#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2015, Michael Scherer # inspired by code of github.com/dandiker/ # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: selinux_permissive short_description: Change permissive domain in SELinux policy description: - Add and remove domain from the list of permissive domain. version_added: "2.0" options: domain: description: - "the domain that will be added or removed from the list of permissive domains" required: true permissive: description: - "indicate if the domain should or should not be set as permissive" required: true type: bool no_reload: description: - "automatically reload the policy after a change" - "default is set to 'false' as that's what most people would want after changing one domain" - "Note that this doesn't work on older version of the library (example EL 6), the module will silently ignore it in this case" type: bool default: 'no' store: description: - "name of the SELinux policy store to use" notes: - Requires a version of SELinux recent enough ( ie EL 6 or newer ) requirements: [ policycoreutils-python ] author: Michael Scherer (@mscherer) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - selinux_permissive: name: httpd_t permissive: true ''' import traceback HAVE_SEOBJECT = False try: import seobject HAVE_SEOBJECT = True except ImportError: pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( domain=dict(aliases=['name'], required=True), store=dict(required=False, default=''), permissive=dict(type='bool', required=True), no_reload=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False), ), supports_check_mode=True ) # global vars changed = False store = module.params['store'] permissive = module.params['permissive'] domain = module.params['domain'] no_reload = module.params['no_reload'] if not HAVE_SEOBJECT: module.fail_json(changed=False, msg="policycoreutils-python required for this module") try: permissive_domains = seobject.permissiveRecords(store) except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(domain=domain, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) # not supported on EL 6 if 'set_reload' in dir(permissive_domains): permissive_domains.set_reload(not no_reload) try: all_domains = permissive_domains.get_all() except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(domain=domain, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if permissive: if domain not in all_domains: if not module.check_mode: try: permissive_domains.add(domain) except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(domain=domain, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) changed = True else: if domain in all_domains: if not module.check_mode: try: permissive_domains.delete(domain) except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(domain=domain, msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed, store=store, permissive=permissive, domain=domain) if __name__ == '__main__': main()