the same name as a gather_subset (all, network, hardware, virtual, ohai, facter) all_fact_subsets, aliases_map = build_fact_id_to_collector_map(collectors_for_platform) all_valid_subsets = frozenset(all_fact_subsets.keys()) # expand any fact_id/collectorname/gather_subset term ('all', 'env', etc) to the list of names that represents collector_names = get_collector_names(valid_subsets=all_valid_subsets, minimal_gather_subset=minimal_gather_subset, gather_subset=gather_subset, aliases_map=aliases_map, platform_info=platform_info) complete_collector_names = _solve_deps(collector_names, all_fact_subsets) dep_map = build_dep_data(complete_collector_names, all_fact_subsets) ordered_deps = tsort(dep_map) ordered_collector_names = [x[0] for x in ordered_deps] selected_collector_classes = select_collector_classes(ordered_collector_names, all_fact_subsets) return selected_collector_classes