#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # this is a virtual module that is entirely implemented server side ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'core'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: win_template version_added: "1.9.2" short_description: Templates a file out to a remote server description: - Templates are processed by the Jinja2 templating language (U(http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/)) - documentation on the template formatting can be found in the Template Designer Documentation (U(http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/templates/)). - "Six additional variables can be used in templates: C(ansible_managed) (configurable via the C(defaults) section of C(ansible.cfg)) contains a string which can be used to describe the template name, host, modification time of the template file and the owner uid, C(template_host) contains the node name of the template's machine, C(template_uid) the owner, C(template_path) the absolute path of the template, C(template_fullpath) is the absolute path of the template, and C(template_run_date) is the date that the template was rendered. Note that including a string that uses a date in the template will result in the template being marked 'changed' each time." options: src: description: - Path of a Jinja2 formatted template on the local server. This can be a relative or absolute path. required: yes dest: description: - Location to render the template to on the remote machine. required: yes newline_sequence: description: - Specify the newline sequence to use for templating files. choices: [ '\n', '\r', '\r\n' ] default: '\r\n' version_added: '2.4' block_start_string: description: - The string marking the beginning of a block. default: '{%' version_added: '2.4' block_end_string: description: - The string marking the end of a block. default: '%}' version_added: '2.4' variable_start_string: description: - The string marking the beginning of a print statement. default: '{{' version_added: '2.4' variable_end_string: description: - The string marking the end of a print statement. default: '}}' version_added: '2.4' trim_blocks: description: - If this is set to C(yes) the first newline after a block is removed (block, not variable tag!). type: bool default: 'no' version_added: '2.4' force: description: - If C(yes), will replace the remote file when contents are different from the source. - If C(no), the file will only be transferred if the destination does not exist. type: bool default: 'yes' version_added: '2.4' notes: - For other platforms you can use M(template) which uses '\n' as C(newline_sequence). - Templates are loaded with C(trim_blocks=True). - Beware fetching files from windows machines when creating templates because certain tools, such as Powershell ISE, and regedit's export facility add a Byte Order Mark as the first character of the file, which can cause tracebacks. - To find Byte Order Marks in files, use C(Format-Hex -Count 16) on Windows, and use C(od -a -t x1 -N 16 ) on Linux. - "Also, you can override jinja2 settings by adding a special header to template file. i.e. C(#jinja2:variable_start_string:'[%', variable_end_string:'%]', trim_blocks: no) which changes the variable interpolation markers to [% var %] instead of {{ var }}. This is the best way to prevent evaluation of things that look like, but should not be Jinja2. raw/endraw in Jinja2 will not work as you expect because templates in Ansible are recursively evaluated." author: - Jon Hawkesworth (@jhawkesworth) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create a file from a Jinja2 template win_template: src: /mytemplates/file.conf.j2 dest: C:\Temp\file.conf - name: Create a Unix-style file from a Jinja2 template win_template: src: unix/config.conf.j2 dest: C:\share\unix\config.conf newline_sequence: '\n' '''