#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_chocolatey_source version_added: '2.7' short_description: Manages Chocolatey sources description: - Used to managed Chocolatey sources configured on the client. - Requires Chocolatey to be already installed on the remote host. options: admin_only: description: - Makes the source visible to Administrators only. - Requires Chocolatey >= 0.10.8. - When creating a new source, this defaults to C(False). type: bool allow_self_service: description: - Allow the source to be used with self-service - Requires Chocolatey >= 0.10.4. - When creating a new source, this defaults to C(False). type: bool bypass_proxy: description: - Bypass the proxy when using this source. - Requires Chocolatey >= 0.10.4. - When creating a new source, this defaults to C(False). type: bool certificate: description: - The path to a .pfx file to use for X509 authenticated feeds. - Requires Chocolatey >= 0.9.10. certificate_password: description: - The password for I(certificate) if required. - Requires Chocolatey >= 0.9.10. name: description: - The name of the source to configure. required: yes priority: description: - The priority order of this source compared to other sources, lower is better. - All priorities above C(0) will be evaluated first, then zero-based values will be evaluated in config file order. - Requires Chocolatey >= - When creating a new source, this defaults to C(0). type: int source: description: - The file/folder/url of the source. - Required when I(state) is C(present) or C(disabled) and the source does not already exist. source_username: description: - The username used to access I(source). source_password: description: - The password for I(source_username). - Required if I(source_username) is set. state: description: - When C(absent), will remove the source. - When C(disabled), will ensure the source exists but is disabled. - When C(present), will ensure the source exists and is enabled. choices: - absent - disabled - present default: present update_password: description: - When C(always), the module will always set the password and report a change if I(certificate_password) or I(source_password) is set. - When C(on_create), the module will only set the password if the source is being created. choices: - always - on_create default: always author: - Jordan Borean (@jborean93) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: remove the default public source win_chocolatey_source: name: chocolatey state: absent - name: add new internal source win_chocolatey_source: name: internal repo state: present source: http://chocolatey-server/chocolatey - name: create HTTP source with credentials win_chocolatey_source: name: internal repo state: present source: https://chocolatey-server/chocolatey source_username: username source_password: password - name: disable Chocolatey source win_chocolatey_source: name: chocoaltey state: disabled ''' RETURN = r''' '''