#!powershell # Copyright: (c) 2014, Chris Hoffman # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.SID $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true $check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name '_ansible_check_mode' -type 'bool' -default $false $dependencies = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'dependencies' -type 'list' -default $null $dependency_action = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'dependency_action' -type 'str' -default 'set' -validateset 'add','remove','set' $description = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'description' -type 'str' $desktop_interact = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'desktop_interact' -type 'bool' -default $false $display_name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'display_name' -type 'str' $force_dependent_services = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'force_dependent_services' -type 'bool' -default $false $name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'name' -type 'str' -failifempty $true $password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'password' -type 'str' $path = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'path' $start_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'start_mode' -type 'str' -validateset 'auto','manual','disabled','delayed' $state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'state' -type 'str' -validateset 'started','stopped','restarted','absent','paused' $username = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name 'username' -type 'str' $result = @{ changed = $false } # parse the username to SID and back so we get the full username with domain in a way WMI understands if ($username -ne $null) { if ($username -eq "LocalSystem") { $username_sid = "S-1-5-18" } else { $username_sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $username } # the SYSTEM account is a special beast, Win32_Service Change requires StartName to be LocalSystem # to specify LocalSystem/NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM if ($username_sid -eq "S-1-5-18") { $username = "LocalSystem" $password = $null } else { # Win32_Service, password must be "" and not $null when setting to LocalService or NetworkService if ($username_sid -in @("S-1-5-19", "S-1-5-20")) { $password = "" } $username = Convert-FromSID -sid $username_sid } } if ($password -ne $null -and $username -eq $null) { Fail-Json $result "The argument 'username' must be supplied with 'password'" } if ($desktop_interact -eq $true -and (-not ($username -eq "LocalSystem" -or $username -eq $null))) { Fail-Json $result "Can only set 'desktop_interact' to true when 'username' equals 'LocalSystem'" } if ($path -ne $null) { $path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($path) } Function Get-ServiceInfo($name) { # Need to get new objects so we have the latest info $svc = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $name -or $_.DisplayName -eq $name } $wmi_svc = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "name='$($svc.Name)'" # Delayed start_mode is in reality Automatic (Delayed), need to check reg key for type $delayed = Get-DelayedStatus -name $svc.Name $actual_start_mode = $wmi_svc.StartMode.ToString().ToLower() if ($delayed -and $actual_start_mode -eq 'auto') { $actual_start_mode = 'delayed' } $existing_dependencies = @() $existing_depended_by = @() if ($svc.ServicesDependedOn.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($dependency in $svc.ServicesDependedOn.Name) { $existing_dependencies += $dependency } } if ($svc.DependentServices.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($dependency in $svc.DependentServices.Name) { $existing_depended_by += $dependency } } $description = $wmi_svc.Description if ($description -eq $null) { $description = "" } $result.exists = $true $result.name = $svc.Name $result.display_name = $svc.DisplayName $result.state = $svc.Status.ToString().ToLower() $result.start_mode = $actual_start_mode $result.path = $wmi_svc.PathName $result.description = $description $result.username = $wmi_svc.StartName $result.desktop_interact = $wmi_svc.DesktopInteract $result.dependencies = $existing_dependencies $result.depended_by = $existing_depended_by $result.can_pause_and_continue = $svc.CanPauseAndContinue } Function Get-WmiErrorMessage($return_value) { # These values are derived from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384901(v=vs.85).aspx switch ($return_value) { 1 { "Not Supported: The request is not supported" } 2 { "Access Denied: The user did not have the necessary access" } 3 { "Dependent Services Running: The service cannot be stopped because other services that are running are dependent on it" } 4 { "Invalid Service Control: The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service" } 5 { "Service Cannot Accept Control: The requested control code cannot be sent to the service because the state of the service (Win32_BaseService.State property) is equal to 0, 1, or 2" } 6 { "Service Not Active: The service has not been started" } 7 { "Service Request Timeout: The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion" } 8 { "Unknown Failure: Unknown failure when starting the service" } 9 { "Path Not Found: The directory path to the service executable file was not found" } 10 { "Service Already Running: The service is already running" } 11 { "Service Database Locked: The database to add a new service is locked" } 12 { "Service Dependency Deleted: A dependency this service relies on has been removed from the system" } 13 { "Service Dependency Failure: The service failed to find the service needed from a dependent service" } 14 { "Service Disabled: The service has been disabled from the system" } 15 { "Service Logon Failed: The service does not have the correct authentication to run on the system" } 16 { "Service Marked For Deletion: This service is being removed from the system" } 17 { "Service No Thread: The service has no execution thread" } 18 { "Status Circular Dependency: The service has circular dependencies when it starts" } 19 { "Status Duplicate Name: A service is running under the same name" } 20 { "Status Invalid Name: The service name has invalid characters" } 21 { "Status Invalid Parameter: Invalid parameters have been passed to the service" } 22 { "Status Invalid Service Account: The account under which this service runs is either invalid or lacks the permissions to run the service" } 23 { "Status Service Exists: The service exists in the database of services available from the system" } 24 { "Service Already Paused: The service is currently paused in the system" } default { "Other Error" } } } Function Get-DelayedStatus($name) { $delayed_key = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\$name" try { $delayed = ConvertTo-Bool ((Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $delayed_key).DelayedAutostart) } catch { $delayed = $false } $delayed } Function Set-ServiceStartMode($svc, $start_mode) { if ($result.start_mode -ne $start_mode) { try { $delayed_key = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\$($svc.Name)" # Original start up type was auto (delayed) and we want auto, need to removed delayed key if ($start_mode -eq 'auto' -and $result.start_mode -eq 'delayed') { Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $delayed_key -Name "DelayedAutostart" -Value 0 -WhatIf:$check_mode # Original start up type was auto and we want auto (delayed), need to add delayed key } elseif ($start_mode -eq 'delayed' -and $result.start_mode -eq 'auto') { Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $delayed_key -Name "DelayedAutostart" -Value 1 -WhatIf:$check_mode # Original start up type was not auto or auto (delayed), need to change to auto and add delayed key } elseif ($start_mode -eq 'delayed') { $svc | Set-Service -StartupType "auto" -WhatIf:$check_mode Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $delayed_key -Name "DelayedAutostart" -Value 1 -WhatIf:$check_mode # Original start up type was not what we were looking for, just change to that type } else { $svc | Set-Service -StartupType $start_mode -WhatIf:$check_mode } } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceAccount($wmi_svc, $username_sid, $username, $password) { if ($result.username -eq "LocalSystem") { $actual_sid = "S-1-5-18" } else { $actual_sid = Convert-ToSID -account_name $result.username } if ($actual_sid -ne $username_sid) { $change_arguments = @{ StartName = $username StartPassword = $password DesktopInteract = $result.desktop_interact } # need to disable desktop interact when not using the SYSTEM account if ($username_sid -ne "S-1-5-18") { $change_arguments.DesktopInteract = $false } #WMI.Change doesn't support -WhatIf, cannot fully test with check_mode if (-not $check_mode) { $return = $wmi_svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Change -Arguments $change_arguments if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) { $error_msg = Get-WmiErrorMessage -return_value $result.ReturnValue Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to set service account to $($username): $($return.ReturnValue) - $error_msg" } } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceDesktopInteract($wmi_svc, $desktop_interact) { if ($result.desktop_interact -ne $desktop_interact) { if (-not $check_mode) { $return = $wmi_svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Change -Arguments @{DesktopInteract = $desktop_interact} if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) { $error_msg = Get-WmiErrorMessage -return_value $return.ReturnValue Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to set desktop interact $($desktop_interact): $($return.ReturnValue) - $error_msg" } } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceDisplayName($svc, $display_name) { if ($result.display_name -ne $display_name) { try { $svc | Set-Service -DisplayName $display_name -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceDescription($svc, $description) { if ($result.description -ne $description) { try { $svc | Set-Service -Description $description -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServicePath($name, $path) { if ($result.path -ne $path) { try { Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\$name" -Name ImagePath -Value $path -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceDependencies($wmi_svc, $dependency_action, $dependencies) { $existing_dependencies = $result.dependencies [System.Collections.ArrayList]$new_dependencies = @() if ($dependency_action -eq 'set') { foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { $new_dependencies.Add($dependency) } } else { $new_dependencies = $existing_dependencies foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { if ($dependency_action -eq 'remove') { if ($new_dependencies -contains $dependency) { $new_dependencies.Remove($dependency) } } elseif ($dependency_action -eq 'add') { if ($new_dependencies -notcontains $dependency) { $new_dependencies.Add($dependency) } } } } $will_change = $false foreach ($dependency in $new_dependencies) { if ($existing_dependencies -notcontains $dependency) { $will_change = $true } } foreach ($dependency in $existing_dependencies) { if ($new_dependencies -notcontains $dependency) { $will_change = $true } } if ($will_change -eq $true) { if (-not $check_mode) { $return = $wmi_svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Change -Arguments @{ServiceDependencies = $new_dependencies} if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) { $error_msg = Get-WmiErrorMessage -return_value $return.ReturnValue $dep_string = $new_dependencies -join ", " Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to set service dependencies $($dep_string): $($return.ReturnValue) - $error_msg" } } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceState($svc, $wmi_svc, $state) { if ($state -eq "started" -and $result.state -ne "running") { if ($result.state -eq "paused") { try { $svc | Resume-Service -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result "failed to start service from paused state $($svc.Name): $($_.Exception.Message)" } } else { try { $svc | Start-Service -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } } $result.changed = $true } if ($state -eq "stopped" -and $result.state -ne "stopped") { try { $svc | Stop-Service -Force:$force_dependent_services -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } if ($state -eq "restarted") { try { $svc | Restart-Service -Force:$force_dependent_services -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true } if ($state -eq "paused" -and $result.state -ne "paused") { # check that we can actually pause the service if ($result.can_pause_and_continue -eq $false) { Fail-Json $result "failed to pause service $($svc.Name): The service does not support pausing" } try { $svc | Suspend-Service -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result "failed to pause service $($svc.Name): $($_.Exception.Message)" } $result.changed = $true } if ($state -eq "absent") { try { $svc | Stop-Service -Force:$force_dependent_services -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } if (-not $check_mode) { $return = $wmi_svc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Delete if ($return.ReturnValue -ne 0) { $error_msg = Get-WmiErrorMessage -return_value $return.ReturnValue Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to delete service $($svc.Name): $($return.ReturnValue) - $error_msg" } } $result.changed = $true } } Function Set-ServiceConfiguration($svc) { $wmi_svc = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "name='$($svc.Name)'" Get-ServiceInfo -name $svc.Name if ($desktop_interact -eq $true -and (-not ($result.username -eq 'LocalSystem' -or $username -eq 'LocalSystem'))) { Fail-Json $result "Can only set desktop_interact to true when service is run with/or 'username' equals 'LocalSystem'" } if ($start_mode -ne $null) { Set-ServiceStartMode -svc $svc -start_mode $start_mode } if ($username -ne $null) { Set-ServiceAccount -wmi_svc $wmi_svc -username_sid $username_sid -username $username -password $password } if ($display_name -ne $null) { Set-ServiceDisplayName -svc $svc -display_name $display_name } if ($desktop_interact -ne $null) { Set-ServiceDesktopInteract -wmi_svc $wmi_svc -desktop_interact $desktop_interact } if ($description -ne $null) { Set-ServiceDescription -svc $svc -description $description } if ($path -ne $null) { Set-ServicePath -name $svc.Name -path $path } if ($dependencies -ne $null) { Set-ServiceDependencies -wmi_svc $wmi_svc -dependency_action $dependency_action -dependencies $dependencies } if ($state -ne $null) { Set-ServiceState -svc $svc -wmi_svc $wmi_svc -state $state } } # need to use Where-Object as -Name doesn't work with [] in the service name # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/37621 $svc = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $name -or $_.DisplayName -eq $name } if ($svc) { Set-ServiceConfiguration -svc $svc } else { $result.exists = $false if ($state -ne 'absent') { # Check if path is defined, if so create the service if ($path -ne $null) { try { New-Service -Name $name -BinaryPathname $path -WhatIf:$check_mode } catch { Fail-Json $result $_.Exception.Message } $result.changed = $true $svc = Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $name } Set-ServiceConfiguration -svc $svc } else { # We will only reach here if the service is installed and the state is not absent # Will check if any of the default actions are set and fail as we cannot action it if ($start_mode -ne $null -or $state -ne $null -or $username -ne $null -or $password -ne $null -or $display_name -ne $null -or $description -ne $null -or $desktop_interact -ne $false -or $dependencies -ne $null -or $dependency_action -ne 'set') { Fail-Json $result "Service '$name' is not installed, need to set 'path' to create a new service" } } } } # After making a change, let's get the service info again unless we deleted it if ($state -eq 'absent') { # Recreate result so it doesn't have the extra meta data now that is has been deleted $changed = $result.changed $result = @{ changed = $changed exists = $false } } elseif ($svc -ne $null) { Get-ServiceInfo -name $name } Exit-Json -obj $result