flake8-docstrings ================= A simple module that adds an extension for the fantastic pydocstyle_ tool to flake8_. Simply install this extension:: pip install flake8-docstrings and run flake8. Report any issues on our `bug tracker`_. .. _pydocstyle: https://github.com/pycqa/pydocstyle .. _flake8: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 .. _bug tracker: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8-docstrings/issues History/Changelog ================= 1.3.0 ----- - Bump minimum pydocstyle version to 2.1.0 1.2.0 ----- - Fix EnvironError and AllError invocations - Avoid Flake8 warning for requesting ``builtins`` 1.1.0 ----- - Upgrade dependency on pydocstyle to 2.0.0 1.0.3 ----- - Use flake8-polyfill to get standard-in to handle Flake8 3.x and 2.x 1.0.2 ----- - Use pycodestyle to get standard-in. 1.0.1 ----- - Make sure this works out of the box (is enabled by default) with Flake8 3.0 1.0.0 ----- - Switch dependency name to pydocstyle. pep257 was renamed to pydocstyle, this update switches the requirement to that new package name. Since we're swapping out dependencies, we've issued a major version bump. 0.2.7 ----- - Try to import pydocstyle (not pycodestyle) as pep257 0.2.6 ----- - Respect pep257's default ignore list - Handle AllError and other exceptions from pep257 0.2.5 ----- - Use pep257's ``tokenize_open`` function to pass input to the tool. - Use pep257's conventions so any error codes that are ignored by default using ``pep257`` are also ignored by default with this plugin. 0.2.4 ----- - Fix bug introduced in 0.2.2 where the file source was always None causing D100 and D104 errors for all files and no other errors to be found. 0.2.3 ----- - Remove extraneous space in error message. - Fix up how the plugin displays with ``flake8 --version``. 0.2.2 ----- - Better support for input provided via stdin. 0.2.1 ----- - Prevent AllError or EnvironmentErrors from being raised. Thanks Alex Pyrgiotis. 0.2.0 ----- - Upgrade to pep257 0.3.0 0.1.4 ----- - Stop truncating error messages 0.1.3 ----- - Really fix the installation issue this time. 0.1.2 ----- - Actually fix the PyPI release. **Ugh** 0.1.1 ----- - Fix the PyPI release. 0.1.0 ----- - Initial Release!