# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # test_base.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php import os import sys import tempfile from unittest import SkipTest, skipIf from git import ( Blob, Tree, Commit, TagObject ) from git.compat import is_win from git.objects.util import get_object_type_by_name from git.test.lib import ( TestBase, assert_raises, with_rw_repo, with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo ) from git.util import hex_to_bin import git.objects.base as base import os.path as osp class TestBase(TestBase): def tearDown(self): import gc gc.collect() type_tuples = (("blob", "8741fc1d09d61f02ffd8cded15ff603eff1ec070", "blob.py"), ("tree", "3a6a5e3eeed3723c09f1ef0399f81ed6b8d82e79", "directory"), ("commit", "4251bd59fb8e11e40c40548cba38180a9536118c", None), ("tag", "e56a60e8e9cd333cfba0140a77cd12b0d9398f10", None)) def test_base_object(self): # test interface of base object classes types = (Blob, Tree, Commit, TagObject) self.assertEqual(len(types), len(self.type_tuples)) s = set() num_objs = 0 num_index_objs = 0 for obj_type, (typename, hexsha, path) in zip(types, self.type_tuples): binsha = hex_to_bin(hexsha) item = None if path is None: item = obj_type(self.rorepo, binsha) else: item = obj_type(self.rorepo, binsha, 0, path) # END handle index objects num_objs += 1 self.assertEqual(item.hexsha, hexsha) self.assertEqual(item.type, typename) assert item.size self.assertEqual(item, item) self.assertNotEqual(not item, item) self.assertEqual(str(item), item.hexsha) assert repr(item) s.add(item) if isinstance(item, base.IndexObject): num_index_objs += 1 if hasattr(item, 'path'): # never runs here assert not item.path.startswith("/") # must be relative assert isinstance(item.mode, int) # END index object check # read from stream data_stream = item.data_stream data = data_stream.read() assert data tmpfilename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='test-stream') with open(tmpfilename, 'wb+') as tmpfile: self.assertEqual(item, item.stream_data(tmpfile)) tmpfile.seek(0) self.assertEqual(tmpfile.read(), data) os.remove(tmpfilename) # END for each object type to create # each has a unique sha self.assertEqual(len(s), num_objs) self.assertEqual(len(s | s), num_objs) self.assertEqual(num_index_objs, 2) def test_get_object_type_by_name(self): for tname in base.Object.TYPES: assert base.Object in get_object_type_by_name(tname).mro() # END for each known type assert_raises(ValueError, get_object_type_by_name, b"doesntexist") def test_object_resolution(self): # objects must be resolved to shas so they compare equal self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.head.reference.object, self.rorepo.active_branch.object) @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=True) def test_with_bare_rw_repo(self, bare_rw_repo): assert bare_rw_repo.config_reader("repository").getboolean("core", "bare") assert osp.isfile(osp.join(bare_rw_repo.git_dir, 'HEAD')) @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_with_rw_repo(self, rw_repo): assert not rw_repo.config_reader("repository").getboolean("core", "bare") assert osp.isdir(osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, 'lib')) #@skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_FREEZE_ERRORS, "FIXME: Freezes! sometimes...") @with_rw_and_rw_remote_repo('0.1.6') def test_with_rw_remote_and_rw_repo(self, rw_repo, rw_remote_repo): assert not rw_repo.config_reader("repository").getboolean("core", "bare") assert rw_remote_repo.config_reader("repository").getboolean("core", "bare") assert osp.isdir(osp.join(rw_repo.working_tree_dir, 'lib')) @skipIf(sys.version_info < (3,) and is_win, "Unicode woes, see https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/pull/519") @with_rw_repo('0.1.6') def test_add_unicode(self, rw_repo): filename = u"שלום.txt" file_path = osp.join(rw_repo.working_dir, filename) # verify first that we could encode file name in this environment try: file_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise SkipTest("Environment doesn't support unicode filenames") with open(file_path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(b'something') if is_win: # on windows, there is no way this works, see images on # https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/issues/147#issuecomment-68881897 # Therefore, it must be added using the python implementation rw_repo.index.add([file_path]) # However, when the test winds down, rmtree fails to delete this file, which is recognized # as ??? only. else: # on posix, we can just add unicode files without problems rw_repo.git.add(rw_repo.working_dir) # end rw_repo.index.commit('message')