#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2017, Jon Hawkesworth (@jhawkesworth) # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # this is a windows documentation stub. actual code lives in the .ps1 # file of the same name ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_msg version_added: "2.3" short_description: Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts description: - Wraps the msg.exe command in order to send messages to Windows hosts. options: to: description: - Who to send the message to. Can be a username, sessionname or sessionid. default: '*' display_seconds: description: - How long to wait for receiver to acknowledge message, in seconds. type: int default: 10 wait: description: - Whether to wait for users to respond. Module will only wait for the number of seconds specified in display_seconds or 10 seconds if not specified. However, if I(wait) is C(yes), the message is sent to each logged on user in turn, waiting for the user to either press 'ok' or for the timeout to elapse before moving on to the next user. type: bool default: 'no' msg: description: - The text of the message to be displayed. - The message must be less than 256 characters. default: Hello world! author: - Jon Hawkesworth (@jhawkesworth) notes: - This module must run on a windows host, so ensure your play targets windows hosts, or delegates to a windows host. - Messages are only sent to the local host where the module is run. - The module does not support sending to users listed in a file. - Setting wait to C(yes) can result in long run times on systems with many logged in users. ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Warn logged in users of impending upgrade win_msg: display_seconds: 60 msg: Automated upgrade about to start. Please save your work and log off before {{ deployment_start_time }} ''' RETURN = r''' msg: description: Test of the message that was sent. returned: changed type: string sample: Automated upgrade about to start. Please save your work and log off before 22 July 2016 18:00:00 display_seconds: description: Value of display_seconds module parameter. returned: success type: string sample: 10 rc: description: The return code of the API call returned: always type: int sample: 0 runtime_seconds: description: How long the module took to run on the remote windows host. returned: success type: string sample: 22 July 2016 17:45:51 sent_localtime: description: local time from windows host when the message was sent. returned: success type: string sample: 22 July 2016 17:45:51 wait: description: Value of wait module parameter. returned: success type: boolean sample: false '''